Entries by Paula Veloso Babadi


Thickets are the middle stage of nature’s marvelous development of a forest. From a clear and open space, seeds of grasses, weeds and wildflowers take root and create a meadow that soon fosters shrubs and small trees. Eventually, through a process of change that means the dying of some to make room for new growth, […]

The Gift of Red

Advent and Christmas were always bright and happy times in my childhood home.  While focus was on preparing for the coming of Christ, mixed in with that anticipation was the fun of decorating.  Red was everywhere and in every room.  My mother made sure our home reflected the joy heralded by the angels of peace […]

Lepidoptera Blessings

  The day after hurricane Irma, I marveled at a swallowtail butterfly gliding through my front yard; a graceful, welcome reprieve from the harsh winds of the day before. It was huge, soaring and totally unexpected.  This isn’t the first time a butterfly has blessed my day. Happiness is as a Butterfly In the early […]

Women are More Expensive than Men and Other Language Lessons

A Funny Lesson Everyone laughed. I was trying to say in Farsi, the Persian language, “Women are stronger than men”, and unfortunately, it came out otherwise.  “Geruntar” meaning “more expensive”, innocently rolled off my lips instead of “gavidtar”, or “stronger”. While chuckling along with everyone else, I hastened to explain in English that I meant […]

Where Daniel Prayed

Paula Veloso Babadi The Example Standing at the tomb of Daniel the Prophet in the ancient, dusty town of Shushtar, Iran, I had a profound experience. Across the street from the ornate, blue-mosaic, silver-gilded mausoleum and plaza stood the ruins of King Cyrus’ winter palace. Weathered stone lions caught my eye in the distance–whether or […]

Beyond the Fear

“But if we acknowledge our sins, he who is just can be trusted to forgive our sins and cleanse us from every wrong.” 1 John 1:9 Most of my life, I viewed confession as a burdensome part of being Catholic. I used to be afraid of going.  Mainly I felt dread. Facing the priest with […]