Entries by Larry Peterson

Writing dialogue (my way)

Since I am writing about “writing” I will be referencing my writing.  How did I learn to write? Well now, my foundation in writing came from the Ursuline nuns I had in grade school and the Marist brothers I had in high-school. Those folks knew how to teach English so I had, like it or […]

Pondering Grammar

Let me begin by mentioning a writer’s three first cousins, metaphor, simile and personification (oops–I guess I  just personified them). Okay–Mr. Metaphor is a comparison of two dissimilar objects or actions that have something in common. Better yet, it is a comparison of two separate things as if they were alike (Uh-oh–is that crossing into simile territory?). Wait […]

"Don’t Write What you Know" (huh)

(A Thanks to Jean Heimann for posting the referenced essay on the CWO. Found it fascinating) The Atlantic Magazine published an essay by Bret Johnston titled, “Don’t Write What You Know”. Mr.Johnston teaches an introductory fiction workshop at Harvard University. He passes out a bullet list to the students citing things that they should avoid. […]


Hi everyone. This is my first blog for the CWG and, since it is the first Tuesday of the month, it is supposed to provide information and inspiration for beginning writers. Okay, let me begin by saying that the word, inspiration, immediately intimidated me and I froze. (Like how am I supposed to inspire a […]