Entries by Ellen Gable Hrkach

Strengthen Your Lenten Journey With Fasting

When you hear the word “fasting,” do you automatically cringe? Do you dread Ash Wednesday or Good Friday? Or do you embrace the self-denial of fasting on those days? If you’re like most people, you might not look forward to Ash Wednesday or Good Friday, the Church’s compulsory days of fasting. However, when you become […]

From the President’s Desk – Success, Faithfulness and Farewell

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone had a wonderful feast yesterday. Catholic Writers Retreat: I’d like to thank all the attendees, presenters and organizers of the Catholic Writers Retreat. We all had a wonderful time writing, praying and socializing! Special thanks to Margaret Realy for organizing this wonderful event. Blessed Mother Teresa once said, “We are […]

From the President’s Desk – Inspiration and the Catholic Writer

Where do you find inspiration? As a writer, I find inspiration in places you might expect and those you might not. Not surprisingly, I find inspiration in Scripture and in the lives of the saints. Reading the Bible and the lives of the saints often inspires me to include a chapter or whole storyline about […]

From the President’s Desk – Mediocrity

“Do not be satisfied with mediocrity.” St. John Paul II Any person who settles for mediocrity in terms of his or her spiritual life is setting himself up for failure.  Reaching high for the virtues and striving for perfection isn’t always easy, but it’s always worthwhile.  None of us will ever be perfect, but we […]

From the President’s Desk – The Importance of Being Needed

“I guess being needed is almost as good as being loved. Maybe better.” Betty Smith, “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn” It’s been a busy – and overwhelming –  two weeks. I attended and spoke to a group of women at the Dynamic Women of Faith Conference in Toronto a few weeks ago (photo above), finished three […]

From the President’s Desk – Failure Leads to Success

“Has it ever occurred to you that a life without failure is a dead life? Because you learn by failing. If you don’t try things, you’ll never learn anything. You’ll never accomplish anything.” Catherine Doherty, Foundress of Madonna House Thomas Edison tried and failed on hundreds of attempts to create an electric light. Without failing, […]