Tag Archive for: Catholic Writers Conference Online

How the Catholic Writers Conference Made a Gardener into a Writer


Registration is still open for the Catholic Writers Conference Online, March 4-6. Get the details and sign up here.

Attending a writing conference is an investment of time and money. How can you be sure you’ll get anything from it? The Catholic Writers Guild has had dozens of success stories, from writers who found their inspiration to those who landed book contracts. One of the most touching and inspiring stories is that of Guild member Margaret Realy. But we’ll let her tell you:

How could I possibly glorify the Lord by writing? I was only a gardener, and rapidly losing my identity as one because of encroaching arthritic disability.

The life change from landscapes to laptops was nothing I had anticipated. It began in the Adoration chapel with tearful prayers for direction and guidance. That guidance came through the Catholic Writers Guild.

In 2009 when I attended the CWG Live Conference, I set aside my fears and entered the unfamiliar world of publishing. I listened intently to those who guided me into an industry I knew nothing about.

There were seminars, workshops, and pitch sessions. I was introduced to professional writers and acquisition editors. Each opportunity that the CWG offered, I seized. As an introvert, the hardest event to manage—and most significant—was the informal networking that took place in hallways and at meals.

Through the guidance of Guild members and their willingness to mentor, my anxiety and insecurities began to lessen. My words became manuscripts which became book summaries and proposals. These were groomed for pitch sessions through the CWG support system.

The graces and blessings of the Guild have allowed me to develop as a writer, to serve God with words instead of a trowel. Left to my own devices, I would never have realized the seed planted in me to be a spiritual gardening author. The CWG members gave breath to my prayers.

Margaret Rose Realy, Obl. OSB, is a lay hermit and award winning author of three books: A Garden of Visible Prayer, Cultivating God’s Garden through Lent, and A Catholic Gardener’s Spiritual Almanac. She is a columnist, presenter, retreat leader, and a regular contributor to Aleteia, Catholic Mom, and Catholic Digest. Margaret blogs at Morning Rose Prayer Gardens on Patheos.

Margaret’s amazing transformation came at the live conference, but others have found blessings at the online one as well. The online conference offers instruction, networking, and even pitch session opportunities at a fraction of the cost and without the hassle of travel.

If you haven’t signed up yet, do it now. Go to http://www.anymeeting.com/PIID=EC51DE87844F3B and fill out the form. We’ll see you there!


Why Attend an Online Conference Like CWCO2016?

CWCOiconCWCO2016 is almost here! It’s set for March 4-6, and all the terrific details are at http://catholicwritersconference.com. It’s $40 for nonmembers,  $25 for CWG members. Drop by the website and register soon. Registration ends Feb 27 or when we get 200 attendees.

It’s been a long haul for Laura Lowder and I. We’ve been recruiting speakers for months, working on the new webinar software and putting together a huge amount of publicity and training materials we’ll be sharing with attendees. We have 24 presentations and 6 pitch sessions with Catholic and secular publishers.

I’d like to share with you why I feel so strongly about this conference.

In 2007, I attended my first writing conference. What an experience! I sharpened my skills as a writer and was introduced to the then-new world of internet marketing. I sold my first novel to a small press publisher. I – an introvert who seldom socialized – attended a huge party and laughed for hours. To top it all off, I made connections that have pushed my publishing career forward and made friends that I can still depend upon for help or companionship.

But the most amazing thing? The conference was completely online!

Have you ever wished you could attend a conference, learn from the writers who had been there/done that and succeeded, meet publishers and make friends who identify with your passion for words?

Have you ever had to push that dream aside because live conferences don’t work for you? They may be too expensive, involve travel that takes you away from work or family…or maybe it’s too far beyond your comfort zone to talk to complete strangers.

I’ve been there. I know how much easier it is to correspond, where I can think about my responses and not whether I’ve spilled something on my shirt or if my face “looks wrong.” My husband, Rob was working at the Pentagon, which meant LONG hours, so I could hardly leave the four kids for several days. Plus, we had enough bills without plane tickets and hotel fares. That first online conference changed my life and career. I wanted to do that for others.

But with the help of the Guild, I could do that. Ann Lewis and I started the first online conferences, and when she began the live ones, Laura Lower stepped in to co-chair the online ones with me. With Laura’s influence, we’ve given the conference a greater Catholic identity. Not only do we have excellent workshops on writing and marketing fiction and nonfiction, but we have presentations with a Catholic angle including theology, prayer and fellowship that is uniquely for our faith.

Our 2016 CWCO is coming March 4-6, and this year, we’re entering the 21st century with webinar presentations. If you can watch YouTube or use a chat like Facebook Messenger, then you have all the skills you need to participate. We have presenters covering all aspects of writing, faith and literature.

Are you ready to take your writing to the next level? Let us help you! Sign up for the CWCO 2016 today!


From the President’s Desk – February 28, 2014

Image from iStock

Image from iStock

You don’t have to live in Canada to have experienced a brutal winter this year with record breaking amounts of snow and bitterly cold temperatures across the North, Midwest, South and East. Some experts say that it’s the result of the Polar Vortex. Whatever it is, I am sure of one thing: I’m ready for spring.

I’m also ready for the Catholic Writers Conference Online which will take place from March 10th to 21st. If you’ve already registered, great! If not, registration is now closed (and hopefully you can join in the fun next year). Take a look at the schedule here.

In other news…are you a self-published author? If so, have you ever heard of The Independent Author Network? I belong to IAN. They are a great resource as well as a good marketing tool for the independently published author. Starting on March 1st, they will be offering a special yearly rate, 20% discounted from their normal rate. If you’re interested, email me at fullquiverpublishing(at)gmail.com and I will give you more details (as well as a coupon code for the discount).

Have you written or contributed to at least one book? If so, your book is probably on Goodreads. Goodreads is an excellent marketing tool for both self-published and traditionally published authors. To learn more about the Goodreads Author Program, click here.

Volunteers needed! We have two positions currently open that need volunteers.

First, Sarah Reinhard, SoA Chairperson, has asked for one additional volunteer for the Seal of Approval committee (Evaluation Coordinator) whose duties are as follows:

1.Recruit evaluators by sharing the link to the Google Form
2.Follow-up to make sure evaluators have received books, are reading
3.Log denial points from submitted evaluations on current quarter’s Decline Notes document
4.Bring concerns and needs to Chair’s attention as needed

Second, the CWG blog needs a Virtual Book Tour (VBT) Coordinator, duties as follows:
1.Communicate with CWG members regarding new books and hosting them for VBT
2.Copy and paste the information for the VBT into a blog post (making sure that the books are appropriate for the blog) Note: VBT Books do NOT have to have the Seal of Approval
3.Schedule posts

If you feel called to do either of these two positions, please email me: president(at)catholicwritersguild.com

Last, but not least, my fifth book, A Subtle Grace, will be coming out on Kindle March 22nd and in paperback on April 6th. I recently received a proof copy. After years of work, it’s always very satisfying for me to hold the finished product in my hands. Special thanks to my husband for taking this cool photo of all my books (this represents ten years worth of writing, polishing, editing and nearly 500,000 words!)

photo copyright James Hrkach

photo copyright James Hrkach

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me: president(at)catholicwritersguild.com

Ellen Gable Hrkach
President, Catholic Writers Guild