Cath-Lit Live: To Serve and Protect

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.

To Serve and Protect by Leslea Wahl

Loyal Siena protects her family from all dangers, and that includes mailmen, squirrels, and plastic bags. She never abandons a man down, no sir! Siena takes her mission to keep her family safe very seriously. This loyal pooch does her best to fill in for this military family’s daddy while he is deployed, and she does a pretty good job of it. Was there ever a guard dog so faithful as Siena? Good girl!

About the author: Catholic author and Colorado native, Leslea Wahl may be best known for her award-winning teen mysteries, The Perfect Blindside, eXtreme Blindside, and Where You Lead, and for her work with But when she was inspired by her golden doodle Siena, she decided to try her hand at her first children’s picture book. To Serve and Protect is the sweet story about a pet’s love and devotion to her family.



You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.

Copyright 2022 Amy J. Cattapan

Cath-Lit Live: Miracle at the Mission

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.

Miracle at the Mission by Joseph Lewis

Miracle at the Mission is book #2 of the Westthorpe Academy Mysteries. After recovering from their daring exploits in the exciting first book of the series, The Ghosts of Westthorpe Academy, best friends Joe Pryce and Pete Figueroa travel to California for another thrilling action-adventure. There they meet a mysterious yet saintly old Franciscan padre who warns them of the dangers they would face. Drawn into a series of events filled with suspense, mystery, and espionage, the boys find they have become suspects in an assassination attempt involving the President of the United States. While proving their innocence, the boys must rely on the guidance of the old padre, who happens to bear a strange resemblance to Saint Junipero Serra. The story reaches its climax at another mission—Mission San Carlos Borromeo—where the boys, and a large gathering of people, witness an incredible miracle that changes their lives forever.

Joseph Lewis

About the author:

Joe lives in Exton, Pennsylvania, with his wife Marian. They are blessed with six grown children and two granddaughters. Aside from writing, Joe teaches history at Regina Luminis Academy in Berwyn, Pennsylvania. He is a graduate of Villanova University, holds a master’s in theology from the Graduate School of Theology at Christendom College, and has done doctoral work in theology at Catholic University. His first book, The Ghosts of Westthorpe Academy, was published in 2018.

Just last month, Joe released the second book of his Westthorpe Academy Mysteries series, Miracle at the Mission. Both books have enjoyed high rankings in a number of categories among Amazon’s best-seller lists.



You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.


Copyright 2022 Amy J. Cattapan

Cath-Lit Live: The Haunted Cathedral

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.

The Haunted Cathedral book cover


The Haunted Cathedral (The Hardwood Mysteries, Book 2) by Antony Barone Kolenc

Xan and Brother Andrew leave the abbey and travel the perilous road to Lincoln, accompanied by a dangerous prisoner. Struggling with doubt and unable to forgive, Xan must face his greatest challenge yet–but will it come from within himself or the dark cathedral rumored to be haunted?

Tony Kolenc author

About the author:

Antony Barone Kolenc is the author of “The Harwood Mysteries,” an exciting historical-fiction series for youth published by Loyola Press. He is a long-time member of the Catholic Writers Guild (CWG), and his novels all have the CWG Seal of Approval. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel from the U.S. Air Force Judge Advocate General’s Corps after 21 years of military service. He is a law professor who has been published in numerous journals and magazines, and he speaks at legal, writing, and home education events. He and his wife, Alisa, are the parents of five children and three wonderful grandchildren.

You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” three times a month live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.

Copyright 2021 Amy J. Cattapan

Cath-Lit Live: ‘God Made the Moonlight’ by Erin Broestl

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.

God Made the Moonlight by Erin Broestl

In this lovely read-aloud for ages 0 to 5, children embark upon on a journey steeped in the magical wonder of the moon and its Creator. A young girl travels from the city to the country, describing phases and aspects of the moonlight with a heartfelt understanding of beauty. “God put it there for all to see, but especially because He loves me.” Jean Schoonover-Egolf’s watercolor illustrations delight on this journey of simple faith and family life.

About the author: Erin Broestl is the Editor of Perpetual Light Publishing, and the author of God Made the Moonlight. She is a Catholic wife and homeschooling mother of 8. She loves reading, skiing, and playing music with her family. You can learn more about her at

You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” three times a month live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.

Copyright 2021 Amy J. Cattapan

Cath-Lit Live: Wisdom Finds a Way

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.

Wisdom Finds a Way by Cathy Gilmore, illustrated by Jeanie Egolf

Tiny Virtue Hero, Amel the camel, can’t see the wisdom of following a star to bring gifts to a baby in tiny Bethlehem. But Amel learns a lot from the love, prayer, and sacrifice of his hero, wise king Balthazar, with whom he meets the King of Kings!

About the illustrator: Jeanie Egolf is a retired physician-turned-homeschooling-mom/author/illustrator/publisher. She has written 4 of her own books, plus served as illustrator, designer, and/or Art Director for almost 100 books and projects since 2009, the year she sold her Internal Medicine practice to stay home with her children, one of whom has special needs. Jeanie is also a catechist at St. Patrick parish. Her family enjoys playing music, sports, and rescuing various animals.

You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” three times a month live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.

Copyright 2020 Amy J. Cattapan

Cath-Lit Live! ‘Wooly and the Good Shepherd’

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.

Wooly and the Good Shepherd by Elizabeth Fust

Wooly the lamb is scared of everything and the rest of the flock make fun of him – except for Wooly’s Good Shepherd. One night, strange creatures called angels visit the flock and send Wooly and his friends on an adventure to Bethlehem that will teach Wooly how to be brave.

About the author: Elizabeth Fust is the author of two Bible story picture books, in addition to many short stories and articles inspired and nurtured by her home in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” three times a month live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.

Copyright 2020 Amy J. Cattapan