Entries by Sarah Reinhard

Congratulations, Catholic Arts and Letters Award Winners!

It’s a good thing that I missed the CMN breakfast this morning, because there would have surely been some squealing and shouting and loud huzzahs from my corner when the winners were announced. (You might say I’m a wee bit of a fangirl…)The finalists for adult fiction were: Murder in the Vatican: The Church Mysteries […]

The Fun Before the Fun

I meant to do a post sooner, but who knew the fun would start before the actual fun? The conference doesn’t technically start until tomorrow, but here we are, tucked into bed and tired from all the fun. Today’s hug count: – John Desjarlais – Regina Doman – Pat Gohn – Lisa Hendey – Ellen […]

En Route…Trip Notes

We still have a day or so before the actual Catholic Writers Conference Live begins, but I’m en route, and since I’m live blogging, the experience has begun for me! Yay for that! Today, for the first time ever, I met CWG President, awesome novelist, and all-around amazing lady Ann Lewis. I also met Margaret […]

Is Your Blog Mobile?

I was scanning through my blogging feeds in Google Reader the other day when I found this article, “5 Ways to Make Your Blog Available on the iPhone.” I’m not a smartphone user, so maybe that’s how this never occurred to me before. I also read blogs primarily through a feed reader, so that’s certainly […]

What would YOU ask a blogger?

At the Conference Writers Conference Live, I’m moderating a panel on blogging. I have lots of questions I want to ask, but I’m curious…what would YOU ask a blogger? What do you want to know? What advice or tip have you been longing to learn more about? One of the bloggers on the panel is […]

Getting Back on Track with Daily Blogging

I usually look at my blogging as something that can’t be cut. I mean, I can post a picture of my baby, or a daybook, or a quote. There’s no reason to cut and run and let it gather dust. Except… Except that sometimes, life gets in the way. Because of that, I’ve spent the […]

The List Sickness

I am an avid list-keeper. It’s a bit of a sickness. It’s also extremely handy for those times when I find myself light on time, lighter on ideas, and still needing to blog. I keep lists of things I want to ask readers. I keep lists of people I want to interview. I have a […]

Blogging with the Spirit

I’ve been pretty embroiled in preparing for our parish’s Confirmation Boot Camp over the last couple of weeks. This week, in front of the class of Confirmation students, I thought about my journey to published author. Blogging’s what lit my fire for writing. It’s how I came to be published. I started blogging because I […]