
The Catholic Writers Conference is Almost Here!

CWG President Carolyn Astfalk shares the July member newsletter.

Lessons from the Ditch

I’m glad I was paying attention years ago when our beloved…

Let Jesus In

Discernment can be a difficult task, and as Catholic writers,…

Seal of Approval, Second Quarter 2022

The Catholic Writers Guild recently conferred the Seal of Approval…

Cath-Lit Live: To Serve and Protect

"Cath-Lit Live!" features brief interviews with Catholic authors…

Five New Marketing Ideas To Try

Once you have a book, most authors need to do some of their…

Lessons from a Chocolate Peppermint Plant

Is Your Spiritual Life Filled With Bugs? I brought a chocolate…

Does your creativity need a jump start? Give this a try.

My family just returned from a short camping trip. Only 48 hours…

Love Speaks

Kimberly Novak recreates a decisive moment when a single light…

Do Catholic Authors Need Literary Agents?

  The publishing world is constantly changing. It responds…

Cath-Lit Live: Miracle at the Mission

"Cath-Lit Live!" features brief interviews with Catholic authors…

Considering a Come and See Discipleship

“What are you looking for?” Jesus asked, followed by an…