Entries by Ellen Gable Hrkach

The “Control” of Self-Publishing

Self-Publishing is so easy nowadays that anyone can publish his or her own book.  Because of that,  many self-published authors are producing poor quality books.  This can give self-publishing a bad name. In some respects, self-publishing is more difficult than publishing with traditional publishers. After all, publishers take care of the editing, cover design and […]

Vice President’s Column

Do you make resolutions for the New Year? One resolution that I would encourage all CWG members to make is to write more.  Anne Faye, in a recent CWG post, talks about the value of finding 15 minutes a day to write. Whether it’s a journal, blog, essays, articles, short stories, a play, a non-fiction […]

Famous Self-Published Authors

Are you a self-published author or thinking of becoming one? Well, you are in good company. Here is a list of authors and the books they self-published: Remembrance of Things Past, by Marcel Proust; Ulysses, by James Joyce; The Adventures of Peter Rabbit, by Beatrix Potter; The Wealthy Barber, by David Chilton; The Bridges of […]

Working With An Editor

All authors need an editor. Self-published authors should not publish a manuscript without hiring a competent editor to improve and polish it. For the purposes of this article, an editor is someone who suggests changes in overall plot, setting, characters and theme. I am not talking about a copy-editor (although copy-editors are important). Before I […]

CWG Board News September 30

As Vice President of the Catholic Writers Guild, it is my responsibility to share board news on the fifth Friday (whenever that occurs). Last Friday on this blog, in sharing what the CWG Board discussed at our recent Skype meeting, Karina said, “Officer Elections are in November! We discussed it and we will stay on […]