A Heart Story

A Heart Story

Remember the blessings

I had heart surgery when I was four years old. The only things that I remember about this event are going to the hospital and taking a sip of the anesthesia. My parents have a better memory about my heart surgery. It was a scary time for them.

My heart surgery was thirty years ago, around Halloween. My parents kept track of this event. Each year they read the story aloud, reliving the emotions and touching memories. The main things that stuck in their minds were the blessings.

They remember how God strengthened us during this emotional roller coaster. They remember the people who encouraged us, comforted us, giving me gifts, and making meals. These simple blessings helped us in a variety of ways.

Acts of thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is coming! As we gather around the table and eat a nice piece of pumpkin pie (with cool whip on top), remember the graces God has bestowed on us this year.

Remember your blessings out loud together as a family. Write them down in your journal, or on a piece of paper. Put the thankful list in a place so that you can glance at it every day.

Being thankful helps us forget the hardships in life.

Psalms of praise

The book of Psalms is a wonderful example of gratitude! King David reminds us again and again to be thankful. To give praise to God, putting our hope and trust in him. To sing his blessings day after day.


Here are a couple of Psalms that mention praise and blessings.

Psalm 18: 1-3. I love you O Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliver, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and horn of my salvation, my stronghold. I call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies.

Psalm 21: 3. For you meet him with goodly blessings; you set a crown of fine gold on his head.

These verses remind us that God is with us. He protects us in times of temptation. He guides us each day. He helps us in every situation. He loves us.

Are you struggling with something today?

God understands. He is nearby, taking care of you. He knows your fears, hopes, joys, and sorrows. He is waiting for you to come to him. You are his precious child.

Concluding thought:

As we prepare our Thanksgiving meals, remind yourself of the blessings and favors that you have received this year. The friends and family members who encouraged you, and those who helped you in both the good and bad times.

Tell God thank you for bringing these people into your life.


Copyright 2022 Angela Lano