Entries by Larry Peterson

Meet “The Doorkeeper:” Solanus Casey, the Man without Ego

By Larry Peterson The 2016 election (more than a year away) has already worn me down. The pundits include the greatest thinkers of our time. I know this because virtually all of the TV and radio commentators, campaign officials, editorial writers, government officials, TV talk show hosts, comedians and, of course the candidates are always […]

Euthanasia–Celebrating the Destruction of God’s Greatest Gift—Life

IT MAKES SENSE TO ME Euthanasia (aka assisted suicide), is a pathetic concept promoted under the guise of compassion, mercy and kindness. It is no such thing. Euthanasia is not compassionate. It is not merciful. And it is not kind. It is an abomination because it celebrates  the destruction of the greatest gift each and […]

Does Legalizing “Same-Sex Marriage” also Legalize the “Three Parent Family”?

A blog I wrote on “same-sex marriage” was included in the Roundup on May 13. This post is on the same topic. The outcome of the pending court decision can profoundly change our Catholic freedom as we know it. The potential consequences for our children and their children could include the eradication of the traditional family. […]

Time to “Slap Back” at the Self-Serving Intolerance of the Anti-Catholic/Christian

Sorry–it is Good Friday and I do not feel too “bubbly” right now. When I began to contemplate the Cross today and Who was nailed to it I found myself disgusted. I am disgusted and fed up with the approximately 2% of the population who are gay and are screaming at the “intolerance” of the […]