
Treatments for Books

Film treatments are detailed summaries of scripts typically used…

How We Learned About the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Jesus gave St. Margaret Mary His Sacred Heart; St. Claude gave…

Sacred Energy

“…When the time for Pentecost was fulfilled, they were all…

Sometimes There Are No Words …

There are some days when the words won’t come—and that’s…

Tending The Garden of Your Heart

Kimberly Novak shares heartfelt lessons she learned through the…

The Writing Charism, and Finding Your Writing Niche

I've been a writer for forever, but I've only been Catholic…

Cath-Lit Live: The City Mother

"Cath-Lit Live!" features brief interviews with Catholic authors…

CWG Member News: What is God Asking You to Do this Summer?

May is often a busy month, filled with sacrament celebrations,…

Stock the Shelves with Catholic and Orthodox Fiction

Learn about an easy (and free!) way to share Catholic and Orthodox fiction with your local community.

Just a Humble Writer

I have often wondered what Mary felt and thought as the Angel…

Confessions of a Journal Writer

Journal writing entered my life when I received a pastel tie-dye-covered…

Happy, Holy, and Hopeful Mother’s Day

The beautiful graphic about praying the rosary, attributed…