With God, You Can Handle Anything

With God, You Can Handle Anything


I had the gift of an extra-fruitful spiritual direction session not too long ago. I usually keep the details of the conversations between me, the director, and God. However, there are moments where sharing my experience may benefit others, and this is one of those times.
I cannot recall the topic we were discussing when my director began to share a story about a three-handled coffee mug. She told me when she presented this thought exercise to others in the past, they became overwhelmed and anxious at the thought of how to hold it or use it. As I began to imagine it in my mind, I was intrigued and excited all at the same time. When my spiritual director asked how the three handled mug made me feel, I couldn’t help but share that I saw the persons of the Trinity—a handle for Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

While imagining this mug, the emotions of anxiety and stress never entered my mind. I felt peace knowing I was in good company. I had actually hoped there might be a fourth handle on which to place my own hand. I began to consider all of the times in my life when I needed the power of God to move mountains. That handy coffee mug would be a reminder that both all things are possible with God and that I am not alone.

I also related to why having a cup with that many handles would confuse some. I considered times when I felt pulled in multiple directions and how difficult it is to anchor myself in one place. I believe that worry is the thief of joy, and I consider anxiety the brother of worry. Don’t get me wrong, there are many times when my mind wants to let fear win, but my prayer experience reminds me that I am not supposed to tackle life alone. God is in it with me.

Thinking back on that session, I laugh at how surprised my director was by my response. I was the only person she had encountered who wanted a three-handled mug and the strength it would give me.

In their book called Personal Prayer: A Guide for Receiving the Father’s Love, Fr. Boniface Hicks, OSB and Fr. Thomas Acklin, OSB brought up the topic of anxiety as a gift from God. When we experience anxiety, it comes in the form of a felt emotion. Usually, it sends off an alarm that something needs to be corrected. We can take this signal and consider it a direct alert from God, letting us know that we want to take control. Then we can bring it to God and surrender the situation to Him. How wonderful it is that we can go to God for help, and what a powerful image it is to imagine our hand, with the Trinity, banding together as one to accomplish anything.

A month after this session, I still could not get the image of the three-handled cup from my mind. I had an unquenchable longing to hold one and imagine God’s hands along with mine, having a conversation over a cup of coffee. I finally allowed the urge to win out, consulted the internet, landed on eBay, and a week later I clutched my three-handled mug. The cup is hand-made pottery, with a bumpy texture. The sentimental type I am, I can imagine the hands of the person who created it. I slide my fingertip across the initials scratched into the bottom, too blurred to make out. A reminder of my imperfections and the faithfulness of God. The space where the handles joined the cup reveals finger swipes, merging the clay. A prayerful moment brings me peace in connecting with another person who loved that cup while combining myself with the persons of the Trinity.

I’ve prayed with the cup only a couple of times, and depending on what I fill it with, there may be a heaviness to it, or it remains light. I have also filled it with feelings, concerns, and prayers. Imaginative prayer is not for everyone, but if it connects you to God, go for it. In my days, when life gets so heavy I need to unload, I place my hands alongside the persons of the Trinity and lift my cup to the heavens. I may not be able to handle things independently, but I can do all things with God.

Copyright 2023 Kimberly Novak
Images Copyright Canva

Cath-Lit Live: Single Truth by Annie Harton

Cath-Lit Live: Single Truth by Annie Harton


“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.




Single Truth: You Are More Than Your Relationship Status by Annie Harton

Single Truth is written from the heart of a marriage counselor who shares her story of longing, heartache, and adventure as a single woman in her 30’s. Two years following an excruciating breakup with her first love, she committed to a year-long dating fast to dive deeper into her personal relationship with God, confront her deepest fears, and learn to embrace her season of singleness.

This book will help you to:

  • Experience a love that is free, faithful, and fruitful
  • Discover your true identity in Christ
  • Accept the gift of the present moment

Annie Harton provides a refreshing perspective on singleness as she integrates her personal experience with her background in theology and psychology. She learned the hard way to not let her relationship status define her. Join her on a journey of getting unstuck and thriving in the tension of “ready—but not yet.”



About the author:

Annie Harton is a proud alumna of Saint Mary’s College and the University of Notre Dame. She is a licensed marriage and family therapist, author, and speaker. Her book Single Truth inspired her to start a business called You Are More. She specializes in helping singles and couples explore how they’re more than their diagnoses, their pasts, their jobs, and their relationship statuses; while also reminding them that God is more than any problem they bring Him.



You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.




Copyright 2023 Amy J. Cattapan
Banner image via Pexels

Cath-Lit Live: Becoming Wife by Rachel Bulman

Cath-Lit Live: Becoming Wife by Rachel Bulman

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.



Becoming Wife: Saying Yes to More Than the Dress by Rachel Bulman

Whether you are preparing to be or are already a wife, you likely are immersed in the external reality of marriage. But being wife is so much more: It’s a call to holiness and a vocation of incredible significance. Becoming Wife explores what it means for a woman to fulfill this vocation. Catholic wife, mother, speaker, and author Rachel Bulman shares – like a friend over a cup of coffee – how being a wife is at once a calling and a purpose. The more a wife makes herself a gift to her husband, to her children, and to the world, the more she inevitably becomes the person God created her to be. She becomes more wife, more woman, more Christian. Thus, she fulfills her identity as a daughter of God and cultivates the soil from which her motherhood comes to fruition. By exploring the life of the Blessed Mother and the guidance of great minds in the Church, like Saint John Paul II and Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, this book unwraps the gift of becoming a wife and what it means to make a “total gift” of oneself through matrimony. 




About the author: Rachel Bulman is a lover of humanity, especially her husband and six children. A national speaker and author, she also appears with her family in the show Meet the Bulmans, currently airing on the Word on Fire Institute’s YouTube channel. She serves on the advisory board of The GIVEN Institute and frequently gives talks at retreats, conferences, and other gatherings. In her spare time, she enjoys reading a good book, lifting weights, and perfecting her Old Fashioned cocktail recipe. 



You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.



Copyright 2023 Amy J. Cattapan
Banner image via Pexels

Blood Circulating in the Body of the Cosmic Christ

Blood Circulating in the Body of the Cosmic Christ

All human beings are born to share forever in the eternal circulation of love that is the divine life. But to participate as fully as possible in the divine life, we have to learn to selflessly give and receive the gift of self in love. That’s what we’re here to learn how to do. And the more fully we learn to do that, the more fully we can share in the divine love and life and bliss.

But how could we humans possibly share in the divine life of God? How could we, who are finite beings, be united with the infinite God? There is an infinite chasm between us finite human beings and God. We cannot leap over the abyss separating the finite from the infinite. We need a lifeline of some kind to be thrown across to us from the shores of infinity, a bridge of some sort that will span the abyss and enable us to cross over into the divine realm. Jesus Christ is that lifeline; Jesus Christ is that “vaulting bridge” who spans the abyss separating us finite beings from the infinite God. Jesus has forever united the human with the divine in himself, thereby making space for all human beings (indeed, the entire cosmos!) within the divine life of God.

Think about it: God and humanity, the infinite and the finite, united in the one person of Jesus Christ, in such a way that the path for us to transcend our finitude and participate in the infinity of Being, to share in the divine life of God forever, has been opened up to all human beings and to the entire cosmos. Seemingly impossible; seemingly incredible. But if it is true (which it is), then this one person would be the answer to the riddle of human existence. That is why our individual destinies are determined by our answer to the single most important question confronting us in life: Yes or No to Jesus Christ, which is a Yes or No to love and therefore a Yes or No to God and to our ultimate fulfillment as human beings. We were all born to be “blood circulating in the Body of the cosmic Christ,” in Balthasar’s beautiful phrase. By uniting ourselves to the Body of Christ, we are united with God and with all the other members of that Body. By uniting ourselves to the Body of Christ, we join in the eternal circulation of love that is the divine life and find therein our ultimate fulfillment.

* This article is an excerpt from Rick’s latest book, The Book of Love: Brief Meditations (https://enroutebooksandmedia.com/thebookoflove/)

Copyright 2023 Rick Clements

Photo by Alexandru Acea on Unsplash

Cath-Lit Live: America’s Mary

Cath-Lit Live: America’s Mary

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.



America’s Mary: The Story of Our Lady of Good Help by Marge Steinhage Fenelon

In 1859 on the Door County Peninsula of northeast Wisconsin, Mary appeared three times to a young Belgian woman named Adele Brise. She identified herself as the Queen of Heaven and gave Adele instructions to teach the children their catechism, pray, do penance, sacrifice, and receive the sacraments frequently. Adele was initially met with skepticism, and during her lifetime she experienced many trials, including persecution. Still, she maintained that she was telling the truth and courageously carried on the mission the Blessed Mother had given to her. Based on historical documents, testimonies, personal interviews, and expert analysis, America’s Mary: The Story of Our Lady of Good Help chronicles for the first time the United States’ only Church-approved Marian apparition.



About the author: Marge Steinhage Fenelon is an award-winning author, retreat leader, internationally known speaker and Catholic media personality. She has written several books on Marian devotion and Catholic spirituality, including the best-selling Our Lady, Undoer of Knots: A Living Novena (Guided Reflections from the Holy Land) and the award-winning My Queen, My Mother: A Marian Pilgrimage Across America. Her newest book is America’s Mary: The Story of Our Lady of Good Help. She is an instructor for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee Deacon Wives Program and holds certificates in Spiritual Mentoring and Mariology. Her podcast, Simply Holy, airs weekly on many popular podcast platforms. Visit her website at MargeFenelon.com.



You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.




Copyright 2022 Amy J. Cattapan
Banner image via Pexels

Three Different Types of Editing (and why the title “Editor” is confusing!)


“I sent it to an editor and it came back with so many errors!” 

“My beta readers said I really need an editor, but I had it proofread,
so I don’t understand what they mean!”

“My manuscript is completely finished and now
I just have to get it into the hands of an editor who will publish it!”

Maybe you’ve heard writer-friends say things like the above? If you’re thinking that it sounds like these hypothetical authors all have different concepts of what an
editor is and does, you’re spot on, and if you are new to writing and publishing, it can be very confusing! Before I started working at a literary agency, I worked for an editing and design company, helping authors take the necessary steps to self-publish or find a publisher for their books. I received emails all day long from people who needed help sorting through their editing options.

I’m going to outline the primary types of editing for you below, but if you’d rather listen to me speak on this subject than read about it, you can also find a loose reproduction of the text here on my YouTube channel, The Book Barr.


  1.       Developmental Editing

Most manuscripts need to start here. Developmental editing can be formally done by an industry professional or informally by a critique group or beta readers. This type of editing looks at the big picture — plotting, organization, pacing, dialogue, character development, worldbuilding, etc.

Both fiction and non-fiction authors need developmental work, and they need it long before they are ready to move on to the other types of editing that focus on more minute details like spelling and grammar. So much can change in a manuscript during developmental editing! The goal is to take a step back and look at the work as objectively as possible to increase readability and maximize impact.

People often assume that when you “hire an editor,” you’ll get both high and low-level help, but commonly, you’ll find editors gifted in one or the other, but not both, types of editing. Most of us are either concept people or detail people, right-brain or left-brain thinkers, highly creative or highly meticulous. Editors are no different. I’m sure you can think through the wide range of personalities and giftings God has given us and see why some people are going to lean more toward proficiency in developmental editing than what comes next, which is…

  1.       Line Editing

This kind of editing is also sometimes called copyediting, though there are subtle differences between the two. Because these terms are used interchangeably, it’s very important to determine what exactly you’re paying for when you hire any editor.

Line editing looks at grammar and syntax, line-by-line. A line editor looks at each word used and whether it conveys the intended meaning, is redundant, or sometimes even whether or not it’s offensive or archaic. A line editor may make suggestions about the paragraph-level organization, but not usually on issues that span the whole chapter or manuscript.

If a line-level editor makes a distinction between line editing and copyediting, what they usually mean is that copyediting is where very specific mechanical rules are examined. This is especially important in non-fiction when academic style guides like MLA or the Chicago Manual of Style are used. Fiction authors have a lot more leeway, and a line editor will be the one to make sure house-style (the preferences of a particular publishing house) is followed and grammar rules are consistent—whether or not to use an Oxford comma, for instance. (The answer is yes, by the way.)

  1.       Proofreading

Proofreading is the very last (and usually the cheapest) step. A manuscript should be as “done” as an author can get it before it goes to proofreading. Proofreaders look for misspellings, repeated words, missing words, incorrect punctuation, and other things that are easy to pass over when you’ve read something many times.

Proofreading is not the discount version of line editing. Proofreaders can get justifiably frustrated when they are paid a lower rate to clean up a very messy manuscript. Most of us in this industry love words, and no one wants to see a book go out into the world unpolished. So be kind and hire the right kind of editor to ensure they are getting paid to do the job they signed up for.


To further add to the confusion, the primary contact for authors at a publishing house is also called an Editor. These are not freelancers that you hire, though they may be talented as developmental or line editors and may even do some of that work on the side. These Editors are the professionals who see books through from acquisition to publication. They are the ones you have to impress with your polished manuscript – which very well may mean you need to hire an editor before you can approach an Editor (capitalization is mine, but useful for thinking about these roles).

And as I touched on before, there are other ways to approach editing. You may have a group of writer friends read and give you feedback or hire someone for a brief manuscript critique. Your literary agent (I wrote a post about who needs one here) may also act as an editor to get your project as ready as possible to land that book deal.

Writing is usually done in solitude, but really good writing almost always involves a team. Don’t be afraid to add editors to your roster!


Copyright 2022, Anjanette Barr

Love Speaks

Kimberly Novak recreates a decisive moment when a single light conveys God’s voice. 

When I feel the cool morning breeze and gaze upon the dew-kissed grass glistening in the sun, Love speaks. As my body rests peacefully on an empty chair nestled in the meadow, Love speaks. The chair’s shape cradles me as I prayerfully accept God’s embrace. Turning toward the sun with eyes closed, I listen, and Love speaks. Colors change behind my rested eyes from red to yellow, signifying God’s enduring love and my euphoric happiness. Listening to the songs of birds nearby fills my soul, and Love speaks. As a brilliant pause takes over, I settle in and open my heart to the one who gave me breath, and God speaks.



Nothing declares love more than the Sacred Heart of Jesus—signifying the divine and human love that Jesus has for his Father and us. It also symbolizes Jesus’ ministry and the sacrifice he made. Many artists’ renderings and sculptures show us the genuine love and care Jesus has for all the world. The Sacred Heart speaks with a love that billows from both the divine and the humanity of Jesus. 

For the last few days, I have been on a small retreat at a place considered sacred ground. I’ve visited here on many occasions, all of which hold glorious moments of healing and transformation. It was on the first retreat that I arrived with my grandmother’s pocket-sized Sacred Heart of Jesus medallion. The theme for that retreat was love. During my stay, I scripted an enduring letter to God and placed it in the snow at the feet of the Sacred Heart Statue.  The gesture of that moment was both pivotal and healing. My life has changed in many ways since then, and I’ve often wondered if God had read my letter.

June is the month of the Sacred Heart, which brings to light the significance of what God allowed me to experience today. A large part of my retreats is allowing time for a prayerful walk. God has taken the time to create such beauty, and I must bask in it. Nestled among over 50 acres are wonders of nature, and the blessedness calls my name. Surrounding a brilliant open meadow, where the deer frolic and play, are trees as tall as the sky, with outstretched branches allowing light to shine through in just the right way. The landscape filled with God’s creations is dotted with benches in grottos and tear-stained places where those on retreat have prayed and wept. 

As the sun slowly descended from the sky and the hymn of the songbird was soft, I approached the statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I suddenly felt the urge to rest. A sense came over me that I was standing upon the threshold of a divine God-filled moment. Inhaling deeply, I fixed my gaze upwards when I saw a single light shining upon the heart of Jesus. The light encompassed only the left half of the heart and illuminated the flames surrounding that side. I reached my hand to my own heart, exhaling fully in God’s grace. In my heart of hearts, I knew this was God’s response to my letter written so long ago. 

As quickly as it appeared, it was gone, like the flicker of a candle as it’s extinguished.  My heart, however, was full of light and grateful for the outpouring of love God so graciously bestowed on me. The events of this moment and the immense beauty will forever live in my heart. As the retreat ends, I leave with serenity in my soul. I am certain letters from my heart and prayers kissed to the heavens will always be a form of worship. Life will challenge, tears may fall, and God’s Love will carry it all.  When God speaks, Love speaks.

Images Copyright Kimbery Novak 2022

Cath-Lit Live: Awakening at Lourdes

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.

Awakening at Lourdes: How an Unanswered Prayer Healed Our Family and Restored Our Faith by Christy Wilkens

The grotto at Lourdes is known as a place of healing. But sometimes the miracle that occurs is not physical, but something much deeper. Christy Wilkens made the long trek to Lourdes with her husband, Todd, and their toddler, Oscar—who was plagued by mysterious seizures—through a program with the Order of Malta. In Awakening at Lourdes, Wilkens shares that while Oscar’s condition did improve after their visit, the real healing took place in her heart and her marriage. In Lourdes, her family discovered a deeper love for each other, a renewed sense of community, and an abiding confidence in God’s mercy.

Christy Wilkens


About the author: Christy Wilkens is a Catholic wife, mother of six, and the author of Awakening at Lourdes: How an Unanswered Prayer Healed Our Family and Restored Our Faith. She writes for CatholicMom.com, Blessed Is She, and Accepting the Gift. In 2019, she was invested as a Dame in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta.

You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.

Copyright 2021 Amy J. Cattapan

Cath-Lit Live: Sweet Jesus, Is It June Yet?

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well. In this episode, Maddie Evans turns the tables on host Amy J. Cattapan, interviewing her about her new book for teachers.

Sweet Jesus Is It June Yet cover


Sweet Jesus, Is It June Yet? 10 Ways the Gospels Can Help You Combat Teacher Burnout and Rediscover Your Passion for Teaching by Amy J. Cattapan

You work hard to motivate your students every day, but where can you find the inspiration you need when teaching gets tough or your passion for the classroom starts to wane?

Veteran teacher Amy J. Cattapan invites you to look to the greatest teacher of all time — Jesus. With humor and stories from the trenches, Cattapan draws valuable insight and tools from the Gospels and shares ten life-changing principles every teacher can learn from Jesus. In Sweet Jesus, Is It June Yet?, she’ll help you hang onto your sanity and fulfill your calling even when you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and on the verge of burnout.

About the author: 

Dr. Amy J. Cattapan is an author, speaker, and middle school English teacher from the Chicago area. Her books include Sweet Jesus, Is It June Yet? 10 Ways the Gospels Can Help You Combat Teacher Burnout and Rediscover Your Passion for Teaching from Ave Maria Press, as well as two award-winning novels for young readers: Angelhood and 7 Riddles to Nowhere. Cattapan earned a bachelor’s degree in English Education from Marquette University and a doctorate in curriculum and instruction from Loyola University Chicago. Her writing has appeared in children’s magazines as well as Chicken Soup for the Soul books. She is a regular contributor to the Homeschooling Saints Podcast as well as the host of Cath-Lit Live! Follow her at www.ajcattapan.com.

You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” three times a month live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.

Copyright 2021 Amy J. Cattapan

Cath-Lit Live: Answering God’s Call by Barbara Lee

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.

Answering God's Call book cover


Answering God’s Call: A Scripture-Based Journey for Older Adults by Barbara Lee

This book is an introduction to Biblical figures who are good spiritual role models for older adults. “Older adults” is not defined by age, but includes retirees, “empty nesters,” caregivers and people who have experienced various kinds of losses. There are familiar figures such as Abram and Elizabeth, as well as less familiar ones, such as Miriam and Lydia. The calls they experience, such as to trust, rejoice, be creative or be hospitable, can inspire people of all ages, but are particularly relevant to those who may be asking, “Who am I now?” “Where is the grace in this?” and “How do I pray about this?”


About the author:

Barbara Lee is a spiritual director with a ministry to the aging who lives in New York City. She is a retired federal magistrate judge and a long-time member of the Ignatian Volunteer Corps, an organization of retired people who do volunteer work among the poor. She is the author of God Isn’t Finished with Me Yet: Discovering the Spiritual Graces of Later Life.

You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” three times a month live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.

Copyright 2021 Amy J. Cattapan
Photo credit: Portrait of author Barbara Lee copyright Rebecca Pearson, all rights reserved.