Entries by Sarah Reinhard

Seal of Approval Now Accepting Submissions

We’ll be accepting submissions for the Seal of Approval from April 1-30. If you meet the qualifications below, consider applying now! Purpose The purpose of the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval is to help Catholic bookstores and venues in their determination of the Catholicity of a work. This reassurance from a professional organization can assist […]

Managing Multiple Personalities

Usually, in this space, I give you advice and pointers, but I find myself needing some direction and insight. Hey, I thought, why not tap into that group of writer friends over at the CWG blog? Besides, this may be a problem you find yourself facing someday, so here goes. I love social media. Most recently, […]

Your Chance to Ask Questions

Do you ever have a day where you just come up blank? Today, I was immersed in the joy of using a brand-spankin-new software system for my parish’s ministry scheduling. We’re not a very big parish, but wow, is ministry scheduling the bane of my work there! I was excited and dreading it in equal […]

Lent and Blogging

Over the years, my approach to blogging at Lent has remained pretty consistent: I keep doing it. I have observed many others who either lighten their blogging load or give it up altogether. Some folks restrain themselves from their stats or turn off comments. I’ve always just sort of kept going with it. It’s worth […]

The New and Improved Seal of Approval Process

The purpose of the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval is to help Catholic bookstores and venues in their determination of the Catholicity of a work. This reassurance from a professional organization can assist authors in marketing and promoting their works. Our process includes submission and awarding periods as follows: Accepting submissions January 1-31, awarding […]

Does Blogging Lead to Podcasting?

A few years ago, I attended a new media event as a fairly new blogger. I was raring to go and excited about my part in the New Evangelization. It was a sore disappointment to me that, among the folks in attendance, the attitude was almost one of “so, when are you going to start […]

Being Comfortable with Small

I’ve come to terms with the fact that I am a Small Fry Blogger. Chances are, so should you. Maybe there’s a chance we’ll be discovered and hit the Big Time. We may or may not make a pile of money because of that, but we’ll be Known. People will ask us for our opinion on […]

Using Facebook and Twitter to Promote Your Blog

Though I have a reluctant relationship with Facebook at best, I’ve come to accept that, many times, Facebook is where I’m going to get readers and interaction. The people following me on Facebook are, in theory at least, interested in what I have to say on my blog and are invested in me since we’re […]

Blogging for Beginners: Stats & Stuff

In my less compulsive moments, I like to think that I don’t care about my blog stats. And really, I blog anyway. Even though they’re not spectacular or crashing the server with their high numbers. It’s not about the numbers. Go ahead. Laugh. I just did. Because it’s SO EASY to forget. What they are: Stats […]

Living Life Offline

  My husband made a comment in a teasing sort of way, mid-December, that there was no way I could spend a week offline. I needed no further impetus to answer a pull I’d been feeling for a while. I spent the week between Christmas and New Years mostly offline. I didn’t read blogs, post status […]