Entries by Maria Riley


BE STILL AND KNOW Everyone I know is constantly in a battle for time. Our schedules are jam-packed and yet we struggle to fit in one more thing. Deadlines loom over us, yet we take on one more job, sure that we can find the time. “If only there were twenty-five hours in a day,” […]

A Rosary in Fatima

Every night at 9:30 p.m. local time in Fatima, Portugal, pilgrims who have traveled from all over the world gather to pray in the Chapel of the Apparitions, which lies over the site where Mary appeared to three shepherd children for six months in 1917. In this open-air, unassuming chapel, a candlelit international Rosary is […]

Oxygen Mask of Spirituality

Oxygen Mask of Spirituality If you’ve ever flown on an airplane with a child, you know that the flight attendants instruct that, in case of an emergency, you should secure your own oxygen mask before assisting your child. The reason is that you’re no good to your kids if you’re dead. I’ve heard many people […]

The Secret About the Catholic Writers Conference Live

I saw the advertisements, read the testimonials, and took the plunge: I signed up to attend the Catholic Writers Conference Live (CWCL) in July 2022. This decision felt monumental for many reasons, but most significantly because it signified the first time I invested financially in my new aspiration as a Catholic writer.  As promised, the […]

Let Jesus In

Discernment can be a difficult task, and as Catholic writers, this includes our discernment for our writing. I have found that the only way to find clear directions, regardless if we write fiction or nonfiction, is to invite Jesus to be our guide. I long to do the will of God, but at times I […]