
We ALL Teach, So Be Careful of What and How!

When we speak or act, we confirm to others what we truly believe and who we truly are. So when our children look at us, what do they see?

Observing Mother’s Day: Never Let a Hug Go By

Larry Peterson tells the story of losing his mother at a young age, and how that loss has made Mother's Day a difficult holiday for him.

The Eternal Circulation of Love

Rick Clements writes about God’s invitation to all human beings to share forever in the divine life of the Trinity, a life that consists in the eternal exchange of the gift of self.

The Poetry and Praise of Nature

Blog writer Sarah Pedrozo reminds us that nature also welcomes the Easter season with a burst of colors and activity to create its own poetry of praise.

Spring and the Stubborn Cardinal

Kimberly Novak shares a tale of a stubborn cardinal and how its behavior correlates to following God’s will in our lives. 

Cath-Lit Live: Siren Spell

Amy J. Cattapan interviews CWG member Karina Fabian about the new short story in her Dragon Eye, P.I. series.

It’s Never too Late to Learn from the Baltimore Catechism

Paula Veloso Babadi reflects on what the Baltimore Catechism has taught her about loving and serving God by following His example of knowing, loving, and serving His people.

We Believe…We Have Faith…But Where’s the Peace?

In today's world we’ve forgotten how to believe—as a child. To have faith and be at peace—as a child. To “unlearn” what we as adults “know” to be true.

Meet Venerable Adele Bonolis

Larry Peterson introduces Venerable Adele Bonolis, a twentieth-century woman who dedicated her life to helping prostitutes regain a life of dignity.

Hope and Resilience

Blog Writer Margaret Zacharias offers a special journey into Holy Week with a story of Eastern Orthodox icons that spans centuries and countries. The treasure-filled history weaves in saintly and angelic visions given to a Swiss housewife, schoolboys' antics, and brings us to an underground chapel at a monastery in Ireland for a special anniversary on Easter Monday.

Cath-Lit Live: Saint Thérèse, the Sleeping Saint

Amy J. Cattapan interviews Maria Riley about the second book in her children's series, Adventures with the Saints.

Journey ad Amorem

Rick Clements writes about the journey all of us are on (whether we realize it yet or not): the journey ad Amorem, the journey toward Love, the journey back to the God who is love.