
New Evangelizers Blog Seeking Catholic Bloggers

I'm writing today to ask you if you might be interested in writing…

An Answer to The Obamacare “Tax”: Make the Government Show Its Villainy

So, the Supreme Court has upheld “Obamacare,” calling it…

Freedoms We Hold Dear – Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Conscience

The United States was founded by numerous groups fleeing Europe…

The Value of Live Conferences and Long-Lasting Friendships

“There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true…

They Need to Stay Out of Our Faith

I'm tired folks. Not because I am a senior citizen or because…

Because this could be YOU

In lieu of a serious post about blogging, I'm going to put this…
In loving memory of those who died to protect this country, physically…

What’s New, CWG?

Hi all!  A little late with this because my life has been…

Promote Catholicism Today (and Always) #silenceandword

Sunday, May 20 was World Communications Day. If you haven't…

Critique – Tips on how to do it well

Critique – a word that often scatters writers like a firecracker…

The Value of Face-to-Face

I love how the internet and the media-that's-not-really-"new"-anymore…

Awards Contests for Self-Published Authors: Are They Really Worth It?

In my post last month, I gave a link which lists some popular…