
Mountaintop Moments


Copyright 2025 Amy Schisler, all rights reserved.


“Master, it is good that we are here; let us make three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” (Luke 9:43)


I recently led a retreat for a parish in Arkansas on the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary. One of those mysteries is today’s Gospel, a story with which I’m sure most of us are familiar. Jesus takes His chosen three Apostles — Peter, James, and John — up to the top of Mount Tabor to pray.

A Vision of Heaven

As the three Apostles look on, Jesus is transfigured before their eyes, “his face changed in appearance and his clothing became dazzling white.” The three men saw Jesus in all His glory, the way He is in Heaven, the way we hope will be our reward in the afterlife. The glory of Jesus and the understanding that this is a glimpse into the awesomeness of eternal life were not lost on Peter. He felt the importance of this moment.

And it gets even better. While in His glory, Jesus is joined by Moses and Elijah “who appeared in glory and spoke of his exodus that he was going to accomplish in Jerusalem.” Overwhelmed by what he is seeing and hearing, Peter naturally wants to cling to this moment. He wants to build tents there on that spot so they can stay there with Jesus forever.

Mountaintop Moments

As I told the ladies at the retreat, Peter was experiencing a true Mountaintop Moment. Often these moments are fleeting or come only after a beautiful spiritual experience. When we attend a meaningful retreat or go on pilgrimage, we typically feel the same as Peter. We are so wrapped up in the divine, influenced by the Holy Spirit, and full of zeal, we don’t want that time to end. Weddings, births, and other momentous occasions also lend themselves to this feeling.

In scripture, God is often revealed on the mountaintop. In Genesis, God speaks to Abraham from the mountain when He points out the stars and makes His covenant with His people. It is on Mount Zion where Abraham is to sacrifice Issac before the Lord intervenes. In Exodus, God appears to Moses in the burning bush at the top of a mountain, and it is on the top of Mount Sinai where Moses receives the Ten Commandments. Solomon builds his temple on Mount Zion, and Isaiah tells of the New Eden built upon a mountain. The Sermon on the Mount is given on a mountain, and Jesus often prays on the Mount of Olives. There is divine beauty on the top of mountain like no other place.

Is it any wonder Peter wanted to remain on the mountain?

Coming Down the Mountain

After those moments when we feel closest to God — on pilgrimage, when we say “I do,” after we receive the Eucharist — it’s so difficult to watch the glory fade, to see our lives returning to the ordinary, to go down the mountain. A day or two after a pilgrimage ends, I always send an email to my pilgrims letting them know that the letdown they may be experiencing is normal; it’s not easy returning to real life. It’s not easy coming down from the mountain.

However, we must come down because, like Jesus, like Peter, James, and John, coming down the mountain means going on mission. After coming down the mountain, Abraham surrenders his life to God, Moses leads the people to the Promised Land, Jesus comes down from the Mount of Temptation and gathers His Apostles. We must come down to finish the task God has given to us.

Returning for Mission

Peter wanted to stay, but his mission was far from over. He would become the rock, the foundation of the church. He would lead the Church and its members. He would preside over the first council of the Church in Jerusalem, and he would begin the conversion of Rome.

As a mountain climber, I can assure you that there is no more spectacular view than from the top of a mountain, and it’s hard to turn away from the vast beauty to make the trek back to the bottom. Alas, we’ve all heard, what goes up must come down. It’s part of God’s design, and there’s a reason for that. We were made for more than just appreciating the view. We were made to take that wonder and awe back down the mountain and share it with others.

When you have your next mountaintop moment, ask the Lord, what it is you are meant to do when you come down. How can you take the experience and turn it into something that glorifies God here on earth, even in the valleys and on the plains?

“Let us make best use of the fleeting moments.” (Saint Marianne Cope)



Copyright 2025 Amy Schisler, all rights reserved.

Copyright 2025 Amy Schisler

Road through valley. Mountain in background.

Lessons in Compassion

Lessons in Compassion

What brings you to Jesus?

In New Testament times, people flocked to Jesus seeking something they lacked—health, freedom, power, peace, or hope.

The Gospels share numerous stories of people with various ailments hoping to be healed. What depth of faith must they have possessed to leave home and endure the discomfort of travel for only a chance of being made well? Suffering, afraid, broken, and probably having exhausted every avenue of healing they knew—when all they had tried failed—they sought this man. Stories of His healings, the miracles, the unexplained, but most importantly the hope drew them to come and see. No one like Jesus existed before; two thousand years later, we can say no one like Jesus has existed since.

Word spread about Jesus from town to town and over great distances, even without social media. But when people came out to see Him, what expectations did they have?

Whatever prompted them, they came in droves, sometimes by the thousands. In Matthew’s Gospel (14:12-21), we read how they crowded the banks where Jesus disembarked from a boat then they scattered across the land, each hoping to find a place to see and more importantly hear this mysterious miracle man. Were they simply discontent by their circumstances—spiritually, economically, politically? Was it just curiosity? Was the arduous trek worth it?

How often do you contemplate the value of the Sunday excursion to Mass versus staying cozy in bed after an exhausting week? Maybe it is not as dramatic as a desert journey, but the stirring to be close to Jesus which moves us into action remains the same.

Jesus provides.

Moved to pity by the multitudes, Jesus seized this opportunity to do what He did best: teach and heal. He cured the sick and spent the day among these people. He tirelessly ministered, touching many hearts, converting many souls, and stirring the desire of many to become disciples.

On this wonderful day, the crowds found abundant things in this location: grace, hope, mercy, tenderness, love . . . however, food was lacking and evening approached. Jesus had provided sustenance of mind and spirit, but could He also provide for the body? How many thought to themselves, Could He be the answer to everything we need?

As the day came to a close, the Apostles approached the Master and entreated Him to dismiss the crowds. In the presence of such greatness, witnessing things they’d never seen before, they would not likely leave of their own accord.

Woman on mountain top.A mountain-top experience.

How often have you had a mountain-top experience, one of those splendid, special days you never want to end? How many gathered around Jesus that day, like Peter at the Transfiguration, wished the day to go on forever?

Instead of dispersing the crowd as the Apostles requested, Jesus ordered the crowd to be seated, and He blessed the five fish and two loaves of bread. Seated, the people were at rest, the burden of the day and their hunger lifted by a simple command. In this short time with Jesus, they learned to trust Him. They yoked themselves to the teachings of this Rabbi, this teacher.

Come to me, all who labor, hunger, and thirst. Jesus promises to take the burden upon himself, and give you rest. We see that promise in the command to be seated. Do you see Jesus’ promises as trustworthy? If you had been there, would you have sat and waited on Him to act, or would you have doubted and gone to care for your own needs?

Taking the sparse offerings of the five fish and two loaves, Jesus Himself presents them to the Father, blesses them, and breaks them — dividing them among those who put their trust in Him to provide. There is not only enough to feed those present, but twelve bushels of fragments are left, collected, and distributed to others in need.

When we seek what Jesus offers, we are given rest.

We are filled with more than we need and left with some to distribute to others who also need, but who have perhaps not yet realized what Jesus is offering. Seeking Jesus is always worth the effort.


Copyright 2025 by Allison Gingras

Edited by Theresa Linden

Survey Says: Mary, Powerhouse Intercessor!

Survey Says: Mary, Powerhouse Intercessor!

by Dennis Lambert

If we were playing Biblical Family Feud and the players were asked, “What was the greatest revelation of the Wedding at Cana?” my guess is that the number one answer would be a toss-up between two answers. It would be either that it is where Jesus performed his first miracle or that it was the beginning of his public ministry.

Now for the more serious Family Feud thrill seekers out there, what would take the next spot on the big Feud board? The answer to that is likely to be dependent on that player’s Christian affiliation. For myself, being Catholic, my response would be, “Mary the Intercessor.”

One thing I am certain of is that the role of Mary in our Christian faith is often misunderstood by Protestants, and also by many Catholics. Having spent a couple years in the non-denominational world, I can tell you that the number one misconception regarding Mary is that Catholics pray to Mary as we pray to God. (insert the Family Feud big Red X and obnoxious buzzer sound here!). It is, in fact, the story of Cana which demonstrates to the world one of Mary’s most treasured roles in our Christian faith.

Let’s take a look by putting ourselves into the story…

Now, wedding feasts during the time of Jesus were truly a celebration which lasted for days. So the party is in full swing when Mary, the intuitive mother she is, notices something is wrong.

Perhaps she notices the head waiter whispering something into the ear of the father of the bride and then sees a look of shock and dismay come across his face. Next, the father follows the head waiter into the kitchen, and Mary, who obviously knows the man, out of concern follows him to find out what has him so disheveled.

When Mary learns that he has run out of wine she immediately understands the social ramifications and embarrassment it would cause this man, his daughter the bride, and his family. You see, running short on wine at such a celebration would indeed been a major party foul and that error would have surely made that family the talk of the town for months to come, and not in a good way.

So I can envision Mary calmly talking to that father, telling him that everything is going to be all right, that she’s got it handled. Her next move is to her Son. She explains in detail what has happened, what was happening. After listening to his mother, Jesus says to her, “Women, how does your concern affect me? My hour has not yet come.” The reality is that back then, the term “Woman” was an endearing sign of affection. Using a little poetic license and placing myself into the scene, I can see Jesus’ response possibly coming off more like, “Mother, the woman I adore, it’s not my time quite yet. You understand, right?”  (And if I had more space in this article we could go into how biblical scholars describe this call of “Woman” by Jesus as his announcing of Mary as the new Eve.)

Now Mary’s response is interesting. Her eyes are on Jesus, listening to what he says one second, and then a split second later turning her head from her son to the server. Without saying a word to her son, she tells the server, “Do whatever he tells you.”  Now that’s authority! Now that’s a mother!

I can just imagine Jesus rolling his eyes after this, saying something like, “Ma, really?” But what does he do? He orders the servers to bring out six stone jars filled with water. According to the Gospel, that was between 120- and 180-gallons worth of water that Jesus then turns into wine!  In that instance, Jesus complies to his mother’s wishes, her “intentions.”

What this part of the story tells us, unequivocally, is that Mary indeed has the ear of her son and most importantly, that he listens to her.

And what are the implications for us? While they may be pretty clear to most, let me build up where I’m heading with this just a bit before I come out and state the obvious. Allow me ask a couple probing questions …

How many of you have ever prayed for someone else? How many been prayed for? My guess is that everyone reading this is saying an unequivocal “yes” to both questions. The fact that we all participate so fully in this thing we call prayer shows that there is something to it. That there is a real power to prayer. And if you’re like me, the holier the person you get to say a prayer on your behalf, the more efficacious we feel that prayer is going to be.

Which brings us back to Mary. The wedding feast at Cana introduces Mary as the best intercessor for our prayers. After all, whether a person is Catholic or Protestant, I’m confident we would all agree that no one who ever lived is holier than Mary. After all, God chose her to have his Son!

Clearly, as seen in the story of the Wedding at Cana, Jesus most especially listens to his mother! And this, my friends, is Mary’s role in our faith. We don’t pray to Mary as we pray to Jesus or the Father. Rather we ask her, as the holiest person who ever lived, to take our needs, our prayers, our intentions to the very foot of her son. For, as seen at Cana, Jesus most especially listens to his Mother!

So when you find yourself in need, be it one of the big things in life variety, or just a case of writer’s block you’re trying to clear away, may the forceful words of Steve Harvey ring within your ears, “Survey Says: Mary, Powerhouse Intercessor!”…. and then may you turn to our Champion of Cana and ask her for the gift of her influential prayers!

© Copyright 2025 by Dennis Lambert

Feature Photo by John Andrew Nolia Blazo:

trophies in the sky with clouds and sunshine

A Champion in God’s Eyes

By Kimberly Novak


“Our world is obsessed with success. But how does God define success? Success in God’s eyes is faithfulness to His calling.”   

Billy Graham


In any line of work, the rewards or fruits of our labor are often unknown. There are occasions when recognition occurs, but eight out of ten times, we do not know our impact upon someone or something. As an author, I try to get the yellow stars on Amazon, positive reviews for my blog, and the occasional kudos from a colleague. 

It’s natural to strive for success in a chosen craft, especially when the project responds to God’s call upon our hearts. Aside from the occasional nudges of spiritual warfare, I am confident that I am walking in God’s Will for my life. However, until recently, I always thought my day job, or station, was my life’s work. That was until I met Lizzy. 

Lizzy came into my life not by coincidence but through the gentle hands of God. On New Year’s Day, my phone rang, and on the other end, it was the most fabulous gift—a friend with a message from God.

My friend, an acquaintance of Lizzy’s, was calling to share some exciting news.  Lizzy had been dealing with new cognitive deficits, which affected daily living. Lizzy and she often met to discuss these things when Lizzy’s outlook suddenly changed from sorrow to joy. One day, Lizzy held something tight in her grasp, and as her fingers released it, my chapter book, Bella’s Beautiful Miracle, was in her hands. Written primarily for middle-grade children in the voice of bugs, it shares Bella’s journey from caterpillar to butterfly. However, Bella’s journey is for all ages. With themes of prayer, renewal, and faith, it resonates with adults looking for more in their relationship with God, just like Lizzy.  

As it turns out, I signed books at a local craft fair in December, and a friend of Lizzy’s purchased the book for her. Quite often, those without little ones to shop for will walk on by. Therefore,  I make it a point to invite them over and share how Bella’s story relates to readers of all ages. Lucky for me, Lizzy’s friend was one of those people who was willing to listen. 

I remember the conversation we had that day. She was attracted to the book because of Lizzy’s love for butterflies. I would say the cover art worked its magic at that moment! Signing and selling books at craft fairs can be tricky. Sometimes, I do better at churches, but then there are times when I have had success in unexpected places… No matter what,  I always set the bar low to sell one book and plant one seed knowing that God will ensure its growth. On this particular day, God only needed one book to make a difference. 

We had to meet! My friend arranged a time for the three of us to chat, and it was glorious! The best recognition of any writer has got to be face-to-face with the one God had you craft your story for. I was anxious at first at Lizzy’s star-struck reaction. I’m just a little woman in a normal suburb, living a normal life. As we sat and talked, we both became settled and natural. I felt God’s presence in the room, and I knew that the moment was designed by God and for His glory. 

God took that one purchase and turned it into a miracle! Lizzy has become a new version of herself. She carries the book around and sees herself as Bella the caterpillar.  Lizzy now shines in her smile and shares Jesus with those who will listen. Bella’s story, exactly! 

I might not win awards or be the best-selling author, but my trophy awaits me in heaven. Recognition from God for a job well done and the memory of Lizzy’s smile as she held tightly to my written words is gold star enough for me! My meeting with Lizzy was a true blessing and gift from God. This experience has shed light upon my life’s work; God has shown me that my life’s work is all about bringing people closer to Him. That might be through my day job or writing, but I am open to answering that call. 


(Names and experiences were modified to maintain confidentiality).


©️ 2025 Kimberly Novak

Edited by Janet Tamez

Pierre Toussaint: NYC’s OG Black Hairdresser and Future Saint

Pierre Toussaint: NYC’s OG Black Hairdresser and Future Saint 

By Janet Tamez 

Before he was declared venerable by St. John Paul II, Pierre Toussaint was an OG New Yorker, a master hairstylist to the rich and a quiet godfather to the poor. He arrived in New York City in 1796, when George Washington had just stepped down from the presidency, the United States was a young blood, and NYC was the place to be. 

Born into slavery in Haiti, Pierre came to America with his owners, who fled the Haitian Revolution. Hoping to maintain their way of life, Pierre’s owner brought him and the other slaves to America. Far from being abolitionists, they were progressive in one key way: they allowed Pierre to be trained as a hairdresser and keep his earnings. This came in clutch as NYC was filled with rich aristocrats like the Schuyler sisters who needed their hair did for social events. Pierre soon built a reputation as one of the city’s most sought-after stylists. 

Then came an unexpected twist of fate. His owner, Jean Jacques Bérard, died, leaving behind a widowed wife who struggled to support herself. Rather than turn his back on her, Pierre used his earnings to financially sustain her until her death. In gratitude, she granted him freedom on her deathbed. He was over 40 years old at the time. 

Pierre wasted no time securing the freedom of those he loved. He purchased his fiancée Juliette’s freedom, as well as his sister’s. He and Juliette settled in a modest home on Reade Street, where they opened their doors to orphaned children, feeding them and teaching them valuable trade skills. They also raised his niece, Euphemia, as their own after his sister’s passing. 

Pierre wasn’t just a talented hairstylist, he was a hustler in the best sense. He invested in real estate and banks, building wealth not for himself but for the people around him. What makes him a saint is not how he started from the bottom but how generous he was with his wealth. He donated heavily to charities across New York, including Elizabeth Seton’s orphanage (which, at the time, only served white children). Most notably, he was one of the first benefactors of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral, where he is buried today, the only layperson granted that honor. 

Rumor has it that when a friend pointed out that he could retire early, Pierre replied, “Pierre loves the kids.” Okay, just kidding. What he actually said was, “Madam, I have enough for myself, but if I stop work, I have not enough for others.” And he lived by that philosophy.

Even when the Great Fire of 1835 destroyed his real estate investments, costing him what would be equivalent to $900,000 today, he continued to fund orphanages and charities, laying the foundation for what is now Catholic Charities in New York. He also started the first Black Catholic school in the city. 

To the Haitian immigrants who arrived in New York, Pierre was a lifeline, offering them jobs, financial assistance, and guidance. When yellow fever devastated the city, he was one of the few who entered quarantined neighborhoods to care for the sick. Pierre was able to mingle with both the elites of NYC and the poor of New York, earning the love and respect of both. 

When he died in 1853, the entire neighborhood turned out to honor him, the rich, the poor, Black and White, all recognizing the life of a man who gave everything to his community. 

This Black History Month, we remember Venerable Pierre Toussaint—not just as a philanthropist or entrepreneur, but as a man of the people. Respected in the streets, honored in the church, and hopefully, one day, celebrated as a saint by the global Church.


Copyright 2025 by Janet Tamez

Edited by Angela Lano

statue of angel

Memento Mori

Teach us to count our days aright,
that we may gain wisdom of heart.
(Psalm 90:12). (1)

Memento Mori

When I was growing up, “Remember your death” was an almost universal expression of Christian practice during Lent.

Parents taught their children that we are “ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” My own mother, and a variety of other mature women I knew then, quipped their excuses for not mopping under beds with the old joke, “My friends might be down there, visiting me today.”

It’s human nature to fantasize that we are the exceptions, that we will never wrinkle and decline, that we ourselves will never die. The elders then were offering us as children an essential grounding in reality.

Last September, I lost my beloved husband of almost 50 years

Although I recognized our advancing age, decreasing energy, and the burgeoning of necessary medical checkups, I shied away from his earnest attempts to provide me with important survival information.

My response was bright-eyed and cheery. “But we’re not going to die,” I kept telling him. “At least, not yet.”

I know he showed me where he was hiding the outdoor emergency house key … Five months later, the kids and I still haven’t been able to find it. Fortunately, we had other keys.

A massive heart attack, caused by blockage in the LAD, left artery descending, took Charles away from us far too soon. This silent and deadly killer is nicknamed “the widow maker” by medical professionals, for good reason.

I’m deeply thankful for the memory that last April, he raced me across the parking lot at St. Thomas the Apostle Church in Tucson, right after we had received Eucharist together on Easter Sunday. I’ll never forget his grin when he beat me to the car.

Despite my evasion, a spiritual call to prayer for the dying does run in my maternal family line. I experienced it even in my Methodist childhood, with elderly family members “checking in” as their time of passing neared.

Once I was confirmed in the Roman Catholic Church in 1989, insistent calls to pray for fellow parishioners, and even total strangers, drew me to the Adoration Chapel more and more often.

After a while, I began to notice that every time I felt a particular call to prayer, the same people were already there, or coming through the door right behind me; each of us always with a rosary in our hands.

At a Catholic Life in the Spirit conference held at Notre Dame University in 1998, I heard a speaker on the topic of charismatic gifts say, “Here’s a terrible one – knowing when people are going to die.”

I disagree. It’s a beautiful gift in the Body of Christ, a blessing that Our Lord pours through us, in the power of the Holy Spirit.

These calls to prayer mean that someone who loves us knows when we’re coming home; someone is lighting a candle in the window to guide us and welcome us; someone is calling companions together to support us. The transportation provided for that journey is prayer.

Every time any member of the Church prays a rosary, aren’t we asking the Blessed Mother for this very assistance at the time of our own deaths?

Catholics who respond to a felt call, to pray a rosary for others, are serving Mother Mary as her hands here on earth.

Has this understanding spared me any of the dreadful earthly experiences that follow the sudden death of a spouse — the incapacitating waves of grief, the hollow feeling of emptiness, the seemingly endless sleepless nights – the lawyers, bankers, and brokers, with their complicated rules and reams of paperwork – the daunting responsibilities to console grieving children and grandchildren, and to navigate the family through a disorienting new universe?

No. I have not been spared any of these.

But I’m grateful that, by mystical grace, I was granted the privilege to be with my husband, in prayer, at the time of his death; with God’s love swirling around us and through us both. That, for me, is everything.

T.S. Eliott wrote, in the concluding lines of his profoundly religious poem Ash Wednesday:

“When the voices shaken from the yew-tree drift away,
Let the other yew be shaken and reply.
… Teach us to sit still
Even among these rocks,
Our peace in His will
And even among these rocks
Sister, mother
… Spirit of the river, spirit of the sea,
Suffer me not to be separated
And let my cry come unto Thee.” (2)

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us now, and at the hour of our death.


2. © 2003-2025 English Verse

Copyright by Margaret King Zacharias, February 15, 2025.

Feature photo used by permission of the author.

Hand holding a card that says "you are invited"

Invitation and Evangelization

The Invitation

“What are you looking for?” Jesus asks (John 1:38). The disciples, perhaps not knowing how to answer, blurted, “Where are you staying?” Jesus replied, “Come and see.”

Of course, Jesus knew what they were seeking. Is it not what we all seek: peace, hope, salvation? Jesus called the disciples, and calls each of us, to accept His invitation to find everything one could ever need — in Him.

From Jesus’ teaching in John’s Gospel, we know He longs to show us where He abides so that we may enjoy the blessing of abiding with Him. In John 15:4-16, we learn the blessings of choosing to live in communion with Him. “If you abide in me and my words abide in you, ask whatever you will, and it shall be done for you” (John 15:7). Scripture reveals that when we do so, we will bear much fruit, receive what we ask, and most importantly, know the Father’s glory.

Jesus’ invitations present opportunities to contemplate deep inside our souls just what we are looking for, what we long for, and to take stock of our lives and discern if we truly embrace the things of God. Do you know what you have been seeking in this world? Are you open to truly being a disciple of Jesus Christ? Can you leave behind your expectations, trust the goodness of Jesus’ invitation, and follow God’s perfect will for your life?

Stepping Out in Faith

Without waiting for His disciples to voice their reaction, knowing their hearts and that the Kingdom of Heaven holds everything they seek, Jesus invites them to come and see. Interestingly, some of Jesus’ disciples came and stayed with Him because they had heard Jesus preach. Moved by the promise, hope, mercy, and life He offered, they directly accepted His generous invitation.  However, others, like Peter, came to follow Jesus after someone else extended an invitation to “come and see” for themselves.

Andrew’s willingness to evangelize led to his brother Peter’s choice to become a disciple of the Lord. Andrew’s love for Peter moved him to share the truth and joy he had found. How blessed to have someone care enough to step out in faith and share the life found only in Jesus—no matter how uncomfortable one may feel or how their testimony may be received.

Those Who Believe Inspire Others to Believe

John’s Gospel also introduces us to the Samaritan woman Jesus meets at the well. Her encounter with Christ spurs a conversion so dramatic — she cannot keep it to herself. Transformed by His love and mercy, and the hope of a life where one no longer has to thirst for acceptance and redemption, she leaves her past behind and becomes an unlikely evangelist. Moved by her transformation from accepting Jesus’ invitation to come and see, she goes out immediately to share the Good News, which causes a ripple effect of discipleship.

One of the most powerful moments in John’s Gospel (4:41-42) occurs after the Samaritan woman goes back to town. The disciples return to the well and soon witness the townspeople making their way toward Jesus. After listening to Jesus, the townspeople say to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves and know that this One truly is the Savior of the world.” The townspeople, having heard the woman’s testimony, accepted her invitation to pursue an encounter with Christ for themselves. Anytime we accept Jesus’ invitation to follow Him (to abide in truth and love), our lives will never be the same.

The power and beauty of evangelization manifests in the conversion of hearts when an invitation leads to a personal encounter with Christ and the choice to remain and abide with Him. We may recognize our journey within these many roads to discipleship. Which of these paths is yours? Will we pay forward what we have received? Do we have the courage and strength to follow Jesus’ example and invite others to come and see? When we, like Andrew and the woman at the well, tell others about finding the Messiah, we become part of the hope of discipleship present in John’s Gospel. We become conduits for others to encounter the truth and grace found only in Jesus Christ.


Copyright 2025 by Allison Gingras

Edited by Theresa Linden


Love Among the Saints

Love Among the Saints

Do we think of saints being married? Among the most popular — St. Therese, St. Francis, St. Pio of Pietrelcina, St. Teresa of Calcutta were wed to Christ and the church. Yet Catholic history proclaims saintly husbands and wives who lived lives much like the rest of us. Who could ever imagine that the father of one of the most scholarly popes would have crafted a newspaper ad to find his wife? Or that a couple, now on their way to sainthood, would have a story that rivals Romeo and Juliet in family drama? Only one husband lived not just to testify to his wife’s saintliness but also to be present at her canonization. Another saint married twice. And one husband literally tried the patience of a saint.

Patrick O’Hearn’s Courtship of the Saints: How the Saints Met their Spouses, offers lively, loved-filled accounts of couples from Biblical times into the 21st Century. They shaped the church in some way through their sacrifice and devotion to one another and to their families by making the prayer their foundation and God the center of their lives.

Mr. O’Hearn, also the author of Parents of the Saints: The Hidden Heroes Behind Our Favorite Saints, and former acquisitions editor with Tan Books, clearly strives to provide an antidote to the decades old “hookup culture” that has degraded marriage, women, and men. He does this with inspirational examples of a proven formula for meeting one’s true love. People have, over the centuries, continued to seek love, but the ways of going about it have failed. He promises that the contents lying beyond the beckoning cover of the intimate painting, “The Meeting of Joachim and Anne outside the Golden Gate of Jerusalem,” by Fillipino Lippi (1497) are “… better than any romantic novel because they return to the source of love: God Himself” (p. 5), and Mr. O’Hearn is as eager as any evangelist to share the news.

He doesn’t begin there, however, because without the proper framework, the stories would only be pretty romance tales. Mr. O’Hearn commences by defining courtship and its significance, offering historical and contemporary perspectives. He explains how it is different from modern “dating” and urges those called to marriage to pursue it. “Our culture will only be renewed when the family is strong … when marriages reflect Christ’s radical love for His church; when couples love each other madly through the good times and bad, and are open to the number of children God wants to provide them.” (pp. 5-6). He peppers the narrative with quotes from Ven. Fulton Sheen, St. Thomas Aquinas, and other well-known and favored theologians.

“Courtship looks to the future – to eternity,” he explains. “Courtship asks the following questions: Does this person have virtue? Is this the best person to lead me — and, God willing, my future children — to heaven?” (p. 11). He moves into betrothal: “…a time for a couple to intensify their prayer life as they prepare for marriage” (p. 19). Introspective questions give further substance to the book and to Mr. O’Hearn’s premise of returning to a prayer-filled, God-invited relationship. Part Two “Courtship Counsel and Prayers” is a kind of action plan that offers contemplative questions such as: How do I pray daily for my future spouse? Where should I look for a future spouse? It also advises how to choose a spouse, discern marriage as a vocation, and offers prayers and saintly inspirational quotes.  A section for married couples opens with this guidance: “Rediscover why you fell in love in the first place and continue to fall in love. Don’t let the fire burn out.” Mr. O’Hearn then suggests practical applications for doing so.

Sandwiched between the practical is the romantic with the couple’s entertaining encounters. The 23- year union between Karol and Emilia Wojtyla so influenced their young son that it helped to shape his perception of the love between a man and a woman that the author asserts it “… provided the first education concerning the splendor of marital love” contained in Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body.” His parents are now Servants of God. Accounts like the Wojtylas will melt hearts. Others might drop jaws, such as the meeting of Josef and Maria Ratzinger that occurred when she responded to a newspaper ad he wrote to find a wife. St. Thomas More transitions from the martyr who dared to defy King Henry VII to the guy down the street who is widowed prematurely and, out of concern for his young children, begins looking for a wife. No doubt readers will chuckle – because they know a couple just like this — when they read about Bl. Anna-Maria Taigi and her husband, Dominic, who possessed “rough” manners.

Others will bring tears. Arguably, no other romance is as beautiful as that between Pietro Molla and Gianna Beretta and the family life they created. The author devotes nearly 20 pages to them. Anyone who has read Journey of Our Love: The Letters of Saint Gianna Beretta and Pietro Molla, which the author cites, will marvel at how he was able to keep it to 20.

Among the 25 couples, readers will have many favorites because, regardless of the time, all have uniqueness and relatability. Each one also has the commonality of fervent prayer and love of God. Anyone willing to put their love life into God’s hand will be able to find joy, endure hardships, and withstand suffering, proving that but no one can write a love story better than the Father Himself.

© Copyright 2025 by Mary McWilliams

Feature Photo by Eugenia Remark:

Inset photo by Mary McWilliams

Parent tossing child in the air on a beach at sunset.

God’s Got Our Back

God’s Got Our Back

I went to Confession hungry—hungry for something I couldn’t articulate at the time, but God knew and satisfied that unnamed gnawing through one of His kind priests.  Monsignor Ignacio gave me the penance of learning Psalm 139.  He told me how much God loved me and that, if I prayed this psalm, I would know absolutely just how deeply God knows, accepts, and loves me. I think I cried all the way home, realizing that, despite my faults, imperfections, and self-doubts, someone—God—could love me so completely.

I went on to memorize excerpts from that psalm and prayed it every morning for a while. I shared copies with friends and family.  I even wrote it down on scratch paper during a plane ride to visit my daughter and gave it to a misty-eyed young man sitting next to me. He cried.

Eventually, I stopped the daily morning recitation and drifted into a rhythm of aimless newly retired life. But I was hungry again. I was preparing to offer a workshop at our local Catholic Writers Guild meeting. “Writing with Intent” aimed at sharing tips and tools to kick-start or rejuvenate the writing life. At that time, chapter members ranged from new writers to seasoned authors. What could I possibly offer that would appeal to and encompass such a range of needs?  I began to worry and stress over the presentation.

That’s when Psalm 139 surfaced again. When we are hungry, God’s words speak to our hearts. Whether new to the pen and unsure of intent or seasoned with countless pages and seeking fresh perspectives, as Catholic writers, we need to know, without a doubt, that God loves us and has got our back. It is He Who guides our writing and satiates our hunger when we ask.

“Probe me, God, know my heart;

try me, know my concern.

See if my way is crooked,

then lead me in the ancient paths.”—Psalm 139: 23–24

The reading and meditation on excerpts from Psalm 139 set the introductory tone for the workshop, which was well received by all.  God was right there for me and them. Then and now.

Excerpts from Psalm 139


Lord, You have probed me, You know me:

You know when I sit and stand;

You understand my thoughts from afar.

My travels and my rest You mark;

with all my ways You are familiar.

Even before a word is on my tongue,

Lord, You know it all.

Behind and before, You encircle me

and rest Your hand upon me.

. . . 

If I fly with the wings of dawn

and alight beyond the sea,

even there Your hand will guide me,

Your right hand hold me fast.

. . .

You formed my inmost being;

You knit me in my mother’s womb.

I praise You, so wonderfully You made me;

wonderful are Your works!

. . .

How precious to me are Your designs, O God;

how vast the sum of them!

Were I to count, they would outnumber the sands;

to finish, I would need eternity.

. . .

Probe me, God, know my heart;

try me, know my concern.

See if my way is crooked,

then lead me in the ancient paths.


—Psalm 139: 1–5, 9–10, 13–14, 17–18, 23–24

St. Joseph Edition of The New American Bible


© Paula Veloso Babadi 2025

Edited by Gabriella Batel

When not playing pickleball or “Nana,” Paula Veloso Babadi cooks, gardens, and writes poetry and short personal essays. You can find her first book-length collection, Everywhere Hope, at

Christ Sends Apostles Out in Pairs Anonymous Dutch Painting, Public Domain

Two by Two

Jesus summoned the Twelve and began to send them out two by two. (Mark 6:7)


Two by two. Not alone. Not in a group. Jesus sent out the twelve two by two.

Jesus could have sent the disciples out on their own. After all, there would come a time when they would each go their own way — James to Spain, Thomas to present-day Iran, Andrew to Greece, John to Asia, Matthew to Africa, and so on. He could have told them that this first sending out was meant to prepare them for what was to come. He could have told them that there are times in life when they would feel and be alone, and they would have nobody to turn to or consult or just talk to.

Likewise, He could have sent them in two groups of six or three groups of four. There’s safety in numbers. Plus, groups of young men traveling around the globe attracting audiences have always been popular, right?


Two Are Better than One

Instead, Jesus sent them two by two. He knew that two is better than one, and often two work better than a group. In Ecclesiastes, we read,

Two are better than one … If the one falls, the other will help the fallen one. But woe to the solitary person! If that one should fall, there is no other to help. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10)

C.S. Lewis takes it even farther. He tells us in the introduction to  Athanasius’ On The Incarnation, “Two heads are better than one, not because either is infallible, but because they are unlikely to go wrong in the same direction.” Two people are more accountable and hold each other accountable. They recognize when one is going off course and can steer each other to the right place, be it a safe harbor or a challenging cliff that can only be climbed together.


Finding A Second

For several years, I have thought about whether I need a spiritual advisor. Of course, being human and being the independent, forge ahead at all costs person I am, I’ve always laughed it off as something I don’t need and certainly don’t have time for! I never stopped to think that maybe I don’t have time for one because I’m not making the time or because I’m not where I’m meant to be and am too busy running around to see it.

More and more, this concept of having someone else in my spiritual corner — someone to help me when I’m falling, when I’m off course, when I need help — has been weighing more and more on my heart. I finally reached out to a friend who is a spiritual advisor and asked her opinion. As expected, she told me that “the Holy Spirit is a nudger worth listening to.”

In sending the Apostles out two by two, Jesus affirmed the view of two people working together to help each other out, to receive help when one falls, and direction when off-course, to further the Kingdom. If Jesus felt that this was the best way to go about our missions and bring His Word to the world, who am I to try to make the journey solo?


Christ Sends Apostles Out in Pairs Anonymous Dutch Painting, Public Domain

Christ Sends Apostles Out in Pairs Anonymous Dutch Painting, Public Domain


We Can’t Do It Alone

So they went off and preached repentance. The Twelve drove out many demons, and they anointed with oil many who were sick and cured them. (Mark 6:12-13)

As two together, the Apostles experienced the fruits of the Holy Spirit. They were successful, doing as Jesus told them, and healing may of their afflictions, both spiritual and physical. Perhaps they would not have been able to accomplish this on their own. Even after Jesus died, and they were to carry on the mission, they needed the Holy Spirit to descend upon them and grace them with confidence and ability. They couldn’t do it alone.

My brothers and sisters, if you are pondering where to turn for guidance and companionship on your spiritual journey, know that you are not alone and that you aren’t meant to be. If not a spiritual advisor, seek someone who will share the mission with you, be there when you fall, and steer you in the right direction. Two are better than one.

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20)


Let us pray: Lord, I ask you to open my heart and my mind to the nudging of the Holy Spirit. I pray that you lead me to the person you have chosen as my spiritual partner. Help us to further Your Kingdom as we walk two by two. Amen.

Copyright 2025 Amy Schisler

Catholic Writers' GuildAI
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