Tag Archive for: catholic writers conference

Because this could be YOU

In lieu of a serious post about blogging, I’m going to put this forth as a reason to come to the Catholic Writers Conference Live:

YOU could be the one in these pictures!

Pat Gohn and me, who always makes me smile

Ellen Gable Hrkach with me, who has an enthusiasm that’s ten feet tall

The incredible and amazing Lisa Hendey, pausing for a picture from her #1 fangirl

These are all pretty big names in Catholic writing, but they didn’t blink an eye when I asked them to mug it up with me. They were, in fact, that way with everyone. Everyone there at the conference was. Didn’t matter if they were a bestselling author or a lady with a cute baby (my secret is now exposed).

You’ll come home with far more than just some cool pictures, but it sure is fun to look back at the pictures, don’t you agree?

The Value of Face-to-Face

I love how the internet and the media-that’s-not-really-“new”-anymore has opened many doors and windows in my life.

I’ve made friends who are not virtual in any way, though miles may separate us. We drink our coffee via Twitter, share joys via email, follow each other’s lives via blogs. We ask for sudden prayers through texts and even call from time to time to sob and pray out loud.

There is no doubt, to me, that the digital continent is a blessing in my life.

When I first started blogging, the Catholic Writers Guild began sponsoring the online conference. I attended, not thinking of myself as a “writer” in any serious way at all. It was a kind of playing for me, a hobby and a way of learning something new.

Five years and four conferences later, I’m a published author.

Last year, I put faces to names during my first foray into the Guild’s live conference. I said, when asked, that I think I might be addicted to it.

When I returned from the fun and adventure last year, I wrote a reflection on my blog, with my heart on my sleeve:

When I reflect on the Visitation, it makes perfect sense to me that Mary would drop everything and go to Elizabeth. Aside from the fact that Elizabeth was probably having a more difficult time with her pregnancy because of her age, there’s just something about BEING THERE, in real life, with someone else.

I’ve heard people argue that all this New Media stuff is a distraction from real life, but, for me, it has opened the door to many graces and blessings.

It’s common to be advised, as a writer, that you should go to a conference. You’ll hear that it’s beneficial to help you learn the trade and to meet the people.

Yeah, that’s true. But here’s my take, continued from last year:

Just as Mary rushed off to help Elizabeth, I feel like these events that bring us all together in real life offer an opportunity: to serve, to hug, to smile, to enjoy each other in the very best ways.  I think Elizabeth must have been very blessed by Mary’s presence and generosity, and that’s just how I feel after a week around amazing people.

Why should you come to the Live Conference in Texas?

So we can SEE you and TOUCH you and BE WITH you.

The rest is important too, yes. Let’s not forget, though, that we are a people of senses. We are not operating alone. The Body is not all feet, all eyes, all mouth. It’s a combination.

I hope I see you there!

image source: MorgueFile

Your Chance to Ask Questions

Do you ever have a day where you just come up blank?

Today, I was immersed in the joy of using a brand-spankin-new software system for my parish’s ministry scheduling. We’re not a very big parish, but wow, is ministry scheduling the bane of my work there!

I was excited and dreading it in equal amounts.

After about four hours of work and finagling, I was all happy and proud of myself for the work I’d done.

I walked away from my laptop and went to surprise my seven-year-old by picking her up from school.

In the hour (or less) while I was away from my computer, the work I did…vanished. Gone. Even support, in all their wisdom, couldn’t put it back together again.

So here I am, after another hour (or two) of work (thank goodness for a dinner miracle), with the work finally done that wasn’t supposed to take even close to that long.

I have a blank page (or screen) in front of me, and no idea of what to put on it in the five minutes I have left in my working day. All the topics I have slated to cover here take more brainpower than I have left.

I thus declare it open forum on the topic of blogging.

Go ahead, ask away in the comments.

I can’t promise an immediate answer, but I will answer. And maybe you’ll inspire a future post.

Shameless plug: if you haven’t already registered for the Catholic Online Writers Conference, you’re missing your chance to have my full attention! I’m teaching not one, but TWO, forums this year and doing at least that many chats. I’m not an expert, not by a far shot, but I’ll share what I know and point you in the direction to get started. (If you’re an expert, get on over there

Catholic Writers’ Conference Online

(Feel Free to Repost/Distribute elsewhere)
CONTACT: Karina Fabian
E-mail: karina@fabianspace.com

For Immediate Release

Registration for Free Catholic Writers Conference Online Opens

World Wide Web—The Catholic Writers’ Guild will again hold its online conference March 17-30, 2011. The conference will feature presentations on writing and marketing as well as pitch sessions with publishers.

The conference is held via chats and forums at http:// www.catholicwritersconference.com. Sponsored by the Catholic Writer’s Guild, the online conference is free of charge and open to writers of all levels who register before March 1, 2011. The conference serves both fiction and non-fiction authors and covers aspects of the Catholic faith in writing as well.

“The conference is a wonderful opportunity for writers,” said organizer Karina Fabian. “In addition to presentations and workshops covering everything from worldbuilding to article ideas to marketing your published work, we have critique sessions and pitch sessions with Catholic and secular publishers.”

This year, the conference is taking a different tactic: March 17-24 will feature forum workshops, while live chats will be offered March 23-30. Fabian said that this was by request of attendees, who felt overwhelmed by the number of topics offered and wanted more time to appreciate both venues of learning.

Although the conference is offered free of charge, donations are accepted; proceeds will go toward future conferences. Non-Catholics may attend, as long as they respect Catholic beliefs and the conference’s Catholic focus.

To register or for more information, go to http://www.catholicwritersconference.com.

# # #
Graphics, interviews and further information available upon request.


I have a whole collection of pictures of the baby with a whole collection of cool Catholics who were at the Catholic Writers Conference Live and Catholic Marketing Network trade show last week.


But my Official Photographer has misplaced her iPod Touch, which has all the great pictures on it. She’s 13 and was such a help to me during my trip that I can’t hold it against her. In fact, I’m petitioning St. Anthony about it.

In lieu of that, I’m going to point you to the post I put up over at my place, which features some Guildies you’ll recognize (and who my little guy simply loved). When I get access to the pictures on my niece’s iPod, I’ll interrupt things here and share them. 🙂

You’ll find more of Sarah Reinhard at her blog, SnoringScholar.com. You can also connect with Sarah on Twitter and Facebook.

My Trip Hangover

I know, you’re wondering how I justify jumping in here when the Catholic Writers Conference Live is over.

I’ll tell you how: I’m in denial. AND I found that I didn’t have NEARLY the time I thought I would (I’m delusional) to live blog and share.

There is laundry reaching to my ceiling and kids hanging off of me. Here I sit, chuckling to think about how many different people held my baby (and I will share pictures, once I get them from my niece’s iPod during the week). My niece, for her part, has been talking non-stop about the experience she had.

And so am I. It’s hard not to break out in a squee here and there just thinking of the amazing time I had.

Next week, I’ll be sharing a host of links from the folks who participated in the blogging panel and also inviting your ideas for ways we can cross-promote each other, encourage each other, and, in general, speak in pirate voices at loud volume with much laughter.

(Forgive me, Boss of the Guild Blog, for I shall abuse my access.)

While you’re waiting to hear more from me, be sure to check out Guild member (and all around awesome woman) Lisa Hendey‘s picture collection on YouTube (embedded below):

Be sure to check SnoringScholar.com for more of Sarah Reinhard’s antics, tales of rural adventure, and writing updates, including more about her newest release, Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent & Christmas Reflections for Families. You can also connect with Sarah on Twitter and Facebook.

Pirate Voices and Squees on the Show Floor

There was a lot of squee-ing from me today.

There was the interview with John Michael Talbot:

Some of us have priorities other than socializing:

I worked with a few amazing newbie bloggers and quite a few different people on the trade show floor.

I had tears in my eyes when Margaret Rose Realy read from A Garden of Visible Prayer and tears–for a different reason–when Angela Breidenbach broke out in a pirate voice as part of her reading of Gems of Wisdom. Karina Fabian was at that reading too, and I heard one of my favorite parts of Why God Matters.

And then there was dinner:

From this group of smiles came the phrase “riding gunshot” and some unnamed young person spiked the baby’s hair. Maybe I have a prize for the person who can correctly identify the most people in this picture…and maybe the prize is a box of Cheerios… 🙂

The first Catholic Arts & Letters Awards will be awarded in the morning at the Catholic Marketing Network breakfast, which is early-early-EARLY.

Signing off from Valley Forge…

You can follow the play-by-play of Sarah Reinhard‘s Catholic Writers Conference Live experience on Twitter and Facebook.

The Fun Before the Fun

I meant to do a post sooner, but who knew the fun would start before the actual fun? The conference doesn’t technically start until tomorrow, but here we are, tucked into bed and tired from all the fun.

Today’s hug count:
– John Desjarlais
– Regina Doman
– Pat Gohn
– Lisa Hendey
– Ellen Hrkach
– Lisa Mladinich and her delightful daughter
– Jerry Webster
(Apologies if I forgot anyone, and I’m sure I did!)

Tomorrow, I’ll be doing some on-the-floor interviewing and some goggling at ALL! THE! STUFF! on the trade show floor. I’m cooking up a way to involve the two young ladies in my room, too, because wow! They have some great insight and some excitement that I just love! (And we could all use some more excitement, don’t you think?)

What a blessing this opportunity to meet in real life is, truly. As we close our day with a rosary in our room (isn’t that lovely? It was Lisa’s idea), I’m going to thank God for the gift of these flesh-and-blood people, the ones who are here and the ones who are at home.

You can also follow the play-by-play of Sarah Reinhard‘s Catholic Writers Conference Live experience on Twitter and Facebook.

En Route…Trip Notes

We still have a day or so before the actual Catholic Writers Conference Live begins, but I’m en route, and since I’m live blogging, the experience has begun for me!

Yay for that!

Today, for the first time ever, I met CWG President, awesome novelist, and all-around amazing lady Ann Lewis. I also met Margaret Rose Realy, who is just as delightful as you’d expect (and, in fact, even more so).

In fact, we’re all caravaning together; they’re in a room across the hall from me tonight.


The day began, for me, around 5:30 AM when the man-cub woke up. He never really went back to sleep, though I sure tried. The adventure known as Getting to the Conference began at a Panera Bread on the other side of Columbus, Ohio, where we met up with Ann and Margaret.

We survived the roads (which is sayin’ something…you won’t find me complaining about Michigan drivers anymore after my experience with Pennsylvania drivers) and the food (which has been excellent so far) and even an influx of coffee (Margaret denied an after-dinner java, citing something about a need for sleep).

We may or may not stay up all night talking in the hallway while the baby (and niece?) sleep, trading tales about all things writing and reading and depleting the hotel’s supply of complimentary Andes mints.

This may or may not be the trip in which I become one of those people with a named GPS in my van. (Hey, if the voices in my head have names, why not my GPS? Because I haven’t been inspired by a good one yet!)

Tomorrow, we arrive in Valley Forge. My hotel room is sure to be the start of the fun: we’re sharing it with the incomparable Lisa Mladinich and her daughter. On my list of people I have to hug in person are Lisa Hendey, Pat Gohn, and Karina Fabian. (I’ve forgotten at least five.)

There will be publishers and fellow writers, lots of learning and even more networking. My brain will go into hyperdrive and I’m sure to laugh a lot.

It’s the Night Before, and I’m excited!

(I was going to post a picture, but…well, let’s just say that if this post was going to go live before the end of the week, we had to do it WITHOUT a picture. I WILL post pictures later in the week, and maybe even as soon as tomorrow, though.)

Sarah Reinhard is a Catholic wife, mom, blogger, reader, and farm girl who blogs at SnoringScholar.com. She is the author of Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent & Christmas Reflections for Families. Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.

Live Blogging and Coaching and Interviewing, OH MY!

My brain is spinning. In less than one week, I hit the road, baby (and possibly niece) in tow to attend the Catholic Writers Conference Live.

I’ve never been to a writers conference like this (though I have participated in online conferences). In fact, the last time I was at a conference at this level was probably more than 20 years ago, when I was in FFA.

Not only am I attending this conference, but I find that I will also be coaching a few people about blogging and also conducting some interviews (a few of which have me jumping! up! and! down!).

But I can’t think of all of that right now. Right now, the laundry, meal planning, and details of those who are staying behind has my brain whizzing and my heart racing.

Then there’s the matter of my blog. I’ll be spending the week here, live blogging. You can bet I’ll be live tweeting, too, so check me out on Twitter (I’m @peerybingle) during the week! And I couldn’t leave my Facebook page without a plug or two, so there will probably be pictures and such there.

With all that, I think my blog will have some scheduled stuff running, while all the live action–the real life side of things–takes precedence in other places.

Sometimes, that’s the role my blog plays. Instead of capturing the moment in my life, it covers me while I go away for a while. Sometimes, I’ll call myself “out of blogfice” and not post anything. Other times, I just won’t post (that’s what happened in the early part of this week, in fact). And still other times, like next week, I schedule things ahead of time, including guest posts and reviews.

Will you be at the live conference this year? Be sure to stop by and say hi!

Sarah Reinhard is a Catholic wife, mom, blogger, reader, and farm girl who blogs at SnoringScholar.com. She is the author of Welcome Baby Jesus: Advent & Christmas Reflections for Families. Connect with her on Twitter and Facebook.