
From the President’s Desk

“A writer never has a vacation. For a writer, life consists…

CWG Interim Website Up and Running

Dear members, As you know, we have had some difficulty with…

We Cannot Submit to the Yoke of Secular Slavery

It seemed fitting that his past Sunday's second reading at Mass…

Seal of Approval 3rd Quarter 2013 Notice

We will NOT be accepting Seal of Approval applications for 3rd…

Religion and Politics – A Polite Conversation

You know the old saw about not bringing up religion and politics…

Self-Publishing and the Personal Approach

Because self-published authors don’t have a publishing company…

Converts — I Admire them SO Much

When I was about six weeks old they dressed me up in a white…

Dismantling Writer’s Block

Writer’s block. I don’t believe in it. Okay, I’ll hedge…

From the President’s Desk – May, 2013

As I write this, the rain is softly falling, the birds are chirping…

The “Whole Package” Novel

Are you currently writing a novel? If so, my previous post encourages…

A closer look at blogging stats and how to improve them

This is the third installment of my Blogging 101 series. I’ll…