Entries by Angela Lano

Accepting God’s Will in Our Lives

Accepting God’s Will in Our Lives Are you thinking about simplifying your life? Do you have a lot of items in your house that you are not using? Perhaps it is time for you to give some of these things away. Maybe you feel that God wants you to imitate some of the saints who […]

Protecting Your Writing

Protecting Your Writing In this day and age, it is very easy for a hacker to break into your Amazon, Lulu, or another print-on-demand self-publishing account. When this happens, it is very difficult for a writer to control their emotions. The writer panics and worries about their stolen manuscripts. How are they going to recover […]

Starting the New Year

Starting the New Year 2024 is here! It is time to work towards accomplishing our New Year’s resolutions lists! What is on your list? Do you have a dream? A goal? Something that you have always been wanting to do? It is okay to plan out our lives. Writing things down on a piece of […]

Learning A New Language Part 2

 Learning A New Language Part 2   I wrote an article about learning a language. In my previous article, I gave some advice about how to get started with learning another language. It takes a while for beginners like me to build good habits while learning another language. The language that I’m seriously studying right […]

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