Networks and Friendships Online and In-Person

Grow your Catholic writing circle of influence and make great friendships.

Where Members Meet

Join our Heartbeat App

Heartbeat is the heartbeat of the Guild—an online and mobile app where we meet to chat, run crit groups, hold classes, and more.

In-Person Learning and Networking

Catholic Writers Conference Live

Our annual conference is two days of workshops, plus opportunities to meet with mentors and pitch your book to Catholic publishers. It’s the must-attend event for Catholic writers wanting to break into the field.

A Professional Conference at Home

Catholic Writers Conference Online

Can’t afford to attend a live conference—or just don’t want to get out of your pajamas? The online conference also hosts amazing speakers, networking opportunities, and pitch sessions with Catholic and secular publishers. All the awesomeness of the live conference without the long lines at the airport.

Dedicated Writing Time

CWG Writers Retreat

Our writing retreats offer you dedicated time to write, read, and pray both on your own and with others.

Join a Community

Local Writer Groups

We have official and unofficial writing groups that meet in person in their local area. Members can find them on the Heartbeat app or start their own.