Entries by Mary Jessica Woods

Faith on the Edge of a Cliff – Thoughts of a Wyoming Catholic College Student – Episode 3

Last month in my blog series on my journey to Wyoming Catholic College, I explained the purpose and benefit of a Great Books curriculum. This month, I offer a reflection on WCC’s outdoor program—one of the school’s most distinctive and essential elements. Three years ago my family took a vacation to Yellowstone Park. That was […]

Faith on the Edge of a Cliff – Thoughts of a Wyoming Catholic College Student – Episode 2

Last month, I introduced this blog series by describing my enthusiastic discovery of Great Books schools, specifically Wyoming Catholic College, which I will be attending in the fall. This month, I bring up some common doubts and challenges I’ve encountered in advocating a classical, Catholic, liberal education. The Great Books—or a great waste of time? […]

Karina Teaches – Lesson 3

Over this year, Karina is going to share some of her writing seminars on the blog, with the lessons and references for further study. We’ll be posting these once a month. There’s no assigned homework, but if you have questions, please ask them in the comments. Her first workshop is worldbuilding. This is Lesson 3. […]

Connie Rossini and St. Therese – CWG March Book Blast

This month, the Catholic Writers’ Guild is touring Guildie Connie Rossini’s book, Trusting God with St. Therese. It’s an SOA winner as well as an award-winning novel, and an inspiration to anyone needing find inspiration in the face of difficult situations.   Summary: Are your fears, weaknesses, doubts, and anger keeping you from intimacy with Christ? […]