Entries by Sarah Reinhard

Social Media & Blogging

I resisted it for quite a while. “I already blog,” I thought. “Who needs Twitter? And I can’t even really navigate Facebook. So I’ll just keep blogging.” That was years ago. Now, I’m just as embroiled in the web of status updates as anyone else. It just seemed to be the next step, the natural […]

Tips from Experts

I’m tight on time for this week’s column, so I thought I’d share some links to other people’s wisdom. On Becoming Better:Matthew Paul Turner, of Jesus Needs New PR, shares 9 Ways to Become a Better Blogger. I’m a big fan of #3: “Be funny, sensational, opinionated, over-the-top, interesting, deep, provocative–just be SOMETHING that sets […]

When real life gets "in the way"

I find myself in a particularly busy season of life. This is due, in large part, to an abundance of blessings. Three of those blessings are ages six, three, and five months. The other blessings are writing (for pay!) deadlines and a new home. This week is crazy. We are going to be closing on […]

Blogger’s Block

I’ve been mulling over Karina‘s excellent discussions about the lie of writer’s block and busting it when I realized that I have a secret weapon. Blogging. Admittedly, I’m a little crazy. (I blame the baby. You should, too.) Even so, for me, blogging lets me stretch my writing muscles before I get down to the […]

"Enjoy em while they’re little"

When my oldest was a rambunctious toddler, I always groaned inwardly when a well-meaning matron would advise me, “Enjoy her while she’s little!” Easy for HER to say, I’d fume, she’s probably forgotten the intricacies of enjoyment. Now, a few years and a couple of kids later, I have a glimpse of just what those […]

More Readers for Your Blog

Everyone wants to know how to get more readers for their blog, myself included. Because, after all, if you’re not reading my blog, you’re missing out! Right? Recently, I realized that I have some pretty committed readers, though they may be small in number. And maybe, just maybe, I should focus on interacting with them […]

Coming Up with Blogging Content

“How do you write so much?” Usually, answering this by saying that I either (a) have to keep the voices in my head quiet or (b) that I have a lot to say doesn’t satisfy the people asking. So here you go. Here’s the secret to how I come up with content: People, Life, and […]

To Blog or Not To Blog

At the Catholic Writers Conference Online, I led a chat called “Beyond the Blog.” It was great fun, and the discussion turned to how someone would know if they should or should not blog. It seems that all writers think they must blog. After quite a few years as a blogger, I disagree. Loudly. Often. […]

Changing Roles

Last week was one of my favorite weeks of the year: the Catholic Writers Conference Online. I’m in a season of life where traveling isn’t feasible very often, which makes this chance to network and share with other Catholic writers even more meaningful for me. You see, I’m an extrovert trapped in an introvert’s calling. […]