
Members: We Need You!

You can probably guess from the topic and from that fact that…

Why 30K For Christ?

30K for Christ started (as many projects do) from a conversation…

Managing Multiple Personalities

Usually, in this space, I give you advice and pointers, but…

“Ah, Reviews”

It is fascinating to me how we are all so similar and yet so…

Your Chance to Ask Questions

Do you ever have a day where you just come up blank? Today,…

What’s it all about? How Theme can help your story shine.

Theme comes in lots of shapes, sizes, and variations, but embodies…

Ask and it Will be Given to You

Here is the second installment in our Lenten journey. Today Karina…

Lent and Blogging

Over the years, my approach to blogging at Lent has remained…

The New and Improved Seal of Approval Process

The purpose of the Catholic Writers Guild Seal of Approval is…

Guild Committee News: Changes in the SOA, Inside the CWG, Calls for help and more

This is going to be a year of change for the committees of the…

Does Blogging Lead to Podcasting?

A few years ago, I attended a new media event as a fairly new…

“Government Pork” by Karina Fabian

Dear Friends:  The HHS compromise is no compromise—it’s…