trophies in the sky with clouds and sunshine

A Champion in God’s Eyes

By Kimberly Novak


“Our world is obsessed with success. But how does God define success? Success in God’s eyes is faithfulness to His calling.”   

Billy Graham


In any line of work, the rewards or fruits of our labor are often unknown. There are occasions when recognition occurs, but eight out of ten times, we do not know our impact upon someone or something. As an author, I try to get the yellow stars on Amazon, positive reviews for my blog, and the occasional kudos from a colleague. 

It’s natural to strive for success in a chosen craft, especially when the project responds to God’s call upon our hearts. Aside from the occasional nudges of spiritual warfare, I am confident that I am walking in God’s Will for my life. However, until recently, I always thought my day job, or station, was my life’s work. That was until I met Lizzy. 

Lizzy came into my life not by coincidence but through the gentle hands of God. On New Year’s Day, my phone rang, and on the other end, it was the most fabulous gift—a friend with a message from God.

My friend, an acquaintance of Lizzy’s, was calling to share some exciting news.  Lizzy had been dealing with new cognitive deficits, which affected daily living. Lizzy and she often met to discuss these things when Lizzy’s outlook suddenly changed from sorrow to joy. One day, Lizzy held something tight in her grasp, and as her fingers released it, my chapter book, Bella’s Beautiful Miracle, was in her hands. Written primarily for middle-grade children in the voice of bugs, it shares Bella’s journey from caterpillar to butterfly. However, Bella’s journey is for all ages. With themes of prayer, renewal, and faith, it resonates with adults looking for more in their relationship with God, just like Lizzy.  

As it turns out, I signed books at a local craft fair in December, and a friend of Lizzy’s purchased the book for her. Quite often, those without little ones to shop for will walk on by. Therefore,  I make it a point to invite them over and share how Bella’s story relates to readers of all ages. Lucky for me, Lizzy’s friend was one of those people who was willing to listen. 

I remember the conversation we had that day. She was attracted to the book because of Lizzy’s love for butterflies. I would say the cover art worked its magic at that moment! Signing and selling books at craft fairs can be tricky. Sometimes, I do better at churches, but then there are times when I have had success in unexpected places… No matter what,  I always set the bar low to sell one book and plant one seed knowing that God will ensure its growth. On this particular day, God only needed one book to make a difference. 

We had to meet! My friend arranged a time for the three of us to chat, and it was glorious! The best recognition of any writer has got to be face-to-face with the one God had you craft your story for. I was anxious at first at Lizzy’s star-struck reaction. I’m just a little woman in a normal suburb, living a normal life. As we sat and talked, we both became settled and natural. I felt God’s presence in the room, and I knew that the moment was designed by God and for His glory. 

God took that one purchase and turned it into a miracle! Lizzy has become a new version of herself. She carries the book around and sees herself as Bella the caterpillar.  Lizzy now shines in her smile and shares Jesus with those who will listen. Bella’s story, exactly! 

I might not win awards or be the best-selling author, but my trophy awaits me in heaven. Recognition from God for a job well done and the memory of Lizzy’s smile as she held tightly to my written words is gold star enough for me! My meeting with Lizzy was a true blessing and gift from God. This experience has shed light upon my life’s work; God has shown me that my life’s work is all about bringing people closer to Him. That might be through my day job or writing, but I am open to answering that call. 


(Names and experiences were modified to maintain confidentiality).


©️ 2025 Kimberly Novak

Edited by Janet Tamez

Protecting Your Writing

Protecting Your Writing

In this day and age, it is very easy for a hacker to break into your Amazon, Lulu, or another print-on-demand self-publishing account. When this happens, it is very difficult for a writer to control their emotions.

The writer panics and worries about their stolen manuscripts. How are they going to recover them? What if the hacker breaks into their social media platforms and steals all their information? Their followers, their contacts, etc?

It is very scary for us to think about. But this type of thing does happen to writers, publishers, and, yes, even literary agents. Stealing information from people is a very common thing among hackers. The scary part is that it can affect a person’s career.

Why am I writing about this topic? The main answer is that I’m very concerned about this issue. This issue is growing, and it is not going away! It is very important, especially nowadays, for a new writer to think about how he or she can protect his or her writing.

No matter if a person is a self-published author or a traditional published author, they must put a plan into action!

I suggest:

  1. Write down your story in a notebook. Make sure that it is in a safe location inside your house.
  2. Download an extra copy of your manuscript or sample illustrations. Store them on your computer.
  3. Don’t respond to the hacker! Sometimes a hacker might try to send you an email or a message on your social media page. Delete the email or the message right away. Even if the hacker tries to pretend they are your friend or a family member.
  4. Keep a list of your email contact information on a piece of paper. Place it beside your computer or your smartphone.

It s a very good idea for any writer, whether they are a new writer or an experienced writer, to do these things. Just in case a hacker breaks into their account. In the meantime, keep on writing! Continue your career! Don’t let a hacker ruin it for you.

Copyright 2024 Angela Lano



“The wind* blows where it wills, and you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; so it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.” John 3:8 (1)


The winds of March always have been infamous. Some days you might be lucky enough to fly a kite along the beach, or above an open field where the grass is beginning to show a bit of green. Other days you might cower inside, with a hot cup of tea, while a raging blizzard or northeaster demolishes the emerging shoots of spring bulbs.

Whether you are experiencing the lamb or the lion as you read this, on our first March Saturday of 2024, I want to introduce you to some new friends in faith I’ve been blessed to encounter through the wind of the Holy Spirit this Lent.

Even though I’ve written and edited for small literary publications for most of my adult life, I grew up in the era of print. The role of managing editor for an online literary journal is relatively new for me. So, with a good intention towards “continuing education” — but little real hope — I ran a Google search.

And behold! An organization called Catholic Literary Arts (3) popped up in the search results, with a class entitled “How to Run a Literary Journal: The How, Why, and Wherewith” (4).

Founded by multi-faceted literary artist and president, Sarah Cortez (5), in 2020 –the year of their first Sacred Poetry Contest (6) — Catholic Literary Arts is based in the state of Texas. Already it is blessed by, and welcomes, writers from a variety of different cultural backgrounds.

The organization received assistance with its establishment, Sarah told me, from Catholic Writers Guild’s own beloved founder, supporter, and former vice president, Deacon Arthur Powers, who also served as one of CLA’s first instructors for online classes (7).

Two additional seminars on the 2024 CLA website looked so appealing that I signed up for those, as well.

Dr. J. Larry Allums’ seminar, now concluded, “The Short Story’s Brilliance and Clarity in Revealing Spiritual Truth,” focused on classical writers Nathaniel Hawthorne, Gustav Flaubert, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and James Joyce (8).

I was amazed and delighted by the openness of sharing about spiritual insights among participants. I appreciated the opportunity to recollect how important it is to study the classical spiritual writers.

Ryan Wilson, Editor-in-Chief for Literary Matters (9), based at the Catholic University of America, and the CLA instructor for “How to Run a Literary Journal …” already in our first session offered an in-depth history of literary journals; and updated participants with the latest news about an extensive list of contemporary journals. He highlighted those that are most open to submissions from writers with a spiritual focus, especially for poets (10).

I’m looking forward to “Image, Tone, and Pacing …” with popular poet Tamara Nicholl-Smith, whose work appears in some astonishing venues around the city of Albuquerque, New Mexico; as well as in the prestigious Guttenberg Bible display at the University of St. Thomas (11), in her class that will be coming up next.

Although CLA discussions thus far have taken a slightly more “academic” and classical approach to Catholic writing than the sessions I enjoyed so much at our Catholic Writers Guild live meeting with the Catholic Publishers Association meeting in Chicago last May 30-June 1, 2023 — I’ve found the warm hospitality in Catholic Literary Arts sessions equally welcoming.

With taglines like “Write with Spirit” and “Fearless Catholic Writing” (12), CLA shares with CWG a common call, and we stand together on the same home ground. Their mission statement reveals how congruent they are with our own commitment to work in the world with our God-given talents, and to help bring about the creative vision of Saint Pope John Paul II.

“Catholic Literary Arts encourages ongoing growth in literary, artistic, and spiritual development of artists and writers so that the Cultural Patrimony and rich treasures of the Catholic Church may be more perfectly explored and used to draw all peoples to God.” (13)

If you’re a published or aspiring author of Catholic children’s books, and would like to connect with influential editors from Our Sunday Visitor, Word on Fire’s new children’s imprint Spark, and Pauline Books & Media, there’s still time to register for CLA’s Meet-the-Editor Panel: Children’s Edition, on March 6 at 7:00 PM CST (14).

This might be a worthwhile option to help sustain your motivation from CWCO last month, stay on task, and relieve some of the letdown that can follow periods of deep fellowship with our spiritual colleagues at conferences.

Whatever life you are living as a Catholic writer and wherever you must go this month, may you dance in the winds of March with the Holy Spirit, who leads us all through crucifixion to resurrection.

The author, out for a walk after the March 2, 2023 snowstorm in Tucson, Arizona.
Author’s personal photo, used with permission.
Margaret King Zacharias

© 2024 by Margaret King Zacharias

Feature photo: Snowstorm rolling into Tucson, Arizona on March 2, 2023. Author’s personal photo, used with permission.


  1. 1.
  7. Sarah Cortez, personal communication.

Rewriting a Story

Writing a story is not easy. Sometimes a writer has to change his or her manuscript. Sometimes the plot doesn’t make sense, or the ending doesn’t work. Maybe a character doesn’t fit in the story and has to be removed.

Or maybe the writer can’t finish the story and leaves it on their hard drive as an unfinished manuscript. Sometimes the idea is good, but the story itself is a failure.

Are you in that situation? Are you struggling with writer’s block? Coming up with a good story idea is one thing, but trying to finish it can be frustrating. You want to please your fans. You want your future readers, a literary agent, or a publisher to accept your story. You want the characters to be believable to your audience.

Before you finish your manuscript, think about one of your favorite books or movies. Why do you reread that story or rewatch that particular show over and over and over again? Could it be that the writers of those stories make things come alive in your mind? Is it the characters that grab your imagination? Is it the plot or the scenery?

Let me give you an example. I’m currently rewatching a very clean, family-friendly series. I have seen these series before; the characters and the plot are very believable. When one of the characters was killed on this show, I cried for two weeks. I felt sorry for his wife and for everybody else in that small town.

I wanted to find out what happens next to the characters. The production company announced that they are currently working on the next season. Sometimes scriptwriters disappoint their fans. Some fans want a character to do such and such a thing on the show, but when they don’t get their wish, then they are upset. That is how a modern-day show touches people’s lives. People want the make-believe characters to be happy. They want them to be a good example for their children. Think about these things while you are having writer’s block. Ask God to help you in this area. Find a beta reader to read your manuscript. Find a freelance editor to help you with your manuscript.

Copyright 2024 Angela Lano

Catholic Writers Conference Online

Two years ago, a friend told me about the Catholic Writers Guild and their annual online conference. At the time, I had just started dreaming of publishing a Catholic chapter book series, but I didn’t know where to start. Feeling overwhelmed, I pursued the Catholic Writers Guild website to see about this conference.

The skeptical part of my brain told me it was too good to be true. The frugal part of my brain told me $40 was a honey of a deal for access to three days’ worth of presentations. (The conference is free for clergy and $60 if you’re not a Catholic Writers Guild member; also, membership is totally worth the $40/year dues). Additionally, all the sessions are recorded, so I could go back and rewatch my favorites and check out the ones my schedule conflicted with.

To say my mind was blown by what $40 got me is an understatement. I took almost a whole journal’s worth of notes and gathered ideas for what it means to be a Catholic writer in the world today. I learned about things that I didn’t even know I needed to know, and felt the Holy Spirit reaffirming that this is what I am called to do. I met other people who shared my passion for writing within a Catholic lens. I started to believe I could actually do this.

I left that conference on fire. Since then, in the last two years, I have published the first three books of my chapter book series, visited Catholic schools to talk about my stories, written and published countless articles (one was even translated into Hungarian!), and started writing and editing Catholic curriculum. None of this would have happened without the Catholic Writers Guild.

The Guild is composed of fellow Catholics who want to use their gifts from God for good. Our genres and styles are as varied as we are, but we all strive to grow in holiness as we write. During the online conference, some presentations were more relevant and helpful to me, but I learned something from every talk.

This year, I am counted among the presenters, and I’m thrilled to volunteer to share my own experiences in the hopes of encouraging and educating other Catholic writers. Sure, I get a small stipend and exposure to other Catholic writers, but that’s not why I’m presenting this year.

Two years ago, women and men from the Catholic Writers Guild planted seeds that have begun to sprout in my life. With God’s continued light and watering, I know I will have full-grown trees one day. In the meantime, I want to spend my time planting seeds of my own.

You don’t have to be an established writer to attend this conference. You don’t have to know what you want to write or even the genre. All you need is an interest: a tiny prompting of the Holy Spirit that the written word may be one of your gifts He is asking you to share.

Join us at the online conference this year from February 23–25, 2024. Worst-case scenario? You’re out $40. Best-case scenario? Well, only God knows that.

© Maria Riley 2024

Five (Free!) Ways to Support an Author You Love

Five (Free!) Ways to Support an Author You Love

The other day I had an awesome milestone as an author: I found my books on the shelf in our public library! This might seem like a very little thing, but for me, it made my whole month. I brought my kids to the library for their weekly perusal and book check-outs, and there they were, on the New Books shelf in the children’s room.

I gushed and geeked out a bit, complete with pictures and a video for an Instagram reel, and I drew the attention of a fellow patron. She was thrilled to meet an author and excited to see good, Catholic books in the public library. After I took my pics, she eagerly added them to her own check-out pile (even more excitement for me!).

The process of getting my books in the public library was as simple as filling out a form on the library’s website. As a patron of the library, I can request titles for the library to purchase, and then they buy them. I’ve requested all sorts of books, and I’ve never had a title refused by my library.

This got me wondering if everyone knows about requesting books for your library to purchase. It is a free and tremendously helpful thing for authors, since you can only request books at your own library. Having my books at libraries is wonderful because not only can all readers have a chance to experience my books without the purchase price being a barrier, but also, some people who may otherwise not pick up my book may choose to do so since it won’t cost them a thing. My goal is to have as many kids as possible read my series, Adventures with the Saints, so having them in tons of libraries is a phenomenal way to do that!

While we’re talking about free ways to support your favorite authors (I hope that includes me!), leaving reviews is high on the list. Amazon is the biggest one, but reviews on Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, the author’s website, and anywhere else you buy the book (like local bookshops that sell online, etc.), have a huge impact and can make the difference when someone is thinking about purchasing the book. While you’re on there, be sure to “like” the other five-star reviews so they populate at the top of the list. The best reviews mention specific things that you loved and why you would recommend it, but even just taking 30 seconds on Amazon to click five-stars without writing anything helps! 

Another simple, fun, and free way to support authors is to engage with them on social media. Following your favorite authors and liking their posts is a great start, but the algorithms require engagement to boost a post. A reel or post that has a lot of comments will have more exposure, and one that has multiple shares will see the most traffic. Next time you’re scrolling, take that quick second to comment, tag your friends who would also enjoy the post, and share the content on your own feed. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram @mariarileyauthor if you want to engage with me there!

My next suggestion has less to do with increasing sales and everything to do with encouraging your favorite author: send fan mail. There is something profoundly uplifting and motivating about a reader who loved your book and wanted to let you know. Nothing brightens my day more than reading an email from a child who loved my books. Bonus points for the seven-year-old’s note that included a picture of her holding my book. Seriously, a three-minute email could be exactly the thing that an author needs to stay focused and determined when writing her next book. It might be the difference between her throwing in the towel or continuing writing. As authors, we put ourselves out there and hope that people will like and buy our books. It’s tough business. A few kind words really go a long way, and they won’t cost you a cent.

Finally, if you have a book and author that you love, tell everyone you know. There is no marketing like word of mouth, and personal recommendations are second to none. If you loved a book, chances are your friends will too. Make it a habit to spread the word about your favorite books and hopefully turn a new reader onto his new favorite author.

Of course, buying a copy of a book for yourself (and maybe two more for friends) is always the most direct way to support an author. But when the budget is tight (or you’ve already got the book), spend a little bit of time and no money at all to support us in this crazy craft of writing!

© Copyright 2023 Maria Riley

Do Whatever He Tells You by Maria Riley

I love meditating on the Wedding at Cana. Attending a wedding seems like such an ordinary event for Jesus and his friends to attend. I imagine them laughing and enjoying themselves, much the way I do when I attend weddings, which helps me remember that Jesus was fully human too.

Another reason that I love the Wedding at Cana is that Jesus, as an adult, remained obedient to His mother. As a mom myself, I love this. His obedience also is a significant part of our understanding of Mary as the great mediator. She brings each of us closer to Christ by bridging the gap between us and Him. She tells Jesus that the wine has run out, and despite Him telling her it’s not yet His hour, Jesus obeys His mother (cf. John 2:3-4). Jesus’s first public miracle happened through the intercession of Mary.

Recently, while I meditated on this mystery, my mind didn’t focus on Jesus, His friends, nor His mother. Instead, my thoughts lingered on the servants, those who assisted Jesus in His first miracle. These servants aren’t even named in the scripture, yet by following the advice of Mary and obeying Jesus’s command, they partook in a beautiful miracle that all Christians know about.

They did whatever He told them (cf. John 2:5). And here’s the amazing thing—all He asked them to do was fill some pitchers with water. That was it! Jesus basically said, “Just go grab some water, and then leave the rest to me.” Because of the servants’ obedience, a miracle ensued.

Sometimes I think I’m not doing enough to live out my faith. I think I need to live in more drastic poverty or pray for hours every day. But maybe, just like the servants, Jesus is actually asking me to do something simple and well within my abilities, training, and current life situation.

When I stop to listen, this is what I hear Jesus say to me: “Fill this cup of milk, then graciously clean the spilled milk for the eighth time today. Write this story. Feed this family I have given you. Read aloud with this child.”

These commands, doing whatever He tells me, may not be as complicated as I think. Easy? Not always. Almost every day He reminds me, “Love your husband, and forgive him for not being perfect. In all things, selflessly love the way that I love you.”

If I humble myself and accept these charges from Him, then I open the door for the miracle to happen. If I do my small part, no matter how insignificant it may seem, I am honoring the will of God.

I’m not in the business of turning water into wine. But filling pitchers with water? I can do that.

The Path Late Taken

The Path Late Taken

Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”  Psalm 119:105

I am one of those people who let life happen to me rather than setting an intentional course for my life.  But it is never too late to learn. As I look back over the years, I now see where turning to God for guidance through prayer and scripture at a young age might have led me to different destinations. No regrets. I wandered where I did and in the process of getting lost and finding my way back, I learned ask for and seek God’s light on all my paths. He is the lamp by which I write.

I have been writing since childhood. When high school rolled around, like most kids, I considered what I might want to do with my life. Journalism sounded appealing as I joined the school newspaper, but so did Library Science – a means to be immersed in a world of books. I thought about majoring in English.

It turned out; I became a nurse. My parents advised I’d always be able to find work. The manager at my first job said I would make a great nurse. I had two partial scholarships: one to Rosary College in Chicago where there was a library science program and one to Barry College in Miami where I had every intention on majoring in English. When an uncle told me Chicago was so cold in the winter, students walked through underground tunnels to get to classes, I swayed toward staying in Florida with the sun and beaches. The safe path.

At orientation, along with the crowd of freshmen being directed to meeting rooms, “English majors over here,” “Nursing majors, this way.”  I heard the voices of people I loved and respected and headed in the direction for Nursing.  It was the early seventies when there was a glut of teachers and jobs were hard to find.  The hasty detour.

In that split second decision, at age seventeen, I set the course for my life over the next twenty or so years. I lost sight of a few important road signs.  Number one, I loved words. Would I love tending to the human body and its maladies as much? I forgot about an impressionable moment in senior advanced English creative writing class with the editor of The Liguorian, a popular Catholic magazine.

The priest who talked with our class about writing, did so with a smelly brown cigar, wafting smoke into my brain pushing out any ability to hear or comprehend what he was saying.  I vividly remember after more than fifty years the growing ash at the tip of his cigar, teetering, clearly close to dropping on the linoleum floor.  Did he not notice? Didn’t anyone notice?  Were they so engrossed in his lecture or so not bothered by the odor that they ignored the possibility of a soon-to-be- scorched floor or possibly even a fire?

Behind him the jalousie windows were closed.  I couldn’t wait any longer and politely got up and turned the handle on the glass louvers, pointing out that now he could tap his cigar outside.  Oh, the fresh air! I forgave his odorous affront when he promptly told the class, “Now there is a good writer.”  Why did I not remember his statement during freshman orientation day? Again, no regrets, just a reminder to myself to look for the lamp to light my way.

So here I am more than fifty years later, writing. The path between college and retirement included stops as a Navy nurse and a long stint in the insurance industry with small detours down the creative writing alley. As retirement draws near, I’m paying closer attention to the road signs leading me to my dream of being a writer. As for that priest, I don’t remember anymore the smell of his cigar or even one word of his lecture, but I cling tightly to his singular statement, “Now there’s a good writer.” I’ll leave it to you to decide if I’m a good one or not. It’s never too late.

Copyright 2022 by Paula Veloso Babadi

(Mis)interpreting God’s Will

(Mis)interpreting God’s Will


About eight months ago, my husband was laid off. Thankfully, he was given a three-month severance, so we were not immediately strained. However, I’m a stay-at-home-mom with our four daughters, and the reality of not having an income felt overwhelming and stressful. Even if we don’t worship money and make it our priority, we still need it to pay the bills.

Before he was let go, my husband had started really struggling with his job, and had actually already started looking for work elsewhere. This layoff, we thought, was a beautiful gift from God to allow him to spend more time applying and interviewing to find the right position for him. We both felt confident that he would secure a new position before the severance expired.

As the first three months drew to a close, with not a single job offer despite more than fifty applications submitted and countless interviews, our hearts started to listen for God’s will taking us in a different direction. Maybe, I suggested one day, we could look into long-term missionary work. My husband, surprisingly, didn’t disagree.

I began researching companies and found one that seemed to be the right fit. We submitted an application, completed the initial interview, and began the official discernment process. We thought we had figured out the meaning of his job loss. God wanted to clear the path so we could become full-time missionaries.

It didn’t take long for us to realize that four kids who would be between 13 and 9 would not thrive in that environment. At this point, I fell into despair. If my husband didn’t lose his job to find a better one, and not so we could become missionaries, what was the meaning of it all? Why, God? We felt entirely ready to do His will, but for the life of us, we just couldn’t figure that out.

Then, with his newfound free time, my husband agreed to help support me in the endeavor of self-publishing my first children’s chapter book. The process has been arduous. As it turns out, the writing is actually a very small portion of publishing. But with my husband’s encouragement, accountability, support, and technical know-how, I am now a published author with more books for the series in the pipeline. My book is a special piece of my heart that I’ve written for my children, and I know that God has willed it into existence.

A year ago, being a published author was a dream I hoped might happen in three to five years―if ever. Today, I’m autographing books for kids across the county. Yet this book won’t pay the bills (they rarely do), and I honestly don’t know what the future holds for us. For today, I’ve stopped trying to figure it out. I don’t know what doors will close and what windows will fly open. All I know is that God will take care of us.




Sometimes I get so caught up in understanding the meaning of everything and wanting to know the future, that I forget that God is the present. When He spoke to Moses, He said “I AM” (cf. Exodus 3:14). He didn’t say, “I WAS.” He didn’t say, “I WILL BE.” God is always and forever the present tense. Today, we have a roof over our heads, food in the pantry, and more to rejoice over than there are minutes in the day. Today, I will write as I am commanded, and do whatever He tells me. And if I can do that again tomorrow and the day after, He will continue to provide.

I’m sure I’m not done misinterpreting God’s Will in my life. Each time, I pray that I will recognize my folly and recenter myself in His present will. I pray I continue doing today what is asked of me, and trusting that even though I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, I have nothing to fear.


Copyright 2022 Maria Riley
Images:Uoaei1, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons; Eekim, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons.

There Are So Many Books…

Today, I went to a used bookstore and a library.

There were so many books.

I picked up a children’s book, written with care and published 80 years ago, that is now just sitting in a used bookstore, gathering dust. I would bet very few people know about this book, let alone remember its story and its author.

It’s enough to make me wonder why—why do I write? Why am I adding books to this plethora of stories that already exists? What do I have to add?

I closed my eyes and sighed, but then I felt a sense of peace fill my heart.

God has called me to write. He gave me a gift, and it’s meant to be used. He puts the stories in my mind and knows they will reach who they need to reach.

There have been many times in the past few years that I have felt a small desire to get a job. It would let me get out of the house, interact with other adults, and have a sense that I’m accomplishing something. However, every time I tried to picture myself at a job, God would give me a vision of myself sitting at our home office desk, writing. That vision would give me peace with where my life was at that moment and where it is now.

Writing is something I can do while I stay home to homeschool my children. In fact, writing is something I can do just about anywhere, and I have. Home, coffee shops, restaurants, hotels, cars, libraries, park benches—the list of locations where I have worked on my books is long.

I was listening to a podcast on creativity and the guest being interviewed mentioned that creativity is important whether it is seen or unseen because it is seen by God.

God sees the first, second, and third drafts. He sees the sections I wrote that never get printed. He sees the time I spend daydreaming scenes and characters. He sees the piles of ideas scratched out. I need to remember that.

God knows about that children’s book author. He knows what it took to write that story and get that book published. He knows who read it and how it affected him or her. He remembers. He knows about every one of the thousands books I saw today and the work that went into each one. He also knows about every book that hasn’t been published. The sentences still in laptops, in notebooks, or lost forever to us through fires and decay. He knows about the ideas the come and then flit away.

We always have an audience and, because of that, even if it never gets printed, our work is worthwhile.

God sees it.

Copyright © 2022 Sarah Anne Carter