Tag Archive for: abortion

Many climate change proponents deny one absolute: the truth of life

By Larry Peterson

You cannot embrace the child’s home and then kill the child.

The drums of climate change are pounding harder and harder every day. School children are being indoctrinated about the cataclysm poised to destroy the Mother Planet. Purveyors of the “existential threat” about to waste us are in our face 24/7. We hear about the “science” of climate change and that we should embrace it. If we do not, we are labeled “deniers.” We have been told that Miami will be underwater in three years and the world will end in ten. The projected Ice Age of the year 2000 is not happening, and trouble is coming to get us.

In religion, if you deny a tenet of faith such as the divinity of Jesus Christ, you would be classified as a heretic. It seems we have finally advanced the theory of climate change into the Church of Climate Change. Yes, it is a theory, and a theory means MAYBE or POSSIBLY (evolution is a theory — not a fact; gravity is a law — it is a fact).

The climate change hysteria reached new heights September 18, 2019. That was the day that NBC, the National Broadcasting Company, presented to the world the Climate Change Confessional, a place where climate change “deniers” can confess their climate change “sins.” Yes, they can admit their sins anonymously, cleansing their consciences of harm they caused against the planet.

God gave Moses the Ten Commandments about 3500 years ago. Now, in the 21st century, NBC has given the world six Climactic Commandments:

  • Thou shalt not use plastic, including straws, bottles, etc.
  • Thou shalt not eat meat (cows, pigs, turkey, etc.)
  • Thou shalt not use energy (natural resources such as oil, natural gas, coal, etc.)
  • Thou shalt not use transportation (cars, planes, all vehicles propelled by fossil fuels)
  • Thou shalt not use paper (Does that mean toilet paper? Itmust mean paper plates.)
  • Thou shalt not waste food (i.e., leftover kale must be eaten).

Those are the first six commandments of climate change. More are sure to follow. The good news is, there are “climate sins” posted anonymously by others for you to reference. Sort of an examination of your climate conscience. Yes, my friends, you can unburden yourself of your “climate sins” in the  NBC “Climate Confessional” — and do it anonymously. The concept is not new; we Catholics have been going to Confession for 2000 years. (The big difference is a priest will give his life rather than violate the Seal of Confession. I don’t know if an NBC employee would go that far).

Many people proclaim that they believe in God. Many proclaim the Bible as God’s word. I am a Catholic, but this piece is non-denominational. It is for any and all who believe in a Creator. Many who proclaim God proclaim their fears about climate change and want to save the planet. Mother Earth is their home — it is my home. It is every living being’s home. So that makes sense — let us be kind to our home.

However, I believe that many of those who are pro-abortion also proclaim that they believe in God. It follows that they all believe in His creation, the universe, wherein our planet resides. The following Democratic candidates are all in when it comes to climate change. They are also all in when it comes to being pro-abortion. They are all hypocrites and include:

  • Joe Biden (Catholic)
  • Robert Beto O’Rourke (Catholic)
  • Cory Booker (Baptist)
  • Kamala Harris (Baptist)
  • Amy Klobuchar (United Church of Christ)
  • Bernie Sanders (Jewish)
  • Elizabeth Warren (Methodist)
  • John Delaney (Catholic)
  • Andrew Yang (Christian Reformed Church)
  • Pete Buttigieg (Episcopalian)

These Democratic candidates running for president are all in favor of abortion. Most of them believe in abortion up to birth. As the father of a stillborn daughter who did not survive past the sixth month of pregnancy, I consider that infanticide. The definition of infanticide is as follows:

Infanticide [in-fan-tuh-sahyd], noun

  • the act of killing an infant

  • the practice of killing newborn infants

  • a person who kills an infant

Proclaiming your belief in God and His creation and wanting to protect it is a noble thing to do. But you cannot leave out the most important part of God’s creation and make believe it is NOTHING just to save your politics. It is not only hypocritical; it is downright shameful.

All the religions listed above proclaim and teach the Ten Commandments. They are the Law, handed down by God himself to Moses on Mount Sinai. That is the way it is and had been so for over three thousand years. If you want to reject it and mock it, knock yourself out. But don’t stand there and proclaim your godly ways when you willingly are ready to destroy God’s most precious creation, a newborn child. Yes — the most important and magnificent creation of the very God you proclaim.

The Bible says that God made the universe out of nothing. It took Him six biblical days, and he began with light and then the heavens and the planets and the land and the oceans and the plants followed by the living things and finally, on the sixth day, He made His masterpiece, the human being, both man and woman — and told them to be fruitful and multiply. God looked at what He had done and was pleased. Then, on day seven, He took a well-deserved nap.

So I ask how people of faith can embrace the parts of Creation that they can use for their advantage, i.e., climate change, and reject with a dogged determination the Commandment that says “Thou shalt not kill.” You cannot because doing so makes you all “deniers.” The science is in — the science is fact — human life begins at the moment of conception. You cannot embrace the child’s home and then kill the child.

Yes — all you promoters of infanticide and partial-birth and third-trimester abortion are the real deniers of truth. You have compromised your integrity and character for a political agenda.

NBC might consider referring those they have directed to Climate Confessionals to the pastors of their respective churches. When they get there they can ask them their opinions on Climate Confessions.


Copyright © Larry Peterson 2019

When it Comes to Life and Death, the Paradox that is Humanity is Inexplicable

On January 22, 2019, New York’s governor, Andrew Cuomo, signed into law the Reproductive Health Act. This was also the anniversary of Roe v.Wade.

When the governor finished signing this bill, a suffocating wind exploded from the halls of the capitol, caused by the cheers and screams of those upstanding lawmakers who had voted to legalize infanticide. Indeed, the wind has moved like a tsunami across our land, leaving behind a foul and repugnant odor.

There is an inexplicable paradox that engulfs humanity. I believe there is a far greater number of women and men who are willing to lay down their very lives for their child, even if it is still unborn, than those people who rejoice in the death and destruction of the most innocent and helpless of all God’s creations. I have no answers for this human phenomena.

The signing of this bill and the cheering that followed brought me back to a day 40 years earlier: September 6, 1978. For my young family, that was also a day about the life and death of a baby. Mostly, it is about how one woman would go to any lengths to save her unborn child.

Loretta had entered her sixth month of pregnancy, and in the days preceding September 6, there had been little movement from the baby. On September 5, the doctor had appeared concerned but had only said that the heartbeat “could be a bit stronger.” He wanted her to return in a week.

The rest of that day there was no movement. We had gone to bed and fallen asleep. I was on my right side, and Loretta was lying against my back. Suddenly something jabbed me in the back. It was hard enough to wake me. I sat up and said, “The baby just kicked me.”

She said softly, “Yes, I know.”

It was 2 a.m., and all was dark and peaceful, but we did not fall back asleep. We just lay quietly, side by side, holding hands and waiting. A second kick never came.

The next morning, after I had gone to work, Loretta began to hemorrhage. Her mom had been staying with us for a few days — and thank God she was there. She called 911 and then called and left a message for me at work. My first stop was only ten minutes from the hospital, and I arrived there before the ambulance.

When they pulled the gurney out, I was stunned at what I saw. My wife had lost so much blood that her hair was smeared with it. Her eyes were closed and she was not moving. I stood by helplessly as they rushed her into the ER.

For those who reject and scoff at the wonder of God’s human creations, here is an example of how one woman did not. As I was standing there not knowing what to do or where to go, a priest came in and asked me if I was Larry Peterson. I just nodded, and he told me that my mother-in-law had called his parish. As Loretta was being wheeled out of the house, she made her mother promise to have a priest waiting to baptize her child. Her mom kept that promise.

There was a hospital ten minutes from our house. I was told that the paramedics wanted to go there but that  Loretta demanded they take her to the Catholic hospital a half-hour away. They told her it was way too risky because of the amount of blood she was losing. She would not relent, and they did as she asked. She was determined to have her child baptized. She had knowingly and willingly put her life on the line for her baby.

Loretta survived and the baby did not. She was baptized. A few days later, the remains of  Theresa Mary Peterson left the funeral home in a tiny white casket. The casket was placed on the front seat of a limousine. We followed it to Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Valhalla, N.Y. She was buried with my parents, and her name is on the tombstone. She did exist and will always be remembered.

As the great Pope, St. John Paul II said, “A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope.”

Lest evil prevails, we must pray like never before that our nation overcomes this onslaught against the very image of God Himself.

© 2019 Larry Peterson 

Roe v Wade: 46 years later, hurting baby turtles is illegal but, in America, killing baby people is a “guaranteed right”

Sea turtles are protected by Florida’s Endangered and Threatened Species Act of 1977. They are also protected by federal law which prohibits disturbing sea turtles while they are “nesting” (AKA: unborn). The Marine Turtle Protection Act states that “no person may take, possess, disturb, mutilate, destroy, cause to be destroyed, sell, offer for sale, transfer, molest or harass any marine sea turtle or its nests or eggs at any times.”

Yes, we sure love our turtles, especially here in Florida where they nest around the entire peninsula. In fact, we love them so much we have penalties for “disturbing” them. A first offense could cost a person up to 60 days in jail and a $100-$500 fine. A second charge could put you in the slammer for six months with a punishment of $1000. After that, the penalties continue to increase with each additional offense. Federal penalties include jail time and fines up to $15,000 for each offense.

Naturally, we do need laws to protect our wildlife and our environment. But what about “Baby People?” Don’t they count? Why is it perfectly “legal” to kill Baby People who have not been born and you can go to jail for harming or disturbing a baby turtle that has not been born? Does that make sense?

The Loggerhead Sea Turtle is one of these protected turtles. Like Baby People, it can be found all over the world. However, its primary habitat is the Florida coast and the coastline as far north as Virginia. It is estimated that these turtles build 67,000 nests a year along the beaches. The female lays her eggs in the sand and buries them. After two months they hatch, crawl to the sea and begin their lives. Those that survive will live close to 60 years.

It is illegal to harm, harass, or kill any sea turtles, their eggs, or hatchlings. It is also illegal to import, sell, or transport turtles or their products. It is perfectly legal to kill Baby People who have not been born. Since Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973, over 61,000,000 abortions have been performed in the United States. Sixty-one million baby people have been vanquished from existence, many of them burned alive via the saline abortion method. That extrapolates out to, on average since 1973, 1,326,086 Baby People a year killed in America.

In 2017 there were 3.86 million births in the United States. That means that approximately one out of every four pregnancies in our country results in a life extinguished. Sea turtles are given every chance to survive, with the government going so far as to put people in prison who might interfere with their survival. On the other hand, Baby People are welcomed into legalized and sweetly painted extermination camps and, unmercifully and without fanfare or emotion, eradicated.

Whatever are we doing? We civilized people have allowed a portion of our past to be destroyed. We are allowing our present to be vilified by what can only be called a great lie fabricated as the virtue of “helping” women. We have short-circuited the future of our children and grandchildren. We have taken away from them the possibility of another Rembrandt, another Mozart, another Jonas Salk, another Martin Luther King Jr. or even another Abraham Lincoln living among them.

Most of all, we have taken away the meaning of the beauty and wonder of human life. We have changed it from a wondrous mystery, given to us by God our Creator. Instead, we have turned it into a disposable commodity that can be discarded at will under the guise of “reproductive rights.” Does not “reproductive rights” mean having the freedom to reproduce — not to destroy? Un-reproducing leaves only one result; that result is death.

There is a world-wide abortion counter that ticks off the abortions around the world as they happen. Look for yourself. More than one life a second is being aborted. Genocide of the innocent, living in and out of the womb, is rampant on planet Earth. Whatever have we wrought?

As the great St. John Paul II said, “A nation that kills its own children is a nation without hope.”

©Larry Peterson 2019