Entries by Sarah Reinhard

Taking My Own Advice (and an Invitation to You!)

It’s December and, thanks to mysterious graces from above, I’m less stressed than I was at the beginning of Advent. I found my Advent wreath! And I set it up! (Yes, it was well into the second week of Advent before I did, as the picture proves.) We’ve made it through one family Christmas, with […]

Avoiding Holiday Hangover on Your Blog

You schedule things ahead of time, get yourself raring to go, and then you walk away from your virtual world for a while. There’s nothing wrong with that, and I think it’s a good thing to do from time to time. But have you noticed how you feel sort of hungover when you get back […]

Blogging for Beginners: Terms & Concepts

First, we covered getting yourself a blog. This week, let’s talk vocabulary. This is a starter list, so chime in if you have questions or you’re unsure about something bloggy. Blog Everyone says this is short for weblog. In five-plus years of blogging, though, I have never seen anyone who actually blogs refer to their […]

What you should know as a Catholic blogger

We interrupt the Blogging for Beginners series because, well, I have sick kids and didn’t manage my time well enough to get my second installment posted. In the meantime, here are a few must-reads for all of you Catholic bloggers: 5 Things Every Catholic Should Know about How Search Engines Work Jen Fulwiler shares from […]

Blogging for Beginners: Get Yourself a Blog

You’ve decided that you want or need a blog, and now you need to wade into the waters of setting it up. This week, let’s cover how to do that. 1. Blogging Platforms I’m going to mention the two I’ve worked with at length. Blogger I spent many years on Blogger, and in fact, this […]

Helpful Blogging Links

Are you a non-technical type? Are you new to blogging and feeling quite overwhelmed and unsure of where to start? I found a few links and, since I’m tight on time this week, thought I would share them with you. Next month, we’ll dive into some blogging for beginners posts. Until then, this is your […]

Let’s Talk Traffic

It never fails. I start talking blogging, and people want to talk traffic. We’ve talked about this before, back when I shared some tips for gaining readers and more recently when we talked about judging blogging effectiveness. Today, let’s talk traffic. That’s where the reality check is at, after all, right? That’s what’s important, right? […]

How Facebook Has Changed My Blogging

I have a love-hate-hate relationship with Facebook. I much prefer Twitter, which is more like a crowded lunchroom, where you can pop in and out (or not) as you please. You can stick around and converse (or not) or browse around (or not). I love Google-Plus, which is like a restaurant (at least the way […]

Being a Better Blogger: Judging Your Effectiveness

One step to being a better blogger is knowing the standards by which you judge yourself. Oh, there are plenty of other people’s standards that you could go by. You could look at your traffic. You could measure number of comments and hot topics. But all of that leaves a bad taste in my mouth […]

Being a Better Blogger: One Thing at a Time

Last week, we talked about being a better blogger through focus. This week, let’s talk about something that I’m struggling with even as I type: doing one thing at a time. It’s no surprise that as I was looking for an image to go with this post, the word “multitasking” seemed synonymous with “stress.” There’s […]