Entries by Larry Peterson

Known as the “Boy Judge,” he was assassinated by the mafia for upholding his Christian faith

By Larry Peterson Rosario Livatino was born in Sicily on October 3, 1952. He was the only child born to Vincenzo Livatino and Rosalia Corbo. Growing up, Rosario was a quiet boy, stayed out of trouble, and was an excellent student. He had a kind heart and never refused to help other students who were […]

Loneliness in America—A Growing and Deadly Epidemic spurred on by the Covid-19 Pandemic; where is God in all of this?

By Larry Peterson I have learned that loneliness has no boundaries. It stretches out its tentacles and wraps them around those who may have lost a spouse, a child, a parent, a sibling, or even a dear friend. I have been widowed twice and know full well how loneliness can create a desolate place in […]

He played football and learned the pain in his leg was not from football; it was bone cancer. He was eleven years old.

By Larry Peterson Angiolino Bonetta was born on September 18,1948, in Cigole, a town in northern Italy located in the Diocese of Brescia, a diocese established in the first century. His parents, Francesco Bonetta and Giulia Scarlatti were not poor and managed to make ends meet, but there were no “extras.” As Angiolino grew, he […]

The Strange Paradox of COVID-19: Saving the lonely by making them lonelier

I have learned that loneliness has no boundaries. It reaches out for everyone and captures many of the unsuspecting, including the seemingly happy, satisfied, and successful. Yes, loneliness is capable of dragging the lonely into a world of hidden misery and often depression. It can attack anyone at any time, and it has become a […]

Does God send us “signs,” to let us know He has heard our prayers? You Decide.

By Larry Peterson Looking into her eyes, he said, “There is victory over death.” I recently attended a funeral Mass, and during the few minutes before the Mass started, something extraordinary happened. I believe God sent a messenger to share with all those in attendance an affirmation of what we proclaim to believe; that there […]

Francis Delalieu: this Good Samaritan saved a future Servant of God and her family from death — then he was gone.

There were no strings attached. He simply loved his neighbor One of the most famous Gospel readings is the one we all know as the Parable of the Good Samaritan. What follows is about someone who may be among the greatest Good Samaritans of all time, a man we know almost nothing about. Servant of God […]