Retreat and Discernment

Retreat and Discernment

Our gospel reading this weekend reports that “Jesus took Peter, James, and his brother, John, and led them up a high mountain by themselves.” (Matthew 17:1) (1)

Other passages in scripture also demonstrate how our Lord retired into the wilderness, alone or with spiritual companions, as an integral part of his spiritual rhythm. He used these respites to focus on prayer, and to replenish his energies during a demanding physical ministry of teaching, preaching, and healing.

Retreats and spiritual direction offer refreshment for our own lives as Catholics, too. Recently, I participated in a first formal one-day orientation to the teachings of St. Ignatius.

For many years, my primary resource for discernment has been Authenticity: A Biblical Theology of Discernment, written by Thomas Dubay, S.M. (2)

That reading provided a welcome foundation for what I experienced at “Image & Imagination in Prayer,” an Ignatian retreat sponsored by Emmaus House in Urbandale, Iowa on July 22.

Emmaus House was founded in the Diocese of Des Moines by Jesuit priests in 1973, at the invitation of then-Bishop Maurice Dingman. At first, Emmaus House served the diocese by providing spiritual direction and retreats exclusively for Catholic clergy. But it quickly expanded to offer these resources for members of the Catholic lay community as well as some Protestant clergy. (3)

I was intrigued by how original spiritual methods developed by St. Ignatius of Loyola in the 16th century anticipated several techniques employed by archetypal psychologists today.

Swiss physician C. G. Jung, the founder of archetypal psychology, studied Ignatius’ teachings in the early 20th century, and gave a series of lectures about their value in Zurich between 1933 and 1941. English translations of these lectures have been published only recently, in January of 2023.

Both approaches focus on events in ordinary daily life. Both are designed to bring forth the full flowering of human individuality. Both honor the integrity of images and feelings as they emerge from a person’s inner being, and use “active imagination” to help deepen relationship with the unique divine spark alive in each of us.

What Dubay calls outer verifications occurred throughout my one-day introduction to Ignatian method. I crossed paths with dear friends from different parts of the diocese as well as from different eras in my life; and encountered new acquaintances who wandered in my direction for a purpose we discovered together only as we met.

Under leadership of spiritual director Amy Hoover (4), we contemplated a series of readings and questions offered for private prayer and reflection. Then time was provided for optional sharing with individual retreat partners at our tables.

Reported movements of the Holy Spirit permeated the retreat throughout the day. These repeated, meaningful ‘coincidences’ — simultaneous events without any causal relationship — are what Jung called “synchronicities.”

In one humorous example, intending to excuse myself for a trip to the coffee table during a break, I commented to my companion, “I think I need some sugar.”

Snickers bars immediately dropped down from above our heads, right in front of our faces, like manna from heaven.

We both looked up to see the refreshment hostess making rounds with a bag of candy. But how did she manage to arrive at our table — one of more than twenty in a large parish hall — to be there at the exact moment I spoke?

Later, we were asked to write what we noticed about a picture postcard. While I had written about the display of creation — seasonal weather, contrasts in foliage, moss growing on ancient stones — one of my table mates had first noticed that “there’s no human being here.” She had placed herself and her husband taking a walk, right into the picture, as her focus for the scene.

Another companion among us had been seized first by curiosity about the path’s curve into a distance that lay behind bushes and trees. He had written with poetic insight about what might lie unseen around the bend.

Most dioceses in the United States publish a list of trained spiritual directors and local retreat opportunities, often right on their websites. If you haven’t yet experienced these gifts of our faith, it might be worth exploring what resources are available near you.

Scriptural readings for the Memorial of St. Ignatius of Loyola on July 31, and for the Feast of Transfiguration of the Lord on August 6, are rich with vivid images for further contemplation on your own, too.

I pray that each of us can experience a personal transfiguration this August. May we feel the awe and wonder that enlightened Peter, James, and John two thousand years ago, when they witnessed our Lord in earnest conversation with Moses and Elijah on Mount Tabor.

©Copyright 2023 by Margaret King Zacharias

Featured Photo: View frim summit of Mount Tabor ©Copyright 2023 by Margaret King Zacharias 


  2. San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 1977, originally published by Dimension Books.

Mount Carmel

Mount Carmel

By this Chronos time of our renewed baptism in the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, pleasant weather has finally arrived in most parts of the United States. Many of us as Catholics can look forward to outdoor liturgical celebrations with the beauty of nature surrounding us in this season.

The public witness of Corpus Christi processions; devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary; as well as the glory of sacramental ordination for well-formed young men to the sacred priesthood; all are spiritual highlights that await us in June.

Mount Carmel commonly refers to the promontory of a mountain range with the same name, located about thirty miles west of the Sea of Galilee, on a peninsula that penetrates into the Mediterranean Sea. Today it stands at the edge of a modern city, Haifa, Israel, near the ancient Crusader city of Acre.

Dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Mount Carmel, and stewarded by the Carmelite orders since the thirteenth century, this popular pilgrimage site is also called Stella Maris, Star of the Sea. This may be in part because the entire peninsula is surrounded by water, but the roots of the alternate title go back much further into history.

Scholars believe that the usage ‘Star of the Sea,’ as both a place name and as a title for Mary, began with St. Jerome. He translated Mary’s Hebrew name, according to its meaning in the annals of the Exodus from Egypt — Miriam, the sister of Moses and Aaron, bore the same name with the same spelling as Mary, the mother of Jesus.

The site on which the Mount Carmel monastery stands today has additional roots that go deep into the Old Testament.

Sign at the base of the statue of Elijah calling down fire from heaven to defeat the prophets of Baal, in the monastery gardens, Mount Carmel. Author’s personal photo, used with permission.

A sign engraved in Latin, Hebrew, and Arabic at the base of a statue of the prophet Elijah in the monastery gardens declares the understory grotto at Mount Carmel to be Elijah’s cave, and this mountain the site at which he defeated the prophets of Baal (I Kings, Chapter 18):

(17) When Ahab saw Elijah, he said to him, “Is it you, you disturber of Israel?”

(18) He answered, “It is not I who disturb Israel, but you and your father’s house, by forsaking the commands of the LORD and you by following the Baals.

(19) Now summon all Israel to me on Mount Carmel, as well as the four hundred and fifty prophets of Baal and the four hundred prophets of Asherah who eat at Jezebel’s table.”

(20) So Ahab summoned all the Israelites and had the prophets gather on Mount Carmel (I Kings, 18:17-20.). (

 Elijah’s activity on Mount Carmel did not stop there, either. In II Kings, Chapter 1, we read that:

(3) …the LORD said to Elijah the Tishbite: Go and meet the messengers of Samaria’s king, and tell them: “Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are going to inquire of Baalzebub, the god of Ekron?”

(4) For this, the LORD says: You shall not leave the bed upon which you lie; instead, you shall die … (II Kings, 1:3-4) (

 Elijah delivered the message as God had commanded. Then he raced with haste up to the top of Mount Carmel, so he could watch over the Jezreel Valley for this new king’s angry men, who had been sent to kill him.

Twice again Elijah was forced to call down fire that destroyed two commanders and two battalions of fifty men, before a third commander who had been sent with more men to capture him pleaded for mercy, and received it. (II Kings 1:1-18). (

Fr. Lawrence Hoffmann celebrates mass in the garden at Mount Carmel monastery, Haifa, Israel. Author’s personal photo, used with permission.

The holy mass that my pilgrimage group was privileged to experience in the garden at Mount Carmel was a peaceful and anointed celebration.

At the end of our liturgy, as the priest pronounced the final blessings, into the silence after each human response came a single gentle “caw,” in chorus from the birds in the trees.

Despite the many problems our human lives face today, and the impotent ‘baals’ that the misguided seek for answers, there is still ‘a God in Israel’ – as there always has been, and always will be.

Let’s live in Kairos time this June.

May you feel ‘amens’ resounding from God’s creation, and continue to bring your own witness into the world.

May you remember that Our beloved Lady, Star of the Sea, stands guard at Mount Carmel, where Elijah the Tishbite worked his miracles. They continue together, to watch over us all.

©Copyright 2023 by Margaret King Zacharias

Featured Photo: Welcome sign at Mt. Carmel. Author’s personal photo, used with permission.


The Poetry and Praise of Nature

The Poetry and Praise of Nature

Here we are in the middle of Eastertide. One of the things I have always loved about the Easter season is that it seems as though all of nature is celebrating the Resurrection of Christ along with us.  In my part of the world, Central Texas, this is the time for our annual display of wildflowers, a riot of colors that starts with deep blue bluebonnets, paired with light pink evening primroses that eventually fade into red, yellow and brown sunflowers as the weeks progress and the temperature warms up.

I was on a morning walk last week and stopped to take a photo of a patch of wildflowers. I was happy to see that there were others who were also pleased to see the wildflowers. Darting in and out of the blooms were butterflies and bees, and overhead birds were busy building nests while squirrels waved their bushy tails at me, peering from behind branches, daring me to notice them. The scene reminded me of a passage from one of my favorite children’s books, The Alligator and his Uncle Tooth, by Geoffrey Hayes.  This book tells the tale of a small alligator, named Corduroy, who loved to wander through the hills surrounding his home. He especially loved to meander through the pine forest, always “standing strong and silent through every season. When the trees were hung with snow or covered by fog or moved by wind, Corduroy watched them, and it was like seeing poetry.”

Later in the story Corduroy goes to live with his Auntie Hick, who runs a small stationery shop in a village by the seaside. The little alligator is overwhelmed at his first glimpse of the mighty sea.

“The sea roared as it swept onto the beach, sending up showers of salty mist that tingled Corduroy’s nose. He breathed in the ocean smell. How untamed it was! How alive!

“As he sat there watching it, the sea foam rolling on the waves looked like delicate clouds; and the clouds in the sky looked like flower blossoms; and the sky moved like a song. ‘Poetry!’ thought Corduroy.”

Ah, poetry. That literary form with the ability to teach, communicate and elevate through images and a minimum of syllables, to strip away the familiar and help us see it once again with fresh, new eyes. As I stood in the wildflower patch that morning, watching all the pollinators busy at their work, I felt as though I were watching a living embodiment of poetry, just like Corduroy.

Feeling the warm sun, knowing winter was finally slipping away for another year, I felt the promise of Easter joy rising again; the newness, the light, the victory, the hope. I thought “Someone should write something.” Then I thought “I bet someone already has.”

Upon returning home I opened my Bible and went to the Psalms, that book of precious poetry. Sure enough, I found Psalm 8:

O Lord, our Sovereign,

How majestic is your name in all the earth.

You have set your glory above the heavens.

Out of the mouths of babes and infants

You have founded a bulwark because of your foes,

To silence the enemy and the avenger.

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers,

The moon and the stars that you have established;

What are human beings that you are mindful of them,

Mortals that you care for them?

Yet you have made them a little lower than God,

And crowned them with glory and honor.

You have given them dominion over the works of your hands;

You have put all things under their feet,

All sheep and oxen

And also the beasts of the field,

The birds of the air, and the fish of the sea,

Whatever passes along the paths of the sea.

O Lord, our Sovereign,

How majestic is your name in all the earth!

(NRSV Bible, Psalm 8)

 It is such a tremendous truth that all of nature worships God, just by doing what it was created to do. From the orange winged monarch butterfly to the mighty oak tree to the towering, silent mountains, all of creation offers its praise. May you, too, find yourself amid ample opportunities of living praise – and poetry – this Easter season!

© Copyright 2023 by Sarah Pedrozo

Featured photo Eastertide Wildflower Field © Copyright 2023 by Sarah Pedrozo

Heaven Scent: What My Father Gave to Her


I have been paid in full and have more than enough; I am fully satisfied, now that I have received … the gifts you sent, a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God. ~Philippians 4:18


Every Christmas, for as long as I remember, Daddy gave Mum the same gift. It was especially meaningful to her because of its French origin. In the mid-1950s, my parents were stationed in a picturesque community near the city of Nice, known as Villefranche-sur-Mer, a natural harbor in the Mediterranean Sea. The 6th Fleet flagship, USS Salem, called Villefranche its home port, and while Daddy was at sea serving under Vice Admiral Charles “Cat” Brown, my mother made a quaint home for my sister and me in this French Riviera village. Although I was only three years old, I remember endless stone steps throughout town, bordered by shops, small hotels, and apartments. I vaguely remember the nuns who taught my sister and me at the Catholic nursery school—evidence of the value my parents placed on passing down their Catholic faith. It was here my father gave my mother the first of her special Christmas gifts.

After those years in Villefranche, my parents returned to England and eventually made it to the United States with two additional daughters. On Christmas mornings, my sisters and I watched expectantly as Mum unwrapped the small package from Daddy. It was always the same slender, shiny, black cylindrical container with a gold band around the center where the cap met the base. 

Our whole family loved the smell of Arpege by Lanvin, a sweet compilation of luxurious, gentle, floral fragrances leaving a lingering essence. In my mind, it represented the bouquet of my parents’ mutual love and devotion housed in the crystal-clear vase of their precious Catholic faith. The perfume’s container, like their faith, released a heavenly scent as its contents filled the air. But, unlike faith and truth, manufactured perfume does not endure.

As the years passed, it became harder for my father to find Arpege. While I was away at college, my younger sisters helped him search Pensacola to find it, until one year, the package on Christmas morning was no longer cylindrical. It was rectangular, a book—a spiritual book. And while my sisters and I were disappointed, our mother was happy to receive a gift to strengthen her faith and raise it to new heights. We grew used to Christmas mornings without the French perfume. Instead, Mum breathed in the scent of heaven from each new book. 

Before my father passed away, our families spent Christmas with our parents. As Mum opened the familiar rectangle, she burst out laughing and admonished Daddy as she held up two more spiritual books, “Are we planning to open a religious bookstore?” Secretly hoping for something a little more feminine.

The truth is, both of my parents were living examples of valuing the gifts that truly count—deepening faith, love for Jesus in the Eucharist, love of Scriptures, daily Mass, prayer, and Rosary—placing Christ at the center of life and passing on the faith. My sisters and I may not have appreciated the scent of heaven permeating my parents’ lives when we were young. We were more interested in tangible gifts. But, certainly now, as my sisters and I spend Christmas mornings with our own families, we can still breathe in the lingering perfume of their lives because of the faith passed on by our mother and father.

What My Father Gave to Her

Every day

a spiritual bouquet, holy communion prayers

a single red heirloom rose

silence in the garden


Every week

Fragrant Sunday supper specials followed with 

love petals strewn across ivory keys

wafting the sound of his song


Every month 

perfectly synchronized dances with the big bands

swaying like fields of wild chamomile

sowing meadows of memories


Every special occasion

sentiments written sweetly across the page

words curved and scented like wisteria


Every year

perfume in a slender black cylinder

gold banded Arpege

floral essences



what my father gave to her

he gave to me.

© Paula Veloso Babadi, 2022

Who Are the “Scribes and Pharisees?”

Who Are the “Scribes and Pharisees?”

By the grace of God, I was able to travel to Germany and attend the 2022 Oberammergau Passion Play. I learned why most people blessed with this opportunity can afterwards only murmur, “It was a privilege.”

The experience was truly beyond words. Try, for example, to describe what you feel at the moment of Eucharistic consecration?

But there are a few insights that I think I can articulate. I’ll pass over the incredible chill of an outdoor theater high in the Alps. I won’t waste words to confirm that every villager in Oberammergau, from babes in arms to tottering elders, has indeed been focused on this reenactment of the Passion of Christ, as their personal act of worship, for the past 388 years.

It was like stepping into a time travel machine. In the audience, we felt almost a part of the action, 2,000 years ago on the surging streets of Jerusalem.

But who were “the scribes and the pharisees?”

When we hear this phrase read from scripture at mass, it’s all too easy to think, “Jesus, good. Scribes and pharisees, bad.”

At the 2022 performance, these gentlemen were portrayed as dignified representatives of an ancient religious tradition, caught in an impossible trap by politics of the Roman Empire.

Yes, a few simply dismissed Jesus’ words. But many tried to listen and understand. They stood in groups gathered all across the stage, discussing the new ideas with one another, getting angry, shrugging, stomping away, and returning to debate some more. I couldn’t help but feel that’s really the way it must have been.

Jesus was a 33-year-old man, trying to articulate a new revelation in human language. The scribes and pharisees, who were attempting to take it in, did not share one understanding, nor were they of one mind about what they should do.

The brilliant actor who portrayed Jesus also found the fine edge. I was fully aware of him as our Divine Savior, and that he knew exactly what the consequences of his words and actions would be. But he was also a young man debating theology with his elders in exactly the tempestuous manner that impassioned young human adults tend to use. As our faith teaches us, he was God and human, at the same time in one person.

We live in an era when we are called to raise our consciousness about the different ways we assign people into categories, and then speak as though a category label describes every individual.

This was my third trip to the country of Germany. I’ve admired their religious monuments in cities, villages, and fields; prayed with the people at mass; felt awe and wonder at their abiding faith. That faith has sustained generation after generation of German Catholics through all that they have endured.

We speak too easily in North America about “Germans” as synonymous with “Nazis.”

What if fate had placed you in 20th century Germany, to live the most important stages of your life through two world wars, and under the sway of the Third Reich? How would you have faced the moral challenges? What destiny would you have chosen within a fate you could not escape?

We’ve forgotten that Adolph Hitler hated Catholics as much as he hated the Jewish people; forgotten the martyrs who died terrible deaths to defend their vision of Germany.

Contemporary literary fiction is replete with tales of Nazi-resistance movements in France, England, Denmark, Italy, and Holland.

But the full depth and breadth of Nazi-resistance movements within Germany itself – encompassing laborers, mothers, altar boys, laundresses, aristocrats, Protestant clergy, Catholic priests, members of religious orders, and even rebel German Air Force officers — have been brought forward only in the 21st century.

On this first Saturday of November, I offer a short list of good books about the German resistance to the Third Reich.

  • Von Moltke, Helmuth and Freya, translated by Shelley Frisch, Last Letters: The Prison Correspondence, September 1944-January 1945, New York: New York Review of Books, 2019; Editors’ Introduction copyright 2019 by Helmuth Caspar von Moltke, Dorothea von Moltke, and Johannes von Moltke.
  • Utrecht, Daniel of the Oratory, The Lion of Munster: The Bishop Who Roared Against Hitler, Charlotte, N.C.: Tan Books, 2016.
  • Riebling, Mark, Church of Spies: The Pope’s Secret War Against Hitler, New York: Basic Books, 2015.
  • Zeller, Guillaume, translated by Michael J. Miller, The Priest Barracks: Dachau, 1938-1945,San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2015
  • Rychlak, Ronald J., Hitler, the War, and the Pope, Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 2010.
  • Rabbi David G. Dalin, The Myth of Hitler’s Pope: How Pope Pius XII Rescued Jews from the Nazis, Washington, D.C.: Regnery Press, 2005.
  • Lapomarda, Vincent A., The Jesuits and the Third Reich, Second Edition, Lampeter, Ceredigion, Wales, United Kingdom: The Edwin Mellen Press, Ltd, 2005.
  • Anonymous, The Persecution of the Catholic Church in the Third Reich: Facts and Documents, Gretna, LA: Pelican Publishing Company, 2003.
  • Coady, Mary Frances, With Bound Hands, A Jesuit in Nazi Germany: The Life and Prison Letters of Alfred Delp, Chicago: Loyola Press, 2003.
  • Goldmann, O.F.M., Gereon Karl, The Shadow of His Wings, translated by Benedict Leutenegger, San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2000.
  • Koerbling, Anton, Father Rupert Mayer: Modern Priest and Witness for Christ, Munich, Germany: Schnell & Steiner, 1950.

Copyright 2022 by Margaret Zacharias

Cath-Lit Live: 5-Minute Prayers Around the Advent Wreath

Cath-Lit Live: 5-Minute Prayers Around the Advent Wreath

“Cath-Lit Live!” features brief interviews with Catholic authors who are releasing new books. Hosted by Catholic author and speaker Amy J. Cattapan, “Cath-Lit Live!” gives viewers a glimpse into the latest Catholic books while getting to know a bit about the author as well.



5-Minute Prayers Around the Advent Wreath by Lisa M. Hendey

Spend just five minutes a day praying around your Advent wreath with popular author Lisa M. Hendey’s heart-felt reflections and you’ll experience the promise, renewal, and hope of the Advent season. Hendey—founder of—invites you to take up the centuries-old tradition of lighting candles and gathering around an Advent wreath in prayer with family and friends. These Scripture-based devotions are perfect for any age and setting, and offer a few minutes of simplicity, focus, and sacred longing as you contemplate and prepare for the great gift of Christ’s birth. Each day includes an opening antiphon and a closing prayer, a Scripture reading, a short reflection, and questions to ponder, journal about, or use in conversation. (Ave Maria Press)



About the author: Lisa M. Hendey is the founder of and a bestselling author. She has journeyed around the globe to hear and share messages of hope and encouragement. Her Chime Travelers series for kids is read and studied worldwide in homes, schools, and churches. A frequent TV and radio guest, Lisa also hosts two podcasts. Lisa and Greg Hendey worship and live in Los Angeles, CA.



You can catch “Cath-Lit Live” live on A.J. Cattapan’s author Facebook page. Recorded versions of the show will also be available to watch later on her YouTube channel and Instagram.


Copyright 2022 Amy J. Cattapan
Banner image via Pexels

Dear God

Dear God –

I sat thumbing through each page of my recent journal, earnestly looking for an article topic this month. It is not often that my idea bank runs dry. So, when that happens, it can be frustrating. I have made it a practice that when I feel God has given me a topic to write about, I highlight it or place a circle around it on the journal page. This makes it easier for me to find as I page through when the time comes.

I like to use a lined journal with pretty gold edges, and if it has scripture passages in the bottom margin, that is a perk.  I just love the days when my prayer and the pre-printed verses on the page blend perfectly. I often circle and highlight those moments as well.

Journaling has become a routine part of my prayer life.  My spiritual director insists that when you journal, you engage in an intimate prayer moment, and I can’t argue her point. I’ve experienced some pretty deep connections to what my heart wants to say to God as my pen glides across the page. Moments like this do not happen daily, which you might think they would since I am always writing on spiritual matters. 

Spiritual Writing happens for me when I listen to the guidance and nudges of the Holy Spirit. Always pointing me toward a topic or a situation that is, most often, something I would never consider writing about. Journaling prayer is quite the opposite. 

I believe the Holy Spirit is with me in the experience of prayer, but as I write to Jesus on my page, I am more apt to collapse in the emotions of what is happening in my life on that given day. There is a surrender that takes place, a release of fear in that I am entirely alone with Jesus and my thoughts. This may not sound any different than praying with words, but think about it for a moment.  If you had something really important to ask your best friend, do the words flow more accessible from your voice or your written hand?

I have an amusing memory that pops up surrounding that question. Growing up, I was always the shy and quiet one both at home and at school.  Almost every time I wanted to ask my parent’s permission for something, I left a handwritten note on the kitchen counter before bed. Then in the morning, I would race from my bedroom to see their answer. 

In those instances, fear kept me from vocalizing my request. In the act of writing, I was successful in stating my need. As a result, sometimes I received the answer I wanted, other times not so much. We can apply this same practice to our prayer. Fear may be blocking us from vocalizing our needs, but when the pen strikes the paper, it may pour from your heart. The result of our prayers, whether spoken or written, will have the same outcome as my childhood memory. Some will be answered in the way we hope, others not so much. Not knowing how God will respond is where our faith and trust in Him take hold.


Communicating with God in this way is not an exact science, and it will differ from person to person. If you are not familiar with journaling prayer, consider giving it a try. You might be surprised at how your heart and mind open up to communicating with Jesus in this way.  However, if you are the type where your voice is more apt to be free of clutter and genuine than holding a pen, then I say don’t stop speaking your prayers; use journaling as a supplement.

As I stated at the beginning of this post, I set out today to find an article topic. I felt I was initially unsuccessful until I realized that God had sent me into the journal with my hands up, asking for His help.  He accommodated me by reminding me why I journal in the first place. Opening my heart in the most intimate and vulnerable ways leads me to deeper communication and often results in God’s insightful guidance. Today was no different, as God led me to share these fruitful insights, which I know will lead Him into your heart. The next time you pray, keep your journal handy, when you feel the time is right, simply grab hold of your pen, and scribe: Dear God.

Copyright 2022 Kimberly Novak
Images: Canva



“Come to me, all you who labor, and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Matthew 11:28

Today’s gospel about the 10 lepers is well known to Catholics.  Only one, the foreigner (a Samaritan), realizing he was cleansed, came back to thank Jesus. I can’t imagine living a life inflicted with leprosy in a time when support from others was not typically available. But I do believe I would be grateful for the life-changing healing and reprieve such as Jesus so mercifully and freely gave.  While leprosy in the western world is practically eradicated, our lives are still inflicted with maladies of all kinds. None of us are exempt. We all need intermissions.


Life is full of drama and some of it is just plain wearisome. On the other hand, some of this drama can give rise to energy and passion. It’s a choice. When everyday life gets so overwhelming, I look for the intermission. Some people would call it a break, a staycation, a re-assessment, a rejuvenation – and in those regenerative moments is the potential to fuel passion, new ideas, and great resolve. Each dilemma, challenge or problem is a call to consideration, prayer, and action instead of a cause for paralysis.


When my amazing daughter was eighteen years of age, she understood the principal of choice in life; of doing the right thing versus what’s easy and facing what’s difficult versus falling into to numbness. She asked me to be her accountability partner for an early morning personal growth program called The Miracle Morning developed by Hal Elrod. Her request, at a time when I was truly weary, breezed new air into my daily life. I was awake and energized by the possibilities ahead; following this program with my daughter was immensely more satisfying than taking a break or a staycation; along with increased prayer-life, it gave me a new play for an old stage – one filled with anticipation and excitement. While no earthly reprieve can compare to the absolute and merciful healing Jesus bestowed on the lepers, I believe he offered me an intermission through my daughter. This poem is for her, Sheila. Thank you to my daughter, and to you Lord, for blessing my life through her.


I’m ready for the pause,

footlight’s flicker to grow dim –

when I can reconsider-

breathe new air, then go back in

with blinders gone and wide awake,

new scenes anticipate-

since life strewn upon this stage has not yet sealed its fate.


Each passing act, each changing voice, projects truth ever clear,

the present choice, the forward move need not be born of fear.

In that brief pause I visualize new plots reality

and firmly plant within my heart a brighter destiny.


What greater climax to this drama than right before my eyes,

at close of intermission –

new paths I realize

as the play moves ever onward

and of life I stand in awe

anticipating heaven’s gate –

the perfect denouement.


Copyright 2022 by Paula Veloso Babadi

Plaster and Soul

Plaster and Soul

It’s October 1st, and the feast day of our dear St. Therese of Lisieux is upon us. As I sat down to compose my small contribution to the illustrious works that have already been written about her, I felt confident that I could write the obligatory words, but could I find a perspective that had not been written? I searched my heart for a glimmer of inspiration.

There was, of course her famous “Little Way.” But many writers more talented than I had plumbed those depths. I thought about her childhood and her short time here on earth—where she served our Lord as a Carmelite nun. But of course, those biographies had been written as well, not to mention her own autobiography, The Story of a Soul.

I needed something else; something that belonged to me; something that was as yet … unwritten. And suddenly, I recalled a story about St. Therese that was actually covered by our local Catholic newspaper; but the entire story has never been fully explored … until now.

I was the RCIA Director for our Parish for several years. In that capacity, I liked to prepare for my incoming classes with different or unique Catholic artifacts; hence, I found myself in the basement of our church one hazy August morning, hunting for antique rosaries or old paintings.

I was in luck; there were several usable copies of St. Augustine’s City of God, hidden between some dusty candlesticks, and old chunks of marble. In fact, I discovered several pieces of fragmented marble in the recesses of the basement. Intrigued, I began to wander through the crypt-like room searching for … what? I wasn’t sure, but I had the peculiar feeling that I was searching for something important.

I finally found my way to the back of the basement. It was quite dark there, so I decided to retrace my steps, when my forward movement was suddenly arrested. Startled, I stopped and stared at the offending object. At first, I thought it was a person, but it was perfectly motionless. I smiled to myself. I had discovered a life-sized statue.

Intrigued, I reached up and tried to make out the features of the statue. It was badly damaged. Huge portions of plaster were missing, and the face and clothing had long since faded. Still, I had an intense desire to know who this was. I maneuvered the front of the statue toward a faint beam of light, to see if I could identify the owner. Recognition dawned, and I smiled to myself. I had unearthed an image of St. Therese. I don’t think I could have identified her if I hadn’t noticed the plaster roses she was holding.

I felt a touch of melancholy as I wondered about the events that had brought her to this uninspired resting place. I instinctively knelt before the statue and impulsively whispered: “St. Therese, I need to get you out of here!” Then I offered a small prayer for my future RCIA class.

I left the basement in deep thought, and nearly collided with Judy (an RCIA team member) who had come to look for me. We both laughed at the minor infraction, before I quickly divulged my discovery.  “If only I knew someone who restores statues!” I cried. But Judy seemed suddenly energized.

“I know someone who could probably do it,” she grinned. “It’s my son, Michael; he’s a gifted artist. Only … I should probably tell you that he’s not Catholic, although we have been praying for his conversion.”

Undaunted by this fact, I quickly made arrangements with Judy to contact her son. Michael agreed to the restoration project without reservation, and everyone sensed a touch of the miraculous in the atmosphere.

One year later, we re-dedicated—the now—pristine statue of St. Therese on her feast day, October 1st.

Michael entered the Catholic Church that same year.

He told me that he had gradually developed a devotion to St. Therese as he worked with her day after day in his studio, repairing the sacred image.

The broken and faded image of St. Therese had been perfectly restored; but the true restoration had taken place in the soul of a young artist—who had willingly taken on an unknown, only to be overcome with the truth and beauty of the Catholic Church.

Of course, all of us realized that it was St. Therese herself, who quietly interceded for Michael as he worked with her, day after day. There were no voices from heaven, or angelic visitations; it was simply the gracious supplications of a little nun—as she prayed for her own personal artist—before the Throne of Grace and Mercy.

St. Therese, pray for us, too!

Copyright 2022 by Sarah Torbeck



Our words and actions matter to others.  When the natives in Malta took care of Paul and companions, they had no idea of the recent hardships at sea or the blessings they would receive when the chief’s father and many others were cured of illness. Can we say we are as hospitable in our everyday dealings?


The islanders showed us unusual kindness. They built a fire and welcomed us all because it was raining and cold.  Acts 28:2


In nature, the careless toss of a match or neglect of a dying campfire can wreak havoc and destruction. That same carelessness with words can cause just as much damage and inflame a person’s emotional state. Today, hurtful rhetoric is everywhere. How do we get past the politics, the hate, the fight mentality? We must start somewhere, one encounter at a time.


Some years ago, my husband had to undergo a procedure.  He was afraid and in pain.  When the nurse at the outpatient facility was brusque with his questions and seemingly impatient, he lost his cool and began raising his voice. He became angry and seemed inconsolable, until the head nurse appeared in the doorway and gently pulled him to the back kindly talking him out of his feverish pitch. I thought how understanding she was, how insightful to see beyond his ire to recognize the emotions behind the outburst.


I questioned my own responses on other occasions when confronted with irate people and decided then and there I would look beyond the harsh words and return them with gentleness. It’s not always an easy thing to do.  Instead of returning the heat of the fire, I want to return a heart burning with the same love and kindness our Lord has for each of us.


My prayer for creation is that we strive to soothe and nurture this earth and each other – and if inevitable fires do ensue, may we focus on new growth arising from the ashes.


During the procedure, I penned my thoughts, and the following poem is the fruit of that encounter.



Incendiary par with war-time evening news,
Coals heaped upon a head already burning-
Caution cries to censor words we choose
That set aflame the limbic system churning.
Kind response is water quenching fire –
A touch, a smile can cool the hottest ire.
In the end it’s all about the fear, the pain
That spoken words can soothe like water’s springs or
Aggravate like biting fire’s rain.
Partake of introspection if you dare
And count today times you’ve said
“I don’t care.”


Copyright 2022 by Paula Veloso Babadi