
Being a Better Blogger: Focus

A couple of weeks ago, I asked if you were making yourself a…

The Personal Approach to Marketing Your Self-Published Book

Because self-published authors don't have a publishing company…

"Don’t Write What you Know" (huh)

(A Thanks to Jean Heimann for posting the referenced essay on…

President’s Column: Ineffable Twaddlings

It is the end of the month (almost) and I want to dedicate this…

Are you making yourself a better blogger?

I blame this weekly column for the folder in my Google Reader…

Catholic Writers Retreat Set For Oct 5-9; Register by Sep 28

NOTE: We need more people to sign up by the 20th or we have…

Lack of Sleep = Lack of Blogging

There's nothing like a night of no sleep to put life firmly "in…

A note from Karina Fabian about her worldbuilding class

People who read my blog know how bizarre my imagination gets,…

Readability Tool Success and Mobile Posting Fail

First, something helpful... This came to mind when, during a…


I have a whole collection of pictures of the baby with a whole…

A Resource for New Media Users

Last week at the CWCL, I received quite a few questions regarding…

Quantity versus Quality in Blogging

At the blogging panel at the Catholic Writers Conference Live,…