Tag Archive for: Catholic Writers Conference Live 2015

From the President’s Desk – August 28

“There is an appointed time for everything, and a time for every affair under the heavens.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

Lots to share this beautiful warm day in August!

Catholic Writers Conference Live
First, if you attended the Catholic Writers Live Conference last month, it was great to meet you! It was a wonderful time of edification, networking and fellowship as well as spiritual renewal.

CWGLive attendees gather to say goodbye at the CMN Trade Show with Paper Pope Francis

CWGLive attendees gather to say goodbye at the CMN Trade Show with Paper Pope Francis

Speaking to the bookstore owners on Tuesday at CMN

Speaking to the bookstore owners on Tuesday at CMN

Before the first talk! #cmnselfie2015 (with the help of Pat Gohn)

Before the first talk! #cmnselfie2015 (with the help of Pat Gohn)

World Meeting of Families
If you are attending the World Meeting of Families next month in Philadelphia, the Guild will be there with a booth (Booth 747). I will be manning the booth, along with a few other helpers. Please stop by and say hello!

Catholic Writers RetreatCatholicWritersRetreatLogo2011iiii Have you thought about attending the upcoming Catholic Writers Retreat? If you haven’t, please consider doing so. I’m looking forward to a time of spiritual renewal and an opportunity to write. Here’s the information:
Catholic Writers Retreat: Your Word is my Delight. October 25-29, 2015. St. Francis Retreat Center, 703 E. Main Street, DeWitt, Michigan 48820. Register online at this link, click on ‘Other Offerings,’ or call 866-669-8321. $490 for five days.

Stepping Down as President
Last but certainly not least, I wanted to let you all know that I will not be running again for president in November. Besides writing, publishing, editing and book coaching, I am now also working for a Catholic non-profit organization called Live the Fast (based in Waltham, Massachusetts). Although I will be stepping down as president, I am certainly not leaving the Guild. I plan to be involved with the live conference as well as some of the committees. I will also remain on the Board as “past president.”

Please pray for me in my new endeavors and I will continue to pray for all of you.

As always, if you have any comments, questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me president(at)catholicwritersguild (dot) (com)

In Jesus and Mary,

Ellen Gable Hrkach

From the President’s Desk – June Ponderings

Photo copyright Ellen Gable Hrkach

Photo copyright Ellen Gable Hrkach

“There is a good reason they call these ceremonies ‘commencement exercises.’ Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning.” Orrin Hatch

This has been an exciting month at the Hrkach household. #3 son graduated from Ottawa University (photo to the right) a few weeks ago and #4 son graduated from high school yesterday. At the university commencement, the speaker said that with new technology and healthier lifestyles, many of the students (22- and 23-year-olds) could expect to live another hundred years. Therefore, they could “return for the 200th anniversary of the university in 2115.”

Another reason it’s been a busy month is because the conference committee has been finalizing its plans for the Catholic Writers Conference Live, set to take place July 22-24th in Somerset, New Jersey. If you’re planning to attend and haven’t registered, please do so ASAP at this link.

A group of Indie Catholic authors have gotten together for a huge group sale. If you’re interested, check it out here.

Are you working on a unpublished manuscript? Would you like feedback from more experienced authors? We have active critique groups for both fiction and non-fiction. Just let me know if you’re interested and I’ll connect you with the right person.

Finally, the Catholic Writers Retreat will be taking place in late October. I’ll be attending and looking forward to some reflection and writing time! Here’s the information: Catholic Writers Retreat: Your Word is My Delight. October 25-29, 2015. St. Francis Retreat Center, 703 E. Main Street, DeWitt, Michigan 48820. Register on line at this link. Click on “Other Offerings,” or call 866-669-8321. $490 for five days.

As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Enjoy the warmer weather!


Ellen Gable Hrkach
President, CWG

From the President’s Desk – Mediocrity

Copyright Ellen Gable Hrkach

Copyright Ellen Gable Hrkach

“Do not be satisfied with mediocrity.” St. John Paul II

Any person who settles for mediocrity in terms of his or her spiritual life is setting himself up for failure.  Reaching high for the virtues and striving for perfection isn’t always easy, but it’s always worthwhile.  None of us will ever be perfect, but we must try.  Most of us will fall short frequently, but as Catholics, we’re blessed to have the Sacrament of Reconciliation to give us the grace to be better people.

Authors who settle for mediocrity with regard to their writing are also setting themselves up for failure.  Articles and books that have not been professionally edited will frustrate readers. These authors can become known for their mediocre writing, and readers may not return for more.  If you’re posting to a blog, ask a writer friend to be your second pair of eyes. If you’re traditionally publishing a book, your assigned editor will help make your book as professional as possible. If you are self-publishing, please hire experienced and professional editors to edit your book. Most importantly, humbly consider any and all suggestions from your editor.

Don’t settle for mediocrity in either your spiritual life or your writing life. Strive to be the best you can be!

Special thanks to CWG member Allison Gingras for featuring my third novel, Stealing Jenny, during her radio show, A Seeking Heart, this week!  Check out a few of the shows here:

And, today, I’ll be live on A Seeking Heart from 10:00 until 10:45.  Listen live here at this link: http://www.realliferadio.com/a-seeking-heart-with-allison-gingras.html

If you’d like to call while we’re on the air, here’s the number: Call 1-855-949-1380

CWG News:
We  have an upcoming live conference in July in Somerset, NJ (July 22-24) and registration is now open.

The Catholic Writers Retreat is taking place in late October.  Your Word is my Delight takes place October 25-29, 2015 at the St. Francis Retreat Center, 703 E. Main Street, DeWitt, Michigan 48820. Register on line at here at this link, Click on Other Offerings, or call 866-669-8321. $490 for five days.

As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to email me: president (at) catholicwritersguild (dot) (com)

In Jesus and Mary,

Ellen Gable Hrkach