
A Wonka Way of Life

From a family game to movie night, Maria Riley shares an invaluable lesson she learned from a classic character.

Why Do We Write?

Why Do We Write? I never knew him. Even after he died, it would…

REJOICE! The Journey to Christmas Has Begun

The Advent Season is all about reflecting on how we can prepare our hearts and homes for Christ's birth in the world as it is today. We find that the majesty and wonder and meaning of this day has not changed one bit in over 2000 years.

I Wasn’t Prepared

Blog writer Michael Vassallo shares the hard lesson he learned with the help of the five wise virgins --- and the five foolish ones.


Author Margaret King Zacharias offers a 'watchful' linguistic commentary on the First Saturday Gospel reading.

Mom Hated to Clean!

Mom Hated to Clean! My mom was a typical mom in all but one thing.…

Food for the Journey

Like Jesus, we are called to “break ourselves open and pour ourselves out” in love for our fellow human beings, becoming “food” and “drink” for them as they make their way through their own journey to Love.

The Catholic Writers Guild 2024 Conferences and All the News You Need!

Carolyn Astfalk shares the November 2023 Catholic Writers Guild Member Newsletter.

Little Sundays

Kimberly Novak ponders how engaging in Little Sunday moments can ignite our hearts while effortlessly easing us into honoring the seventh day of rest.

Cath-Lit Live: The Good Death of Kate Montclair

Cath-Lit Live: The Good Death of Kate Montclair "Cath-Lit Live!"…

The Five Cs of a Good Confession

Maria Riley shares the 5 Cs that will help you have a full, efficient, and blessed Sacrament of Reconciliation.

Celebrate the dedication of the ‘mother and head’ of all churches on Nov. 9

St. John Lateran isn’t who―or what―you think. Author Mary McWilliams explains this day of dedication of the ‘pope’s church,' which is yours too.