10 Steps to Indie Publishing

Printing pressThese are the best of times for authors—and possibly the worst of times! The changes in the publishing industry over the past five years are nearly as significant as the advent of the internet. In fact, the two developments are intertwined and build on each other.

We all know traditional publishing has undergone tremendous upheaval. It’s still difficult to find an agent. Same goes for a publishing home, doubly so when entire houses fold or get bought out by another entity. Authors are taking to the waters of Amazon and related ponds by the droves, flooding the markets with their manuscripts.

What are some advantages to independently publishing your work? Total control is the one most often mentioned. You work directly with a cover artist to produce the best one for your story. You can replace it if you decide it’s not working. You can set your pricing, then change it at a moment’s notice if needed.

Total control is also the disadvantage to indie publishing. Marketing is incumbent upon you, no one else. Make no mistake: this is a big responsibility.

Given this environment, if you are interested but have yet to dip a toe into the pool, how do you go about what has become known as indie publishing?

1. Know your goals. Do you want to get something in print form for family and friends? Skip down to items 4 through 7 and ignore the rest. Do you want to reach readers who don’t personally know you? Start here and slog through every step listed.

2. Hone your craft. Write the best book possible, run it by critique groups and/or beta readers and/or enter it in contests to get unbiased feedback. Then hire an editor and revise. Yes, this will cost money. Yes, you must do it. Do not fall prey to the delusion that your book is the best one on the planet or the only one not in need of professional editing. It’s not. You can always make it better. Believe me, if your critique partners/beta readers/editors say it needs work, it does. Fix it. If you don’t, the whole world will be privy to the lashing you will get from Amazon and Goodreads reviewers. So make it the best possible book before you put it out there. At least no one will be able to say “poorly written/edited!”

3. Buy books on the process. Let’s Get Digital and Let’s Get Visible  by David Gaughran are great resources, they are cheap, and they are fairly up to date. He is a proponent of the Amazon-only model. If you are comfortable with reading advice by savvy romance writers, The Naked Truth About Self-Publishing by The Indie Voice is another great resource.  This group is a proponent of getting your work out to every venue possible; why limit yourself to one vendor? These three books come to less than $15 and lay an excellent foundation for understanding the nuts and bolts of self-publishing.

4. Explore publishing options. Amazon’s self-pub arms are KDP for ebooks, Create Space  or print on demand, and ACX for audio books. Ingram Spark is another option. Barnes & Noble, Apple, and Kobo have platforms for uploading books; I have not gotten that far and do not have information to share. I’m sure others can contribute to the conversation here!

5. Utilize the tutorials on each publishing site. They provide a wealth of information. My experience with customer service on each site has been exceptional. If your budget allows for additional services, pretty much anything you need is available .

6. Remember that nothing is set in stone. If you make a mistake, all you usually have to do is replace the file. For ebooks on KDP, the old one will still be available for sale until the new one goes live. With Create Space, the title will not be available during the changeover, typically twelve hours or so. That said, some mistakes require taking the book down and reissuing it. Call customer service if it looks like something you can’t address on your own.

7. Mistakes: You will make them. The earth will not stop rotating. You will fix them. A week later, you will probably have forgotten the details. Moral: Be nice to yourself when you demonstrate your humanity. Even better, laugh!

8. Connect with your writing community. Ask for help, share insights, cheer each other on, and promote each other’s work. There are enough readers out there for all books. Amazon gave a presentation at a conference I attended recently. Their statistics show a dramatic rise in books sold since the ebook became widely available. More titles, more sales. Readers are voracious. There is enough success to go around; it’s not a finite quantity.

9. Adapt. There is no right way or wrong way to do this. The only given is the quality of the product you put out. Beyond that, much of the process for individual books is trial and error. Try something and see if it works. If not, try something else. Be persistent. Realize that marketing is part of the authorial journey these days, whether you are traditionally or independently published.

10. Remember this is a business for the long haul. It may take years to build a following. Meanwhile, keep improving your craft and writing new content. That is the one action you can take to improve visibility of your books, and visibility translates to sales. Continue to interact with readers, either online or in person, so they remember you and look for your books as you write them.

Questions? Discussion? How about suggestions of books or other resources you’ve found? Please share!

Thursday Highlights from the 2014 CWCL

Arthur Powers wins the CALA award

Arthur Powers wins the CALA award

Gary Zimak

Gary Zimak

Claudia Volkman, "Manuscript Preparation"

Claudia Volkman, “Manuscript Preparation”

John Desjarlais' writing workshop

John Desjarlais’ writing workshop

Rebecca Hamilton spoke about marketing and social networking width=

Rebecca Hamilton spoke about marketing and social networking

CALA winner, Arthur Powers, is interviewed by EWTN's Doug Keck

CALA winner, Arthur Powers, is interviewed by EWTN’s Doug Keck

CALA finalist, Dena Hunt

CALA finalist, Dena Hunt

Treasurer and Conference Coordinator, Ann Margaret Lewis

Treasurer and Conference Coordinator, Ann Margaret Lewis.

Margaret Realy, author and blogger

Margaret Realy, author and blogger

My turn to be interviewed!

My turn to be interviewed!

I moderated the Catholic Fiction Panel: left to right, John Desjarlais, Ann Lewis, Gene Wolfe and Arthur Powers

I moderated the Catholic Fiction Panel: left to right, John Desjarlais, Ann Lewis, Gene Wolfe and Arthur Powers

Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle moderates the blogging panel. L to R: Gary Zimak, Kathy Schiffer, Rebecca Hamilton, Margaret Realy

Donna-Marie Cooper O’Boyle moderates the blogging panel. L to R: Gary Zimak, Kathy Schiffer, Rebecca Hamilton, Margaret Realy

Roundtable discussion after hours...

Roundtable discussion after hours…

Special thanks to James Hrkach for the photographs!

The Great Enigma–Gender Dysphoria (Gender Identity Disorder)

by Larry Peterson

I thought I would get a bit controversial this time and  jump into murky water.  It is definitely “cloudy”  so plan to keep your eyes wide open before  jumping  in.

On June 21, the President of the United States once again bypassed  the Congress of the United States and signed an executive order barring federal contractors (including faith based agencies) from discriminating based on sexual orientation or gender identity. Here was my problem with this:  I have no understanding of  what “gender identity” is.  I mean, how can a guy think he is a girl or a girl  think she is a guy?  Deep down inside me I knew there had to be  much more to this phenomenon than a simple choice of lifestyle preference?  But it was so bizarre to me I just could not handle it.  Some folks might call that “denial”.  Maybe it was.

I am a Catholic man who tries to stay true to his faith and not pass judgment on others, (especially those whose behavioral lifestyle I do NOT fathom).  The truth is I have personally avoided this topic because it just always seemed so “out there” to me.   After all, I am a man and I know it.  My wife is a woman and she knows it.  All the men I know and have known knew they were men.  Same for the women. How can you NOT know what you are?  The worst part was it was being politicized.   That was deplorable.  So what kind of ambiguous term is “gender identity”?  What does it mean?     Finally, I kicked  the strange fear of confronting this subject to the curb and I decided I should look into it.

It did not take me long to realize that I truly had kept my head in the sand when it came to this subject.   In so doing I had failed myself.  I have now come to realize that among the great enigmas in our society today is the paradoxical condition known as Gender Dysphoria (aka: Gender Identity Disorder).  This is real and this is a fact of life and it has existed for a long, long time.  I have also come to learn that this is  a  medical “disorder” and not simply a “lifestyle” choice.  I also admit that I am a bit ashamed I never had the guts to confront the subject.

Evidence shows that besides psychological and behavioral causes, biological ones (genetics) play an important part in a person having this condition.  A person who is born with Gender Identity Disorder has a very high mountain to climb.  They live in a society that, for the most part, looks at their condition as nothing more than a perverse lifestyle choice.  I cannot imagine a person having to live every day pretending to be a gender they knew they were not.  The alternative for them would be to live the way they knew they really were and be treated as one of society’s aberrations constantly facing rejection and derision .  I now understand the desire for hormonal treatments and  transgender surgery.   I also understand that these people need our compassion and understanding.  But, like it or not, this Great Enigma brings forth the other side of the story.

President Obama’s executive order seems to place “gay rights” above all other rights, including religious rights as set forth in our Constitution.   In 1994 the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) was proposed by Sen. Ted Kennedy and Rep. Gerry Studds of Massachusetts.  It has been proposed in ten sessions of Congress and has never passed.  Obama’s order is his way of passing his own ENDA.  It provides no protection for religious groups, even though civil-rights laws recognize these rights.  The laws have recognized that religious employers have the right to hire people who share their faith and moral standards.   ENDA proposals exempted these groups.  Not anymore.

The president’s order has bypassed all of this and permits federal agencies to cancel contracts with “noncompliant” employers, including faith based agencies, who can also be ‘blacklisted” from future contracts. This will effectively shut down many faith based agencies.  Look at how Catholic Charities has already been declared “unfit” to place children for adoption in Washington, Boston, San Francisco, and the State of Illinois.  I believe that the executive order of July 21, 2014 will usher in a new wave of religious intolerance and persecution the like of which has never been seen in the United States of America.  The people who suffer from Gender Dysphoria are simply pawns in a quagmire of ideology.  Theirs is not so much a sexual problem as it is a correctable medical problem.  They deserve better from all of us, especially from a president who uses their condition to advance his own agenda.  More than anything, these folks with GD/GID need our prayers.

2014 Catholic Writers Conference Live – Wednesday Highlights

On Wednesday, July 30th, the conference began with Mass and then our CWG members meeting. We had a few technical difficulties. James, our official photographer, was helping with those technical issues so we didn’t get any photos of that talk/meeting.

Cassandra Poppe's inspiring talk was entitled,  "Writing Through the Passion."

Cassandra Poppe’s inspiring talk was entitled, “Writing Through the Passion.”

James Hrkach spoke about "Christian Art, Composition and the Contemporary Writer"

James Hrkach spoke about “Christian Art, Composition and the Contemporary Writer”

The lovely Lisa Hendey (author, blogger, speaker) gave an inspiring keynote presentation on "Perseverance."

The lovely Lisa Hendey (author, blogger, speaker) gave an inspiring keynote presentation on “Perseverance.”

Sorrowful Mysteries Panel: Dealing With Rejection (Erin McCole Cupp, moderator, along with me and Karen Kelly Boyce)

Sorrowful Mysteries Panel: Dealing With Rejection (Erin McCole Cupp, moderator, along with me and Karen Kelly Boyce)

Action Adventure Panel with Ann Lewis (M), Tony Kolenc, John Desjarlais, Gene Wolfe and Declan Finn

Action Adventure Panel with Ann Lewis (M), Tony Kolenc, John Desjarlais, Gene Wolfe and Declan Finn

Ann Lewis giving a talk on pitching your book (or idea) to a publisher

Ann Lewis giving a talk on pitching your book (or idea) to a publisher

Self Publishing Panel: Arthur Powers (M), me, Ann Frailey and Eileen Leamy

Self Publishing Panel: Arthur Powers (M), me, Ann Frailey and Eileen Leamy

Author Reception (this is where we handed out over 200 SoA booklets)

Author Reception (this is where we handed out over 200 SoA booklets)

Special thanks to James Hrkach for the photography.

Highlights from the 2014 Catholic Writers Conference Live (Tuesday)

In the coming days, I will be posting a few highlights from the 2014 Catholic Writers Conference Live and Catholic Marketing Network Trade Show. It was a whirlwind of activities, presentations, daily Mass, Confession, Adoration and even an opportunity to venerate a first class relic from St. John Paul II.

Tuesday’s Highlights

Setting up the Guild Booth

Setting up the Guild Booth

Selfie with Alan Napleton, Immaculee, myself and Ann Margaret Lewis (photo courtesy Ann Margaret Lewis)

Selfie with Alan Napleton, Immaculee, myself and Ann Margaret Lewis (photo courtesy Ann Margaret Lewis)

Speaking to the booksellers...

Speaking to the booksellers…

Training booth volunteers

Training booth volunteers

Opening reception, Tuesday evening

Opening reception, Tuesday evening

Next: Wednesday highlights.

Special thanks to James Hrkach for the photography

From the President’s Desk: NFP Week and Catholic Writers Conference Live

James and I teaching an online (virtual) NFP class

James and I teaching an online (virtual) NFP class

In case you didn’t know, we are coming to the end of NFP Awareness Week.

Before I became President of the Guild…even before I started my writing career, I taught Natural Family Planning (NFP). This year, my husband and I will mark our 30th year teaching NFP. My passion for promoting Natural Family Planning and Saint John Paul II’s Theology of the Body is what prompted me to start writing fiction. Since this is NFP Awareness Week, I’d like to first share a few of my NFP-themed blog posts from this week:

Theology of the Body in a Nutshell

The Spiritual Works of Mercy – TOB Style

Theology of the Body Fiction

When I self-published my first book nine years ago, I joined a local (secular) writers’ group. At the first meeting, they asked me to introduce myself and when I said I had five children, I heard a few gasps and perhaps a scoff. Someone said, “With five kids, where did you find time to write a novel?” I remember thinking, “Five kids isn’t all that many.” It wasn’t that they weren’t welcoming; they were nice enough, but I had little in common with the members. I attended a few more meetings, but eventually decided to stop going.

Soon after, I found a Yahoo group called “Catholic Writers Online.” I looked forward to the posts of fellow members, but rarely posted anything. A few years later, some of the Catholic Writers Online members started a group called the Catholic Writers Guild. Knowing they were “faithful to the magisterium,” and knowing I wanted more interaction than daily emails, I joined the Guild in early 2008 and I really felt like I had “come home.” These were writers with whom I shared a common faith and common goals. There were online conferences and in 2009, the first live conference.

The (Sixth) Catholic Writers Conference Live is just around the corner. I’m looking forward to meeting, networking and just chatting with other Catholic writers next week in Schaumburg. If you’re attending, please come and introduce yourself to me (I’ll be the short one giving orders). If you’re not attending, please pray for a successful, safe conference.

With Karina during our book signing. 2009 Trade Show/Conference

With Karina during our book signing. 2009 Trade Show/Conference

As always, please let me know if you have any questions, comments and/or concerns: president(at)catholicwritersguild.com

Ellen Gable Hrkach
President, CWG

Catholic Writers Conference, July 29-August 1, 2014

EWTN Bookmark interviews at the CWG Booth

EWTN Bookmark interviews at the CWG Booth

Headed for Catholic Writers Conference next week? Are you excited? You should be! Take a look at this photo to get a sense of the energy and opportunities that await! What an opportunity to rub shoulders with industry professionals, to put names and personalities to folks you’ve met online, to renew friendships, and to network. This is a once in a lifetime experience; make the most of it. There will never be another gathering of exactly the same people at this point in their faith and writing journeys. Truly you are in Chicago, Illinois, because God has called you to be there!

Each of you has a specific reason for attending, a goal you hope to accomplish. If this is your first conference experience, the coming days are likely to be a roller coaster of euphoria juxtaposed with self doubt. Be assured that you are not the only one grappling with these feelings. I hope this knowledge translates into a greater sense of ease in a new and sometimes intimidating environment. Here are some words of advice (of wisdom, too, hopefully!) for both newbies and veterans, for authors, for agents, and for editors, geared toward making this conference the best it can be for everyone:

1) Everyone’s goals are the same, ultimately. Editors want to find the next diamond of a manuscript to publish. Agents want to discover the next author whose career they can guide to new heights. Authors want to find a publisher and/or agent to promote their awesome work. And in this particular setting, all of these people want to serve God with their talents and gifts in the way that pleases Him the most.

When viewed through that prism, competition loses the edge of greed and rejection loses its sting. We’re all on the same side, and God’s looking out for the good of each person’s life and career. This doesn’t mean you should fail to promote your product, just that there is no need for fear. Which brings us to the next point.

2) Be confident. You have something no one else does: your voice, and your work. These are gifts that God has given you, gifts that you have honed with hard work and prayer. No one can duplicate your contribution. Take heart in that fact, and know that your work will find its home. Maybe through this conference; maybe not – which leads to…

3) Don’t take rejection personally. Sometimes it just isn’t a good fit for the publisher or agent. Imagine a library with thousands of books. You have three days to find the best two. You will have to create a system to sort and discard the ones that aren’t suitable for your purpose. Do you see that many wonderful, deserving books will be overlooked? This does not reflect on the worthiness of each one, the same way it does not reflect on your particular project. And in today’s climate, many options are available. So…

4) Be open. There are many possibilities that we may not recognize in our limited, human view. Be open to new ideas, new directions, new options. You may discover a brand new path, or even a calling! You may discover it through…

5) Networking. This is the whole purpose of a conference. Meet people! Ask them what they write, who they want to represent, what they want to publish. Have a brief answer ready when others ask you these questions. (I write ____ and my current project is about ____.)

This is a remarkably small community, and the contacts you make in the next few days will serve you for your entire career. Do not discount the importance of these interactions. They are crucial for your success. But remember…

6) Be nice. This should go without saying, especially in this setting, but we are human and sometimes we need to be reminded. Keep your comments positive; you never know who might overhear or repeat something you said in a frustrated or disappointed moment. Again, this is a remarkably small community even though it may not seem that way.

Also, restrict your interactions to appropriate venues. Don’t try to pitch to an agent or publisher in the restroom, or shove your manuscript under the door of the stall. I have seen the first and have heard of the second, so these are not as far-fetched as they seem. Be considerate of folks. If the target of your interest has a headache or gets a pained look on their face when you approach, be brief. Introduce yourself and say you’d like to send them a query if that is acceptable; believe me, they will remember and appreciate your kindness. And that goes a long way. Which leads to the last point…

7) Be yourself. This may call for leaving your comfort zone, though. If you tend to be shy (many writers are!) push yourself to be more sociable. It’s not hard; smile and ask people around you about themselves. You’ll be glad you did. If you are an extrovert, recognize your tendency to overshadow the more timid among us and let them shine, too.

8) Use social media to keep the non-conference-goers among us updated! There’s the CWG Facebook page and your personal Facebook/Twitter, etc. accounts. The ripple effect can be unlimited. Share the love!

I hope each one of you has a wonderful experience at the Catholic Writers Conference! And… Oops! I forgot the most important words of advice! HAVE FUN!

Catholic Arts and Letters Award Finalists Announced!

It is with great excitement that the Catholic Writers Guild announces our finalists for the 2014 Catholic Arts and Letters Award for Fiction! We want to thank all of you who entered the contest. Our judges had many terrific things to say about all the entries this year. The quality was remarkable, and we truly appreciate your dedication to Catholic fiction.

Our finalists in the category of Adult Fiction are:

Treason by Dena Hunt
A Hero for the People by Arthur Powers
Rapunzel Let Down by Regina Doman

And our finalists in the category of YA/Children are:

The King’s Gambit John McNichol
aka Genius by Marilee Haynes
The Gate by Nancy Carabio Belanger

The winners of the CALA will be announced July 31st at the Thursday morning breakfast sponsored by CMN at the CMN Trade Show in Schaumburg, Illinois. For information on attending this show, please email me at [email protected] and I’ll send you information on how to register.

Again, thank you to all of you for entering the CALA and God bless you!

What Satan Hates “Most”– The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus–It is All About LOVE

On June 27,  we Catholics celebrated the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.  The first word used to describe the Sacred Heart is MOST.  How proper.  The definition of MOST  is “greatest quantity, amount or degree”.   Holy Mother Church is sure  smart.  How fitting a word to use to describe the LOVE in the Heart of Jesus,  MOST.  That is because this is what the day is all about, LOVE.   And the LOVE in Jesus’ Heart is the MOST  LOVE there can ever be anywhere, anyplace, anytime.  If you could encapsulate all of the true love that exists in the world, it could never compare to the LOVE that exists in His  MOST SACRED HEART.  That is simply because GOD is LOVE.

The second reading of the Mass for the day was from 1 John 4: 7-16.  I am just mentioning lines #9-12:  “In this way the Love of God is revealed to us: God sent His only Son into the world so that we might have life through Him.  In this is LOVE: not that we have loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son as expiation for our sins.  Beloved, if God so loved us, we must also love one another.  No one has ever seen God.  Yet, if we love one another, God remains in us and His love is brought to perfection in us.”  Okay, please bear with me?  Before getting to the point of all this  I wish to quote lines #2-3 which are not included in the Mass reading. “This is how you can know the Spirit of God: every spirit that acknowledges Jesus Christ come in the flesh belongs to God, and every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus does not belong to God.  This is the spirit of the antichrist that, as you heard, is to come, but in fact is already in the world.”

Now we are in the year 2014.  And yes, finally, I am  going to get to the point.  The point of all of this is to ask how do we as Catholic writers confront the War between LOVE and HATE.  This war is rooted in the Bible, isn’t it?  If God is LOVE what is HATE?  It follows, SATAN  is HATE.  St. John has written, “– the spirit of the antichrist —is already in the world”.  The cunning and devious method that Satan is using to do his HATE work is having those who have joined his minions proclaim that they are serving God  in their evil work.  For example, the abuse, torture and  killing of men, women and children has been going on throughout recorded history and it continues,  unabated, to this very day.  How often are these atrocities committed in the name of God?

The 20th century alone has witnessed seven recorded and documented genocides that have taken uncounted millions of lives.  How many of those people died because their religion or beliefs were contrary to the ones killing them.  Killing out of hatred while using God as the reason is an abomination of all that is GOOD and pleasing to God.  It is the ultimate hypocrisy committed by men and women who have chosen to allow the Minister of Hate to enter their very souls.  People kill (not self-defense) due to pride, envy, anger,  greed and lust, and it seems that ‘pride’ always leads the pack.  Pride is the king of self-destruction and opens the primary portal for  the evil that lurks, waiting to embrace each and every one of us.  And what about all of our Catholic/Christian brothers and sisters who have taken their own road while still proclaiming their faith in Jesus.   Well now,  I pass judgement on no one because  I do not know what is truly in their hearts.  But I do NOT have to refrain from writing in defense of my faith out of fear of being called bigoted, fanatical, racist, and even hateful.  I am none of those things.

My writing has taken a definite turn.   I did not plan it nor did I see it coming.  I just started to pen more and more about different topics that defile our faith, like the atrocities taking place against Catholic/Christians all over the world.  I am also sick and tired of those in the atheist movement wanting to take our religious freedoms away under the guise of being “offended”.  I think I have had enough of  “cafeteria catholics” (especially the ones who hold political office) promoting their own agendas of “pro-choice”, “same-sex-marriage” , “married priests” etc.  And it is done under the guise of virtue.  Listen my friends, I am not intolerant if I am opposed to abortion.  I am not “homophobic” and do not need sensitivity training if I oppose “gay marriage”.   I am a traditional minded catholic man who loves his faith and resents seeing it vilified and spat upon by those who are only interested in their own agendas.  Enough is enough.  So I write to add an extra bit of protection, small as it may be, to that which we call Catholic.

I believe there is a self-centeredness and false pride that exists in all of us.  It is the gateway for evil to enter into us. Many reject this evil. Many have too much love in their hearts to be influenced by such temptation.  Many do not.  Lucifer is alive and well and using these open gateways that are available to him all over the world.  Quite often he is very successful at gaining entrance into these easily accessible souls.   Lucifer was the greatest and brightest of all God’s angels.  But his PRIDE made him him choose to challenge his Creator.  He lost that battle and was cast out of heaven.  He has been waging war with a  vitriolic, all consuming hatred for God and Love ever since.  I imagine he was screaming like a raving lunatic  as we celebrated His MOST SACRED HEART.  He was screaming and yelling because the MOST SACRED HEART is his reality check that tells him  he can NEVER win.

Fortnight for Freedom: Freedom to Serve (and Love)

fortnight-for-freedom-logo-colorFortnight for Freedom: Freedom to Serve

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops has adopted this modifier—freedom to serve—for the third annual Fortnight for Freedom campaign. Most people are aware of the legal battles being waged in this country, and readers of this blog even more so. The intent of the current wave of laws and regulations is to force religious entities (whether “corporate” or individual) to renounce their moral compass and bend to the will of the government.

As Catholic Christians, how are we to respond? Many are called to write letters to their Congressional representatives and Senators at both state and federal levels—and this is an action all of us can take. Many work tirelessly behind the scenes to support various facets of Catholic work, whether it’s running a food pantry, providing for the needs of unwed mothers, or establishing hospitals and schools for the good of all served, without prejudice or prerequisites.

Some are called to speak for the rest of us. Archbishop Cordileone of San Francisco tangled with Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi over the March for Marriage last week, and the result was a clear and courageous letter. Then he exercised his rights as an American and his leadership as a Catholic Bishop as he spoke at the March for Marriage.

Unlike the secular us versus them approach that inflames divisiveness, though, Archbishop Cordileone responded with a call to love.

This, too, is something we can all do. No, it is the one thing we are all called to do, even unto death.  

It is too tempting to fall into the us versus them abyss. It is far too easy to judge. But we are called to recognize our commonalities with our fellow earthly travelers. We are told by Jesus that we are to serve them, to offer them love, even as we reject and resist what is forced upon us. We are to pray for those who persecute us and love our enemies. Yes, we are to do the work placed before us, but we are to do it with hearts filled with love, and we are to do it joyfully.

An inspiring post on one way to approach this challenge appeared on Saints 365 last month. It went straight to my heart and has stayed with me since. It’s a reflection on Max Lucado’s book You Are Special, a children’s story with even more relevance for adults, especially in these volatile times. God loves each one of us, no matter who we are or what we believe—or who/what we believe ourselves to be. Our role is to strive toward the heart of Jesus, which is full of truly unfathomable mercy.

It may be easier to do battle—and I do not discount that some people, maybe all of us, are called to that role—but before battle of any kind, we are called to love. Love, without self-righteousness; love, without prejudice; love, without pride.

Just love.

Can we find the courage to see our persecutors through the eyes of Christ? Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. These words, uttered by Jesus and echoed by St. Steven, must be our focal point.

Let’s try.

Meanwhile, let us go forth to love and serve the Lord.

*Here are links to my previous Fortnight for Freedom posts on this blog:
Freedoms We Hold Dear: Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Speech
Religion and Politics: A Polite Conversation