
A Gangbanger’s Journey to Sainthood: Meet Peter Armengol

Larry Peterson retells the story of Saint Peter Armengol, who miraculously survived a hanging and went on to a life of service to the Lord.

Everyday Holiness

In November, author Margaret Zacharias writes, we pause to remember our beloved ones who have gone on to blessed memory, give thanks, and practice the everyday holiness of humility and charity.

My Dad Was Always Prepared

My Dad Was Always Prepared Mom would give Dad a clean crisp package…

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Love Is Life that Pours Itself Forth

We are most fully alive when we are “breaking ourselves open and pouring ourselves out” in loving self-gift to God and neighbor.

What is the Rosary?

For this Month of the Rosary author Sarah Pedrozo contributes her thoughts, in verse, to the library of meditations on the Blessed Mother.

With God, You Can Handle Anything

Kimberly Novak shares inspirations of imaginative prayer that allow God to have control.

Cath-Lit Live: Royal & Ancient

Amy J. Cattapan interviews author Amanda Lauer about her new historical novel for YA readers, published by Chrism Press.

Marketing: Why Is it Important for Writers?

Marketing: Why Is it Important for Writers? Marketing is a very…

Five (Free!) Ways to Support an Author You Love

After hitting an author millstone, Maria Riley felt inspired to share ways that people can support authors without spending a cent.

Book Review: Putting Joy into Practice by Phoebe Farag Mikhail

Achieving true joy takes patience and persistence, but in this review of Putting Joy into Practice, writer Mary McWilliams explains how the book’s author uses ancient methods to make it attainable.

Trees of Knowledge, and the Tree of Life

In this chilling and thought-provoking piece, author Margaret King Zacharias offers Catholic writers substantive 'food for thought' when considering the use of AI in their work.