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Author and devotional writer Lisa Livezey encourages caregivers with an excerpt from her book: Minding Mom: A Caregiver’s Devotional Story.
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Author/freelancer/spiritual blogger with BA in journalism. Executive team member at Heart of the Father Ministries, home of the book Unbound by Neal Lozano. Regular contributor to Guideposts books and devotionals. One-minute photo devotion published every Thursday at:
Author and devotional writer Lisa Livezey encourages caregivers with an excerpt from her book: Minding Mom: A Caregiver’s Devotional Story.
It was a Tuesday evening when I encountered my younger brother in the hospital hallway outside the room where Dad had been admitted the day prior.
Announcing Alzheimer’s By Lisa Livezey Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what any day may bring forth. – Proverbs 27:1 (NAB) I stopped by my parents’ split-level suburban home for a quick visit and Mom met me at the door. “Lisa, I have ALZHEIMERS!!!!” she pronounced with angst. Dad stood in the background smiling tenderly. The news was no surprise. In fact, Mom had announced her […]
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