
Beautiful Writing Will Save the World

    While spending time with my friend Megan Chalfant,…

Saint Books for the Rest of 2022

Reading books about the saints helps me to think more about their…

Have You Expired? CWG Newsletter, August 2022

Catholic Writers Guild President Carolyn Astfalk shares a monthly update on CWG happenings.


Thickets are the middle stage of nature’s marvelous development…

The Secret About the Catholic Writers Conference Live

I saw the advertisements, read the testimonials, and took the…

Creating a “Social” Social Media Presence

Creating a "Social" Social Media Presence During last month’s…

Learning to Just Be

  Our lives are often rushed. This summer’s calendar…

Cath-Lit Live: A Garden for Mary

Amy J. Cattapan interviews Neena Gaynor about her new picture book, 'A Garden for Mary.'

Stepping Into Another World

Don’t you wish that you could pop into another world, help…

A Committed Heart

Kimberly Novak reflects on the commitment of Jesus made perfect…

Even Scraps, Received in Faith, Bring Healing

The woman was a Greek, a Syrophoenician by birth, and she begged…