Entries by Angela Lano

Discerning a Vocation

Discerning a Vocation Are you still discerning a vocation? That’s okay! It takes time to discern a vocation. You shouldn’t rush into it and then regret it later. Pray about it. Spend some time with the Lord. Go to daily Mass and the Adoration Chapel. Try making a little list of things that you could […]

Saint Books for the Rest of 2022

Reading books about the saints helps me to think more about their lives. They are so inspiring. Isn’t it great having prayer warriors in Heaven? My favorite saint is St. Therese The Little Flower. This is why I’ve included books about her life in the adult and children’s lists. Her simple, humble, childlike attitude that’s […]

Stepping Into Another World

Don’t you wish that you could pop into another world, help the good characters win over the bad guys, and forget the cares and troubles of this world? Fantasy stories have this effect on people’s minds.  When I was a teenager, I was completely fascinated with the genre. The Chronicles Of Narnia and Lord Of […]

Lessons from a Chocolate Peppermint Plant

Is Your Spiritual Life Filled With Bugs? I brought a chocolate peppermint plant a few weeks ago. It looked strong and healthy. Suddenly Thrips(a tiny bug) attacked the plant. Thrips are deceiving because you can’t see them right away. They blend in with the color of the plant. They remind me of the spiritual life. […]

Considering Consecrated Virginity?

  What is Consecrated Virginity? Consecrated virginity occurs when a person solemnly dedicates his or her life to live a celibate single life unto the Lord. A consecrated virgin remains in the world doing work at a job and providing for their own personal needs. Consecrated virginity is a high calling. It shouldn’t be rushed.  That’s why […]