Entries by Margaret Zacharias

Hope and Resilience

Blog Writer Margaret Zacharias offers a special journey into Holy Week with a story of Eastern Orthodox icons that spans centuries and countries. The treasure-filled history weaves in saintly and angelic visions given to a Swiss housewife, schoolboys’ antics, and brings us to an underground chapel at a monastery in Ireland for a special anniversary on Easter Monday.

Do You Have Three Minutes?

Can you think of anything that actually requires only three minutes for you to accomplish? Have you noticed that whenever someone requests your presence “for just three minutes,” it usually consumes at least fifteen, if you’re lucky? We’re all besieged daily by ten thousand demands for our attention, not only in live human relationships, but […]

Who Are the “Scribes and Pharisees?”

Who Are the “Scribes and Pharisees?” By the grace of God, I was able to travel to Germany and attend the 2022 Oberammergau Passion Play. I learned why most people blessed with this opportunity can afterwards only murmur, “It was a privilege.” The experience was truly beyond words. Try, for example, to describe what you […]

Sacred Energy

“…When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all in one place together. And suddenly there came from the sky a noise like a strong driving wind, and it filled the entire house in which they were. Then there appeared to them tongues as of fire, which parted and came to rest on each […]

Happy, Holy, and Hopeful Mother’s Day

The beautiful graphic about praying the rosary, attributed to Christ Our Life Catholic Conference, was reposted on their Facebook page by St. Mary’s Church in Humboldt, Iowa, on April 22, 2020. It appeared there at a time when all of us were still reeling from the shocking onset of the Covid-19 pandemic. Humboldt, along with many other […]