
Three Things I’ve Learned from my Chickens

Three Things I’ve Learned from my Chickens As writers, we know…

Cath-Lit Live: Charting the Course by Leslea Wahl

Amy Cattapan interviews Leslea Wahl about her newly released YA novel.

A Writer’s Vision

Kimberly Novak invites you to step out of your comfort zone by asking God to reveal your spiritually creative side.

Writing for Children

Writing for Children Are you thinking about writing a children’s…

Just A Little Bit

...A little bit was enough. A little bit was beautiful and rewarding. I’m gonna keep trying to do just a little bit each day. (Maria Riley)

Refuge For This Refugee

Paula Veloso Babadi shares Bible passages and an original poem focused on finding refuge in the Lord.

Love vs. Hatred—And the Winner Is?

Larry Peterson discusses how the deadly sin of pride can lead to hate.

Seal of Approval, Second Quarter 2023

The Catholic Writers Guild conferred the Seal of Approval on 6 books for the second quarter of 2023.

Red Blood Cell or Glob of Plaque?

Each of us has been entrusted by God with a unique mission of love within the overall mission of love of Jesus Christ.

Cath-Lit Live: The Chalice Series by Erin Lewis

Amy J. Cattapan interviews Catholic author Erin Lewis about her two new novels: 'Firetender' and 'Enkindle in Me'.

How to Deal with Rejections

Angela Lano reflects on dealing with rejection.

A Place at the Table

Kimberly Novak shares a prayerful and imaginative way of bringing Jesus to the family table.