
Seal of Approval, First Quarter 2023

The Catholic Writers Guild conferred the Seal of Approval on 6 books for the first quarter of 2023.

Why I Chose to Self-Publish

I decided to self-publish for two main reasons: time and money. But not exactly in the way you might think.

Mount Carmel

Author Margaret Zacharias recounts an inspirational experience at Mount Carmel that, with Pentecost and the fresh Spring air, breathe in new life to chase away the modern-day 'baals.'

Corpus Christi: We Are the Body of Christ, and You Are What You Eat

As the Church prepares to celebrate the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, Ben Bongers explains how the Eucharist strengthens us to act as the Body of Christ.

Blood Circulating in the Body of the Cosmic Christ

Rick Clements writes that all human beings are intended to share forever in the eternal circulation of love that is the essence of the divine life. Only within the divine life, only as “blood circulating in the Body of the cosmic Christ,” will we find our ultimate fulfillment.

Lovely Genealogies

Thanks to Blog Writer Sarah Torbeck, those tongue-twisting names in the Bible seem less intimidating when we remember they belong to our ancestors in the large, glorious tree of the family of God.

All Aboard The Surrender Express!

Kimberly Novak explores the blessings of surrendering our plans for the fruit of living out God's will.

Cath-Lit Live: Dusk Shall Weep

Amy J. Cattapan interviews author Kelsey Geitl about her newly published historical novel.

Discerning a Vocation

Discerning a Vocation Are you still discerning a vocation? That’s…

Maria Riley shares tips for combating writer’s block.

As a Catholic writer, I am blessed and challenged by the knowledge…

Our Lady of a Thousand Names

We all know her as 'Mother' and this May, Blog Author Margaret Zacharias introduces us to a few of the less familiar names of the Blessed Virgin Mary.