Entries by Ellen Gable Hrkach

Unique Marketing Opportunity – The CWG Booth

Every year at the Catholic Marketing Network Trade Show, the Catholic Writers Guild organizes a booth which displays members’ books. Wholesalers, bookstore owners and other attendees can see, page through and even read excerpts of displayed books. This is a well-attended event so it presents a unique opportunity for CWG members. It’s time again to […]

From the President’s Desk

Habemus Papam! It has been an exciting few weeks with emotions ranging from sadness at Pope (Emeritus) Benedict retiring to the joyous election of Pope Francis. At his Sunday audience after the Angelus on March 17th, he ended his speech with “Don’t forget…remember this…the Lord will never tire of forgiving us, it is us who […]

Narrative Voice, Characterization and Reading To Improve Writing

Novelists should always be willing (and eager) to improve their craft. Writing fiction is difficult and complex because of the many complicated aspects (narrative voice, writing style, imagery, plot lines, characterization, setting etc). Whether you’re a bestselling author or an aspiring novelist, one of the best ways to improve your writing is by reading well-written […]