Entries by Ellen Gable Hrkach

E-Books: The Future of Self-Publishing Part II

Last month’s post focused on the advantages of making your books available on Amazon Kindle. This month, I’m going to talk about the practical considerations, like e-book conversion, pricing etc. Some Practical Considerations Create a Quality BookIf your book has not been edited and polished, it will probably not gain a large audience. This is […]

Discover Your Cover

A book’s cover is the first thing a prospective reader sees so it is important that it be professionally created. If it is poorly designed or if it is too simplistic, it can turn your reader away. I know of some self-published books in which the story and writing were pretty good, but the covers […]

A Self-Published Author’s Best Friends

Nowadays, because it is so easy to publish your own book, first-time self-publishers often don’t realize that many people are involved in the production of a good quality book: editors, cover designers, proofreaders, copy-editors. Writing a book is only one step in a long process. It’s important for self-published authors to embrace the virtue of […]

The CWG Booth at the CMN Trade Show

As Karina has already stated previously, Fridays are reserved for CWG board members. I’m the CWG Vice President, but I am also the editor of the Catholic Book News and the CWG booth organizer for the Catholic Marketing Network Trade Show, which will be held in conjunction with the Catholic Writers Conference Live from Wednesday, […]