
From the President’s Desk – Election News

As an American living in Canada, I have always enjoyed celebrating…

NaNoWriMo Approacheth!

What is NaNoWriMo? For the uninitiated, this acronym is short…

Catholic Writers Retreat – a Peaceful, Rousing Success

It was a small group, but a powerful one. Eleven writers met…

Saints Jeanie, Vinnie and Blessed Fred—Extended Catholic Families Standing United

When Jeanie Jugon began working in the hospital in Saint-Servan,…

From the President’s Desk

The beautiful reds and oranges of deciduous trees, the morning…

On writing…better!

What do you view as the most important element of your writing,…

How can a God Who is Love Put People in Hell?

Besides the harangues of the secular world around us, I have…

Which way???

Did you go to Catholic Writers Conference Live? Or perhaps you’ve…

From the President’s Desk – Memorable Moments from the CWCL

The 2013 Catholic Writers Conference Live is over and those of…

Things You Missed if You Missed the Catholic Writers’ Conference Live

  1.  Having a merlot with Johnny, the ninja assassin.…

Discovering Ecclesiastes–“Don’t Worry–Be Happy”

The past week or so, my head has been wrapped with an ever tightening…

CANDLES IN THE DARK: the Authorized Biography of Father Richard Ho-Lung and The Missionaries of the Poor

CANDLES IN THE DARK: the Authorized Biography of Father Richard…