Entries by Leslie Lynch

Community! Find it in Unexpected Places!

I took up a swimming challenge at our local YMCA in January, and I’ve had plenty of time while plowing through the H2O to contemplate. One of the things that came to me recently – and which I did not anticipate – was what swimming (or any solitary sport), writing, and faith have in common. […]

Jesus, our Saviour and our Example

The tension builds. Halfway through the week from his triumphant entry into Jerusalem, hosannas still echo in the streets and Jesus is preparing for his passion. The disciples don’t understand; they still expect Jesus to conquer their political enemies. But he knows better. He knows what he faces. Betrayal. Abandonment. Death by crucifixion. Most of […]

Balance in Fiction Writing

Balance. A few days ago, Ellen Gable Hrkach posted a great blog on common errors to avoid in writing fiction. One item she mentioned got me to thinking, namely too much dialogue. What’s ‘too much’? A lot of times that depends on the genre you’re writing. Clearly, screenplays and graphic novels rely almost exclusively on […]

Merry Christmas

Luke 2: 1-20   The Infancy Narrative In those days a decree went out from Caesar Augustus that the whole world should be enrolled. This was the first enrollment, when Quirinius was governor of Syria. So all went to be enrolled, each to his own town. And Joseph too went up from Galilee from the town […]

Query Letters – How to write a good one

You’ve just typed The End on your manuscript, your gloriously awesome book that’s going to rocket to the top of the New York Times best seller list! Editors are going to line up at your door, fighting to be the one privileged enough to publish your work. Thousands of people will stand in line for […]

Gotcha! Hooks: What They Are and How to Create Page-Turning Fiction

What’s a hook??? I admit to scratching my head over that term, and for a much-too-long time. I would hear it when people were discussing top-selling novels; I’d see it in articles about the craft of writing. It was a frequent comment from my critique partners. “Not much of hook there, Leslie.” (Insert visual of […]

Tag! You’re It! Writing Dialogue in Fiction

 “Hi, Beth,” waved Justin. “Why, Justin, I haven’t seen you since our high school prom six years ago, the one where our mutual friend, Erik, got suspended for spiking the punch,” gushed Beth. “Ho, ho,” chortled Justin. “Those were the days! He went on to become a successful, if whacky and innovative executive with an […]

Ms. Manners Goes to Conference! Conference Etiquette for a Better Experience

Headed for Catholic Writers Conference? Are you excited? You should be! What an opportunity to rub shoulders with industry professionals, to put faces and personalities to folks you’ve met online, to renew friendships, and to network. This is a once in a lifetime experience; make the most of it. There will never be another gathering […]

Art and Faith, as They Intersect in Writing

We recently observed the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Fortnight of Freedom, and this might be a good time to look at writing as an expression of our journey and expression of faith. Regular readers of this blog are most likely members of Catholic Writers Guild – which means we are Catholic, and we […]