Tag Archive for: Catholic Writers Retreat Your Word is My Delight

From the President’s Desk – Inspiration and the Catholic Writer

Image by Ellen Gable Hrkach 2015

Image by Ellen Gable Hrkach 2015

Where do you find inspiration? As a writer, I find inspiration in places you might expect and those you might not. Not surprisingly, I find inspiration in Scripture and in the lives of the saints. Reading the Bible and the lives of the saints often inspires me to include a chapter or whole storyline about that citation or saint in my novels.

I also find inspiration in simple things. Years ago, I watched a tiny hummingbird hover near our kitchen window, his little wings flapping so quickly that I could barely see them. I was mesmerized by this little creature’s simple beauty, and it inspired me to write an entire storyline involving a hummingbird in my novel, A Subtle Grace.

Last week, I was frantically trying to finish several writing deadlines, focusing on the monitor in front of me. My office happens to be in a corner of our bedroom, near the window to our backyard. It was about 7:00 a.m. and my boys had just gotten on the school bus. We live in the country, thick forests on both sides of our house and a large field behind our yard. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I could see movement beyond the window. Looking up, I was surprised to see a beautiful young deer grazing on the grass just beyond the window. I calmly stood up and went to get my iPad to take a photo. I took a few photos, but I watched her and marveled at her beauty. All of a sudden, she stopped munching and looked up in my direction. I stared at her as she stared at me. For the next half-hour, I watched her graze and move about our yard with no fear. I had a bazillion deadlines to meet, but I decided that it was more important to marvel in the beauty of God’s creation than to sit at a computer and work on my deadlines. And, you guessed it, it has sparked inspiration for a scene in one of my works in progress.

Where do you find inspiration? Please feel free to comment below.

Upcoming Events:
Catholic Writers Conference Live July 22-24, 2015, Somerset, New Jersey, to be held in conjunction with the Catholic Marketing Network Trade Show. Great speakers, wonderful fellowship and Mass, adoration and confession every day. Register here at this link: Catholic Writers Conference Registration 2015

CatholicWritersRetreatLogo2011iiiiThe Catholic Writers Retreat is taking place in late October. Your Word is My Delight takes place October 25-29, 2015 at the St. Francis Retreat Center, 703 E. Main Street, DeWitt, Michigan 48820. Register online here at this link or call 866-669-8321. $490 for five days.

Image copyright Ellen Hrkach

Image copyright Ellen Hrkach

One last thing: today is my husband, James, and my wedding anniversary, 33 years married (we’ve known each other for 37 years). When I came to Canada in 1978, I never expected to meet the man I would end up marrying. I never thought I would be living in Canada and enjoying these seven-month long winters! Through 33 years, James has held my hand and cried with joy during the births of our five sons, grieved with me during the loss of seven babies through miscarriage, laughed with me in good times, fought with me in bad, and has been a faithful witness of God’s love to me. Happy Anniversary, James!

As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me: president (at) catholicwritersguild (dot) (com)

In Jesus and Mary,

Ellen Gable Hrkach
President, Catholic Writers Guild