
Member News: All the Details You Need for 2022’s Live Conference

Our 2022 live conference will be held in conjunction with Catholic…

16+ Ways to Support Catholic Fiction & the Authors Who Write It

Matthew Kelly says “we become the books we read.” So don’t…

Our Lady Showered the People with Abundance

“I have heard their prayers. Assure them that as of this day,…

Seal of Approval, First Quarter 2022

The Catholic Writers Guild recently conferred the Seal of Approval…

My Best Writing Advice

Writing as a mother of four is hard. I was recently asked what…

So You Want to Be a Hybrid Author?

Rapid publishing industry changes are leading to more options…

Considering Consecrated Virginity?

  What is Consecrated Virginity? Consecrated virginity occurs…

CWG Member News for April 2022: Live Conference Registration is Open!

Here we are at the cusp of another Easter! April is nearly half…

Puerto Rico’s ‘Father of Public Education’ Never Went to School

Rafael Cordero y Molina came into this world on October 24, 1790,…

Cath-Lit Live: The Love We Vow

Video: Amy J. Cattapan interviews Victoria Everleigh about her newly published novel, The Love We Vow.

CWG Member News March 2022: Opportunities Galore!

We've been gearing up to revive some activities that have fallen by the wayside, asking you to prayerfully consider where you can pitch in. This month, we have some concrete opportunities. Please read on for details.

Catholic Writers Conference Online: February 11-13, 2022

What is the Catholic Writers' Conference Online? A professional,…