Why I Wear a Chapel Veil and an Unexpected Benefit
Maria Riley explores the factors that went into her decision to start wearing a mantilla, or chapel veil, along with a benefit she didn’t see coming at all.
I'm the author of Adventures with the Saints series. I freelance writing and editing, and I edit for Elk Lake Publishing.
Maria Riley explores the factors that went into her decision to start wearing a mantilla, or chapel veil, along with a benefit she didn’t see coming at all.
When a broken habit turns into a month of unproductivity, Maria Riley has found a way to get back on track.
When feeling down and isolated, Maria Riley found a simple solution right across her face.
Maria Riley shares her experience with the CWCO, an invaluable resource for tips, tricks, and encouragement, all for a very reasonable price.
Maria Riley describes how she has learned to turn tiny pockets of time over to God.
From a family game to movie night, Maria Riley shares an invaluable lesson she learned from a classic character.
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