Entries by Maria Riley

The Secret About the Catholic Writers Conference Live

I saw the advertisements, read the testimonials, and took the plunge: I signed up to attend the Catholic Writers Conference Live (CWCL) in July 2022. This decision felt monumental for many reasons, but most significantly because it signified the first time I invested financially in my new aspiration as a Catholic writer.  As promised, the […]

Let Jesus In

Discernment can be a difficult task, and as Catholic writers, this includes our discernment for our writing. I have found that the only way to find clear directions, regardless if we write fiction or nonfiction, is to invite Jesus to be our guide. I long to do the will of God, but at times I […]

Treatments for Books

Film treatments are detailed summaries of scripts typically used to sell screenplays. They include all of the main characters, scenes, actions, and implications of what goes on in a movie or tv show. Treatments are significantly longer and more specific than a summary, and can be anywhere from ten to fifty pages long, depending on […]

Just a Humble Writer

I have often wondered what Mary felt and thought as the Angel Gabriel proclaimed that she was to bear the Son of God (cf. Luke 1:26-38). In her humility, she gave God her yes, and because of her fiat we have Christianity. Mary became the mother of our Lord, and because of her monumental role in the redemption of the world, she […]

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