Catholic Arts and Letters Award Finalists Announced!

It is with great excitement that the Catholic Writers Guild announces our finalists for the 2014 Catholic Arts and Letters Award for Fiction! We want to thank all of you who entered the contest. Our judges had many terrific things to say about all the entries this year. The quality was remarkable, and we truly appreciate your dedication to Catholic fiction.

Our finalists in the category of Adult Fiction are:

Treason by Dena Hunt
A Hero for the People by Arthur Powers
Rapunzel Let Down by Regina Doman

And our finalists in the category of YA/Children are:

The King’s Gambit John McNichol
aka Genius by Marilee Haynes
The Gate by Nancy Carabio Belanger

The winners of the CALA will be announced July 31st at the Thursday morning breakfast sponsored by CMN at the CMN Trade Show in Schaumburg, Illinois. For information on attending this show, please email me at [email protected] and I’ll send you information on how to register.

Again, thank you to all of you for entering the CALA and God bless you!

What’s New, CWG?

Hi all!  A little late with this because my life has been busy!  The great news is, the Guild has been busy, too!  We’ve been going strong with several of our projects, and a couple that have been on hold took off this month.  Here’s the scoop:

Catholic Writers Conference-LIVE: Arlington, TX, Aug 29-31 (  Are you going?  It will be an awesome time, as usual.  In addition to the workshops on writing, the opportunity to promote your work to publishers and bookstores on the events floor, and the in-person pitch sessions, we have secured a special deal with SPQN!  They are having their conference next door to ours, and for an extra $25, you can attend their Friday workshops on blogging.

Ann Lewis still needs some volunteers to help her out.  Contact her at president(at)

The Catholic Arts and Letters Award:  We hope eventually this award, also known as the CALA or the Lilly, will become the premier award for Catholic writing.  After a small start, we had to put it on hiatus for a year because of lack of volunteers to help out.  (Folks—we need you!)  However, Michelle Buckman has courageously taken it on, and is gearing up to do an award in 2013 for books published in 2011 and 2012.

In addition to fiction, the 2013 award will have nonfiction categories.  We’re tentatively thinking theology, devotionals, biographies and self-help/misc.  We may also be able to offer a cash prize to the winner—someone has offered a grant, and we are talking with that person about details.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR THOSE WHO MIGHT ENTER:  You must have an Imprimatur or the CWG Seal of Approval to qualify.  That means if your book is published in late 2012, you must get the manuscript approved (if you are a member) or the book submitted no later than Jan 2013 to the CWG committee.  There will be no exceptions!

Right now, we have a committee of three and could use some more folks to help.  Of special need are a couple of people to receive and distribute the books to the judges (CWG will pay for postage), and folks to help promote in conjunction with the publicity committee.  Please e-mail MichellePBuckman(at) if you can help.

Catholic Writers’ Retreat:  April 19-23, Indianapolis, IN:  Things are looking good as far as getting a grant to help us keep the costs down on this.  We’re putting a down payment on the Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House in order to hold the dates.  Mark your calendar!

Steady as she goes…

Catholic Writers Conference Online: March 4-13, (  We’re already lining up presenters and publishers.  If you know someone who could do a workshop (or want to do one, yourself), contact Laura Lowder at laura.lowder(at)

Blog:  If you’re here, you know it’s awesome.  However, it’s getting BIG!  Jennifer would like someone to help her with the tech side of wordpress to make sure it doesn’t get out of hand.

Note for Paying Members Only:  We are taking poetry submissions for the blog.  No pay, just credit, and do remember that publishing on a blog does count as publication to some magazines.  If interested, send your submission and a short bio to:  poems(at)  If you can devote an couple of hours a month to tweaking and some simple tasks, e-mail her at blog(at)

Seal of Approval:  We’re in our second quarterly cycle, and things are running smoothly.  Please note that we have a new PO Box for sending hardcopy books to.

CWG Book news:  We send out a monthly newsletter to bookstores and interested readers.  We’d like to expand this list.  If you know any stores, libraries, schools, etc. that might be interested in learning about new Catholic books, please send a note to Ellen Hrkach at vicepresident(at)

CWG newsletter:  Maria is always looking for new writers!  She especially wants some help with book reviews, the saints column, and news.  Please contact her at mariarr(at)


Congratulations, Catholic Arts and Letters Award Winners!

It’s a good thing that I missed the CMN breakfast this morning, because there would have surely been some squealing and shouting and loud huzzahs from my corner when the winners were announced. (You might say I’m a wee bit of a fangirl…)

The finalists for adult fiction were:

The finalists for children’s/young adult fiction were:

And the winners of the 2011 Catholic Arts and Letters Awards are…
Michelle Buckman and Regina Doman!

Congratulations to all our finalists, and a warm whoop for our winners!

I’ll be offline tomorrow for the 500-mile drive home, but I have many pictures from today and yesterday to share, and I trust Stephanie’s going to keep us all updated about tomorrow’s goings-on.

Be sure to check for more of Sarah Reinhard’s antics, tales of rural adventure, and writing updates, including more about her newest release, Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent & Christmas Reflections for Families. You can also connect with Sarah on Twitter and Facebook.