
The Christmas Octave–a Beautiful Yet Paradoxical Week

Hi Folks and Happy New Year to all of you. Well now, the Christmas…

President’s Message

Hello CWG Members! On behalf of the entire Catholic Writers…

Merry Christmas

Luke 2: 1-20   The Infancy Narrative In those days a decree…

Great Opportunities for Members, But We Need Your Help!

CWG members--we have some exciting programs that can only take…

Self-Publishing and Web Presence

Since I self-published my first book eight years ago, there has…

To Defend Our Faith We MUST Write

I have finally come to the realization that there are many, …

Query Letters – How to write a good one

You’ve just typed The End on your manuscript, your gloriously…

Being Thankful for Thanksgiving

I'm a holiday kind of guy. I love the Christmas season with its…

Why We Catholics “Pray” to Saints

In parishes throughout the country, the Litany of Saints is a…

Does Self-Publishing Mean Substandard?

Although I now own and run and a publishing company, all my books…

Gotcha! Hooks: What They Are and How to Create Page-Turning Fiction

What’s a hook??? I admit to scratching my head over that term,…

We Catholics are not a threat to anyone—or are we?

After President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton made a video…